Browsing 'Graphics': Posts from Game Design and Graphics

Tackle the giant, Again. Time for animation!
This week was mainly dedicated to finishing up on last week’s assets and touching up some older ones to make everything more coherent although most of my time was dedicated to cleaning up the main character and animating him again.
Before going into detail about this week’s main task, I have found the time this week to finally get rid of a thorn in my eye. Wrath of the seven deadly sins, represented by a bear, has happily been moved to […]

Tackle the giant, Again. Time for animation!
This week was mainly dedicated to finishing up on last week’s assets and touching up some older ones to make everything more coherent although most of my time was dedicated to cleaning up the main character and animating him again.
Before going into detail about this week’s main task, I have found the time this week to finally get rid of a thorn in my eye. Wrath of the seven deadly sins, represented by a bear, has happily been moved to […]

The Rolling Background.
So, things are starting to slowly come together with the BETA production hitting full steam with assets being implemented left, right and centre. The current pipeline mainly consists of polishing up sprites and taking on board any feedback received through play testing sessions to form a finalised product. With the team’s work coming together we’re starting to have a complete piece that’s taking shape.
One of the main production pieces that us ‘Amarok’ artists have been working on this week has […]

The Rolling Background.
So, things are starting to slowly come together with the BETA production hitting full steam with assets being implemented left, right and centre. The current pipeline mainly consists of polishing up sprites and taking on board any feedback received through play testing sessions to form a finalised product. With the team’s work coming together we’re starting to have a complete piece that’s taking shape.
One of the main production pieces that us ‘Amarok’ artists have been working on this week has […]

Animated Moth
This post I’m going to write more about animation. Besides the flower that I have written about earlier I have now also created animations for our protagonist, the moth, so that it can both fly and die in a nice way, and for the children of the moth so they also can fly.
True to my habits I started even this work by making sketches with pen and paper to get the feel for how I wanted it to […]

Animated Moth
This post I’m going to write more about animation. Besides the flower that I have written about earlier I have now also created animations for our protagonist, the moth, so that it can both fly and die in a nice way, and for the children of the moth so they also can fly.
True to my habits I started even this work by making sketches with pen and paper to get the feel for how I wanted it to […]

Burgers, fries & apples
During monday’s playtesting session, our game received a lot of feedback from all the playtesters which the team appreciates very much. One thing that confused some of the players was the first placeholder for the food. They did not know if it was something good or bad to swim into them because it could also have been some sort of projectile from one of the enemies. My main priority this week was to create new assets for the food drop, […]

Burgers, fries & apples
During monday’s playtesting session, our game received a lot of feedback from all the playtesters which the team appreciates very much. One thing that confused some of the players was the first placeholder for the food. They did not know if it was something good or bad to swim into them because it could also have been some sort of projectile from one of the enemies. My main priority this week was to create new assets for the food drop, […]

Week 4 -Redrawing enemies
For this week I’ve been asked to change our enemy fish in our game.
The first enemy (above) was made by a guy named Axel in our group. This enemy does not do much it just swims straight forward and if it hits you your character dies. But, we got some feedback that it looked too friendly and you felt bad for killing it. Axel was asked to draw something else this week so I was tasked with making the enemy look […]

Week 4 -Redrawing enemies
For this week I’ve been asked to change our enemy fish in our game.
The first enemy (above) was made by a guy named Axel in our group. This enemy does not do much it just swims straight forward and if it hits you your character dies. But, we got some feedback that it looked too friendly and you felt bad for killing it. Axel was asked to draw something else this week so I was tasked with making the enemy look […]

Week 4 – Adding what is missing
Week 4 is coming to an end and like previous weeks this has been a fast one.
With the Beta deadline coming up in a matter of days team Kraken is now refining what has been done and adding some assets to the current placeholders. For me as the Lead Artist this week has consisted of two things; creating a visual indication of when the dash for the moth is available, and also creating a light bulb with light to fit […]

Week 4 – Adding what is missing
Week 4 is coming to an end and like previous weeks this has been a fast one.
With the Beta deadline coming up in a matter of days team Kraken is now refining what has been done and adding some assets to the current placeholders. For me as the Lead Artist this week has consisted of two things; creating a visual indication of when the dash for the moth is available, and also creating a light bulb with light to fit […]

Background Art
This is an artefact I made from last week. I designed and drew several background borders for the game that would convey the setting to the player. The main locations for our game would be the village and, later on, the forest.
To start it off, I had a discussion with my team regarding the perspective. Our game is in a top-down perspective, but drawing trees and houses from that angle is difficult. For example, when I attempted to draw a tree […]

Background Art
This is an artefact I made from last week. I designed and drew several background borders for the game that would convey the setting to the player. The main locations for our game would be the village and, later on, the forest.
To start it off, I had a discussion with my team regarding the perspective. Our game is in a top-down perspective, but drawing trees and houses from that angle is difficult. For example, when I attempted to draw a tree […]

A blog: Part 4 – Covenant of the Blog
This is the enemy melee soldier that i talked about in my last blog, and his completed animations.
This week has been a veritable rollercoaster of good and bad, which is mostly down to the latest unity update. Our project was nearly destroyed when that update was rolled out, as it seemed to corrupt most of our files in very odd ways.
A normal file looks like this in notepad:
… and this is what it looked like after the unity update:
Yeah, you […]

A blog: Part 4 – Covenant of the Blog
This is the enemy melee soldier that i talked about in my last blog, and his completed animations.
This week has been a veritable rollercoaster of good and bad, which is mostly down to the latest unity update. Our project was nearly destroyed when that update was rolled out, as it seemed to corrupt most of our files in very odd ways.
A normal file looks like this in notepad:
… and this is what it looked like after the unity update:
Yeah, you […]

#Artwar Character Contest: Briannon | Final
This morning was the deadline for the #Artwar character contest which I am participating in. Was going to post my final entry last night, but then their forum went down. :SNow it is posted and the deadline passed, so I just wanted to share the final result (although it is getting ahead of retopology and texturing parts.
This is the very first art contest that I am participating in and it was definitely a challenge. I am not […]

#Artwar Character Contest: Briannon | Final
This morning was the deadline for the #Artwar character contest which I am participating in. Was going to post my final entry last night, but then their forum went down. :SNow it is posted and the deadline passed, so I just wanted to share the final result (although it is getting ahead of retopology and texturing parts.
This is the very first art contest that I am participating in and it was definitely a challenge. I am not […]

Leafy green veg for your fish tank
With the first plant finished, I started to create a second plant as concept art. This time I wanted a plant that was more concentrated with multiple stems as large leaves. I found something that I could start with and began to create the shape. This type of plant has a central base or rock and has multiple large leaves that come up from the center.
The general outline gives this appearance and was a simple way to put together some […]

Leafy green veg for your fish tank
With the first plant finished, I started to create a second plant as concept art. This time I wanted a plant that was more concentrated with multiple stems as large leaves. I found something that I could start with and began to create the shape. This type of plant has a central base or rock and has multiple large leaves that come up from the center.
The general outline gives this appearance and was a simple way to put together some […]

Blog 4: Modular branches
In the previous blog entries I have talked about character animations and sprites for different background elements. In this fourth blog entry I will be talking about something a bit more critical for our game Echo.
This weeks feature is branches. Since our setting for the game takes place in a tree, a very important aspect to consider was creating a path for the player. Our team decided that this was to be done using branches. We were to draw some […]

Blog 4: Modular branches
In the previous blog entries I have talked about character animations and sprites for different background elements. In this fourth blog entry I will be talking about something a bit more critical for our game Echo.
This weeks feature is branches. Since our setting for the game takes place in a tree, a very important aspect to consider was creating a path for the player. Our team decided that this was to be done using branches. We were to draw some […]

Story scenes
For this week, I have kept on creating scenes for ”Betulla’’ (me and my group will come up with a better name for the game shortly, no worries). The scenes are supposed to be in the beginning of the game as an introduction together with text and a panoramic animation as a narrative to further spice up the gameplay. What we have thought out to happen in those scenes is shown below on a few sketches made by our game designer:
My […]

Story scenes
For this week, I have kept on creating scenes for ”Betulla’’ (me and my group will come up with a better name for the game shortly, no worries). The scenes are supposed to be in the beginning of the game as an introduction together with text and a panoramic animation as a narrative to further spice up the gameplay. What we have thought out to happen in those scenes is shown below on a few sketches made by our game designer:
My […]