Author Archives: Thomas Härdin

About Thomas Härdin

2016 Game Design

5sd064 Turning the power-ups into pickup-able items

Hello again, Thomas Härdin here turning back to the power-ups of our game. As I’ve written about before I had to decide on the functionality of this games power-ups which turned out to be some fairly easily manageable enhancements to the players projectiles when playing in the hacking mode. We did get three of them, a rapid fire function that activates when 8 enemies are killed, a wider shot that you get through pressing a button, same as the wide […]

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Program: Game Design

5sd064 Turning the power-ups into pickup-able items

Hello again, Thomas Härdin here turning back to the power-ups of our game. As I’ve written about before I had to decide on the functionality of this games power-ups which turned out to be some fairly easily manageable enhancements to the players projectiles when playing in the hacking mode. We did get three of them, a rapid fire function that activates when 8 enemies are killed, a wider shot that you get through pressing a button, same as the wide […]

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Program: Game Design

5sd064 Designing Map Layout

Hello, Thomas Härdin, Lead Game Design of group Fenrir here.
Today i will be covering something that i have wanted to work on for some time but was unable to due to the status of the game earlier. Namely map layout.
So what do i mean by map layout? Well essentially it is the structure of everything you can move on and interact with in our game, mainly focused on the rooms that the main character spy is moving around in and […]

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Program: Game Design

5sd064 Designing Map Layout

Hello, Thomas Härdin, Lead Game Design of group Fenrir here.
Today i will be covering something that i have wanted to work on for some time but was unable to due to the status of the game earlier. Namely map layout.
So what do i mean by map layout? Well essentially it is the structure of everything you can move on and interact with in our game, mainly focused on the rooms that the main character spy is moving around in and […]

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Program: Game Design

5sd064 Thomas Härdin Designing Level Progression

I am back for another update. This time covering our take on level progression. 

Since our, Fenrir’s game contain multiple levels in form of hacking doorpads as a spy doing industrial espionage we pretty early in development realised that this means we may very well need to create multiple levels. The follow-up concern for me became the fact that we needed a system for progressing after finishing a level, the player of course would want to move to the next area […]

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Program: Game Design

5sd064 Thomas Härdin Designing Level Progression

I am back for another update. This time covering our take on level progression. 

Since our, Fenrir’s game contain multiple levels in form of hacking doorpads as a spy doing industrial espionage we pretty early in development realised that this means we may very well need to create multiple levels. The follow-up concern for me became the fact that we needed a system for progressing after finishing a level, the player of course would want to move to the next area […]

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Program: Game Design

5sd064 Thomas Härdin Designing Powerups

Thomas Härdin, lead design for Fenrir back again.
We are making progress with the game concept Bullet Hack. A lot of the core is finished, such as movement, shooting, win/lose conditions, etc. Today i will explain recent progress and future plans for powerups. Note that following is based in the mode that is the hacking gameplay.
Lets start at the first powerup. We had some early ideas as a group about different kinds of powerups, for example a multi shot projectile, sweeping […]

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Program: Game Design

5sd064 Thomas Härdin Designing Powerups

Thomas Härdin, lead design for Fenrir back again.
We are making progress with the game concept Bullet Hack. A lot of the core is finished, such as movement, shooting, win/lose conditions, etc. Today i will explain recent progress and future plans for powerups. Note that following is based in the mode that is the hacking gameplay.
Lets start at the first powerup. We had some early ideas as a group about different kinds of powerups, for example a multi shot projectile, sweeping […]

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Program: Game Design

5sd064 Thomas Härdin Designing Level Difficulty

I’m Thomas Härdin. I study game design with more design specifically and currently i’m working on a space shooter game project with my group called Fenrir
For the past days I’ve been working on different difficulties for our game, difficulty as in different kinds of levels. Starting off we made sure that we had a base game to play and after we had a player ship that could move and shoot we added enemies who […]

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Program: Game Design

5sd064 Thomas Härdin Designing Level Difficulty

I’m Thomas Härdin. I study game design with more design specifically and currently i’m working on a space shooter game project with my group called Fenrir
For the past days I’ve been working on different difficulties for our game, difficulty as in different kinds of levels. Starting off we made sure that we had a base game to play and after we had a player ship that could move and shoot we added enemies who […]

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Program: Game Design