Browsing 'Graphics': Posts from Game Design and Graphics

Week six of Eyes Align: The final post
In this post I will shortly discuss the thumbnail for eyes align, as well as the title page.
As the subheader not so subtly alludes to the ideas were plentiful and nothing was decided. I made three basic concepts for the title page which were then intended to be adjusted to siut the preferance of the group.
Number […]

Week six of Eyes Align: The final post
In this post I will shortly discuss the thumbnail for eyes align, as well as the title page.
As the subheader not so subtly alludes to the ideas were plentiful and nothing was decided. I made three basic concepts for the title page which were then intended to be adjusted to siut the preferance of the group.
Number […]

Week five of Eyes Align: Git gud
At this point, which was in fact not at all week five, I was actually starting to create some pretty decent backgrounds. I was more or less figuring out the lighting, texturing, composing.
I was using the texture brushes sparingly and in a far less obtrusive way. The spaces also seemed far less empty and soulless. I like these three paintings. I’m still no Da Vinci but in my own opinion the difference between these four and my earliest drawings is […]

Week five of Eyes Align: Git gud
At this point, which was in fact not at all week five, I was actually starting to create some pretty decent backgrounds. I was more or less figuring out the lighting, texturing, composing.
I was using the texture brushes sparingly and in a far less obtrusive way. The spaces also seemed far less empty and soulless. I like these three paintings. I’m still no Da Vinci but in my own opinion the difference between these four and my earliest drawings is […]

Week four on Eyes Align: Logos OR eyeballs eyeballs eyeballs everywhere!
We were reminded that our game was in need of a logo and I, at this point fairly tired of drawing backgrounds and starting to worry about my mental state, volunteered to design it. We already had the title: Eyes Align and so I thought it only made sense to have a logo with an eye in it. I started out with a fairly unimaginative stylized eye:
then I made it a bit snazzier:
That didn’t really work as a logo though and we […]

Week four on Eyes Align: Logos OR eyeballs eyeballs eyeballs everywhere!
We were reminded that our game was in need of a logo and I, at this point fairly tired of drawing backgrounds and starting to worry about my mental state, volunteered to design it. We already had the title: Eyes Align and so I thought it only made sense to have a logo with an eye in it. I started out with a fairly unimaginative stylized eye:
then I made it a bit snazzier:
That didn’t really work as a logo though and we […]

Week three of Eyes Align: Not sure if actually week three, but I’m in too deep with the matching titles
Some of the backgrounds I created in the early stages are nowhere near as good as some of the latter ones. One of the less good backgrounds I made is this one:
It’s lacking in texture, depth and personality, but in my defense I was doing my best to learn and just figuring out the angles and layout was hell on its own. All pictures were made in pretty much the same way: digital painting in Krita, occasional use of texture […]

Week three of Eyes Align: Not sure if actually week three, but I’m in too deep with the matching titles
Some of the backgrounds I created in the early stages are nowhere near as good as some of the latter ones. One of the less good backgrounds I made is this one:
It’s lacking in texture, depth and personality, but in my defense I was doing my best to learn and just figuring out the angles and layout was hell on its own. All pictures were made in pretty much the same way: digital painting in Krita, occasional use of texture […]

Week two of Eyes Align: Jumping into the deep end without floaties
Joining the team was the easy part, now I had to actually produce backgrounds of the quality they expected ( and I expected of myself) quickly. About three backgrounds per week. The first thing I drew was the city street outside Celia Grey’s apartment.
As can be seen, I relied fairly heavily on texture brushes in the beginning, such as the brickwork and some of the metal details. Other than that it was fairly basic: I googled pictures of how a […]

Week two of Eyes Align: Jumping into the deep end without floaties
Joining the team was the easy part, now I had to actually produce backgrounds of the quality they expected ( and I expected of myself) quickly. About three backgrounds per week. The first thing I drew was the city street outside Celia Grey’s apartment.
As can be seen, I relied fairly heavily on texture brushes in the beginning, such as the brickwork and some of the metal details. Other than that it was fairly basic: I googled pictures of how a […]

week one of Eyes Align: Figuring out the look
Before I even officially joined a.r.c.o. I drew up some sketches and some cleaner pictures to figure out a middleground for the rest of the team and myself in regards to what kind of art I would be doing. At this point I am unaccostomed to drawing/ painting backgrounds as well as sci-fi, so it was a bit tricky. After a few days I sent them this picture as an example:
They liked the look for the most part but the […]

week one of Eyes Align: Figuring out the look
Before I even officially joined a.r.c.o. I drew up some sketches and some cleaner pictures to figure out a middleground for the rest of the team and myself in regards to what kind of art I would be doing. At this point I am unaccostomed to drawing/ painting backgrounds as well as sci-fi, so it was a bit tricky. After a few days I sent them this picture as an example:
They liked the look for the most part but the […]

Big Game Project Post 6
Here it is, the final post for this course. This will mainly be about how GGC went, and thoughts about the project in retrospect.
So GGC also knows as Gotland Game Conferance might be one of the best things i’ve been through, and is definitely the best part of the education.
It’s a conferance where all the students show off their projects, 1st year students, 2nd year students and even some 3rd year students. The quality may vary, but everyone has tried their […]

Big Game Project Post 6
Here it is, the final post for this course. This will mainly be about how GGC went, and thoughts about the project in retrospect.
So GGC also knows as Gotland Game Conferance might be one of the best things i’ve been through, and is definitely the best part of the education.
It’s a conferance where all the students show off their projects, 1st year students, 2nd year students and even some 3rd year students. The quality may vary, but everyone has tried their […]

Post processing
Hello! In this short post I would like to talk a bit about post-processing and the difference it makes. So to start of I would like to say a few words about what the vision was for how the game would look.
The vision we hade for the looks of the games where a dark and gloomy styilized realism that would play out in these old bunkers. The theme was very representetive of the aesthetic of distrust, and betreyal. o aiming […]

Post processing
Hello! In this short post I would like to talk a bit about post-processing and the difference it makes. So to start of I would like to say a few words about what the vision was for how the game would look.
The vision we hade for the looks of the games where a dark and gloomy styilized realism that would play out in these old bunkers. The theme was very representetive of the aesthetic of distrust, and betreyal. o aiming […]

The difference between a prop and the same prop
Hi! In this post I will talk about making prop prefabs in the engine in order to make the same mesh different. This is to make a single prop look different in the game. To start of what you need is a prop that is more than one mesh, is in seperate pieces. It can be a lot of things as long as the principle is the same, a lamp and its lamp-shade, bed and a matress, or a closet […]

The difference between a prop and the same prop
Hi! In this post I will talk about making prop prefabs in the engine in order to make the same mesh different. This is to make a single prop look different in the game. To start of what you need is a prop that is more than one mesh, is in seperate pieces. It can be a lot of things as long as the principle is the same, a lamp and its lamp-shade, bed and a matress, or a closet […]

Week 6-9 Trailer, UI and Tutorial Design
As this is my last blog entry i wanted to summarize the last weeks of the process of Goblin Doctors.
A trailer video was needed for Gotland Game Conference, as all previous videos and pictures that I made for Goblin Doctors Facebook page had a great deal of work put into them I could not afford an exception. This time I worked together with the teams animation artist Måns Möller. He made the animations and noted camera angles while i created […]

Week 6-9 Trailer, UI and Tutorial Design
As this is my last blog entry i wanted to summarize the last weeks of the process of Goblin Doctors.
A trailer video was needed for Gotland Game Conference, as all previous videos and pictures that I made for Goblin Doctors Facebook page had a great deal of work put into them I could not afford an exception. This time I worked together with the teams animation artist Måns Möller. He made the animations and noted camera angles while i created […]

Characters and animations – Part 2, MakeHuman and Motionbuilder
Time to continue where we left off! We have the animations, now we just need some characters to put them on.
With the time we had for this project, and the amount of characters we wanted to have in the game it seemed unrealistic to try and make the characters ourselves. Fortunately, there is a great free software we could use to ease this process for us; MakeHuman.
With this software one could design a character to ones liking (including adding some […]

Characters and animations – Part 2, MakeHuman and Motionbuilder
Time to continue where we left off! We have the animations, now we just need some characters to put them on.
With the time we had for this project, and the amount of characters we wanted to have in the game it seemed unrealistic to try and make the characters ourselves. Fortunately, there is a great free software we could use to ease this process for us; MakeHuman.
With this software one could design a character to ones liking (including adding some […]

Characters and animations – Part 1, Motion capture
I have been wanting to write about this subject for a while, but had not gathered my thoughts around it enough until now since there is so many things I can say about it. I finally decided to split it into two parts, starting with motion capture.
In order to make our feel more alive we needed a lot of characters in our game. The characters we needed were split into three categories; Survivors, Rescue Workers and Civilians. The survivors are the […]

Characters and animations – Part 1, Motion capture
I have been wanting to write about this subject for a while, but had not gathered my thoughts around it enough until now since there is so many things I can say about it. I finally decided to split it into two parts, starting with motion capture.
In order to make our feel more alive we needed a lot of characters in our game. The characters we needed were split into three categories; Survivors, Rescue Workers and Civilians. The survivors are the […]