Author Archives: Tobias Holm

About Tobias Holm

2016 Programming

The justification for removing the infernal split screen.

In this blog i will talk about why we decided to remove the split screen aspect from our game. As i’ve said in other blogs; the game concept we chose for our shooter was “Bullet_Hack” which had the main theme of split screen.

In the beginning we tried to keep as close to the concept as we could, but after failing at maknig the split screen as it was described in the document we moved away from the idea and tried […]

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Program: Programming

The justification for removing the infernal split screen.

In this blog i will talk about why we decided to remove the split screen aspect from our game. As i’ve said in other blogs; the game concept we chose for our shooter was “Bullet_Hack” which had the main theme of split screen.

In the beginning we tried to keep as close to the concept as we could, but after failing at maknig the split screen as it was described in the document we moved away from the idea and tried […]

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Program: Programming

The curious case of teleportation.

this week I worked on how the player would be transported through the first we just wanted to delete the door so the player could walk freely between the rooms. This showed itself to be quite bothersome.
To explain how our game works. We’re designing a game called “Bullet_hack” wich is about a spy trying to infiltrate a compan to get information about them. You play as the spy and try to hack doors to get to the main server.You […]

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Program: Programming

The curious case of teleportation.

this week I worked on how the player would be transported through the first we just wanted to delete the door so the player could walk freely between the rooms. This showed itself to be quite bothersome.
To explain how our game works. We’re designing a game called “Bullet_hack” wich is about a spy trying to infiltrate a compan to get information about them. You play as the spy and try to hack doors to get to the main server.You […]

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Program: Programming

Options menu and the troubles following it.

In my last blogpost I talked, briefly, about how i was making the main menu. Since then i’ve put my focus on doing an options menu with proper settings like, resolutions and volume control.In the beginning i checked out tutorials for how to make option menus and how to implement different options for the entire game and not just one scene.

I started in a simple manner with implementing the fullscreen wich was suprisingly simple. […]

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Program: Programming

Options menu and the troubles following it.

In my last blogpost I talked, briefly, about how i was making the main menu. Since then i’ve put my focus on doing an options menu with proper settings like, resolutions and volume control.In the beginning i checked out tutorials for how to make option menus and how to implement different options for the entire game and not just one scene.

I started in a simple manner with implementing the fullscreen wich was suprisingly simple. […]

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Program: Programming

Simple main menu and plans for the future.

This week have been fairly slow on the programming front. Since we’re close to the alpha deadline everything we’ve done is all the basic stuff that we need for the alpha to be able to focus on refinement and level design for the beta.
All I’ve done this week is creating a basic main menu and GUI. This only posed a problem due to my own inexperience with unity (a very common problem that makes repeate apperances during the entire developement […]

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Program: Programming

Simple main menu and plans for the future.

This week have been fairly slow on the programming front. Since we’re close to the alpha deadline everything we’ve done is all the basic stuff that we need for the alpha to be able to focus on refinement and level design for the beta.
All I’ve done this week is creating a basic main menu and GUI. This only posed a problem due to my own inexperience with unity (a very common problem that makes repeate apperances during the entire developement […]

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Program: Programming

5SD06 First post. Talking about the camera issues.

I’m Tobias Holm and I’m the lead programmer in the group “Fenrir”.In this post i will discuss the problems I had with the camera system in our game.
Our game concept is “Bullet_Hack”. The main theme of the game is a split screen system where you play a pseudo stealth game on one screen and a space shooter, while you hack doors and other things, on the other.
This sounded fairly simple to create when we first started on the game, but […]

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Program: Programming

5SD06 First post. Talking about the camera issues.

I’m Tobias Holm and I’m the lead programmer in the group “Fenrir”.In this post i will discuss the problems I had with the camera system in our game.
Our game concept is “Bullet_Hack”. The main theme of the game is a split screen system where you play a pseudo stealth game on one screen and a space shooter, while you hack doors and other things, on the other.
This sounded fairly simple to create when we first started on the game, but […]

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Program: Programming