Author Archives: Tove Redaelli

As last week came to its end I finished up the scenes that we were going to have as a narrative in the beginning of the game. In my previous post there is a more thorough description of what is going on in the scenes and how I created them. Here is the end result:
(When adding these scenes into the game we will also add a narrative text and possibly some atmospheric music.)
The focus for me this week has been to create animations […]

As last week came to its end I finished up the scenes that we were going to have as a narrative in the beginning of the game. In my previous post there is a more thorough description of what is going on in the scenes and how I created them. Here is the end result:
(When adding these scenes into the game we will also add a narrative text and possibly some atmospheric music.)
The focus for me this week has been to create animations […]

Story scenes
For this week, I have kept on creating scenes for ”Betulla’’ (me and my group will come up with a better name for the game shortly, no worries). The scenes are supposed to be in the beginning of the game as an introduction together with text and a panoramic animation as a narrative to further spice up the gameplay. What we have thought out to happen in those scenes is shown below on a few sketches made by our game designer:
My […]

Story scenes
For this week, I have kept on creating scenes for ”Betulla’’ (me and my group will come up with a better name for the game shortly, no worries). The scenes are supposed to be in the beginning of the game as an introduction together with text and a panoramic animation as a narrative to further spice up the gameplay. What we have thought out to happen in those scenes is shown below on a few sketches made by our game designer:
My […]

Assets & Scenes
During this week, I have been continuing with creating the graphics for my group’s game that we now call ‘’Betulla’’.
First of all, I want to say that I feel like this week has been way less productive to me, compared to all of the other previous weeks since I so far have been sick and have not spent much time at all with my group.
After finishing the background last week, I am now working on some smaller projects, like creating […]

Assets & Scenes
During this week, I have been continuing with creating the graphics for my group’s game that we now call ‘’Betulla’’.
First of all, I want to say that I feel like this week has been way less productive to me, compared to all of the other previous weeks since I so far have been sick and have not spent much time at all with my group.
After finishing the background last week, I am now working on some smaller projects, like creating […]

Background in the making
For the two last weeks, I have been creating the background for a game called ”Crown of Creation” that I have been developing together with my group.
The background that I was to make is supposed to be set where the player operates in the game, which is the inside of a crystal tree. What I needed to convey for the inside background art was a stone-material on the edges that would resemble the bark, and crystal material on the inside, kind of […]

Background in the making
For the two last weeks, I have been creating the background for a game called ”Crown of Creation” that I have been developing together with my group.
The background that I was to make is supposed to be set where the player operates in the game, which is the inside of a crystal tree. What I needed to convey for the inside background art was a stone-material on the edges that would resemble the bark, and crystal material on the inside, kind of […]

Crown Of Creation
Tove Redaelli – Hippocampus – 5SD037
The Main Character for Crown of Creation
For the last two weeks, I have been developing concept art for a game called: Crown of Creation together with my group. This game is meant to be set in a fantasy environment covered with gigantic crystal birches. The creatures living in it including the main character are parasitic insectoids.
As a graphical artist for this project, my first task was to come up with the concept art for […]

Crown Of Creation
Tove Redaelli – Hippocampus – 5SD037
The Main Character for Crown of Creation
For the last two weeks, I have been developing concept art for a game called: Crown of Creation together with my group. This game is meant to be set in a fantasy environment covered with gigantic crystal birches. The creatures living in it including the main character are parasitic insectoids.
As a graphical artist for this project, my first task was to come up with the concept art for […]