Author Archives: Steven Kolankowski

Melee Attack
This is supposed to be the last blog post for this course but I will not stop writing posts since I still have some artifacts that I haven’t talked about.
In this post, I am going to talk about the melee attack for the player in our game and how it changed during the development of the game. For those who don’t know, the melee is basically a close-range attack between a player and an enemy that could be done using a knife, […]

Melee Attack
This is supposed to be the last blog post for this course but I will not stop writing posts since I still have some artifacts that I haven’t talked about.
In this post, I am going to talk about the melee attack for the player in our game and how it changed during the development of the game. For those who don’t know, the melee is basically a close-range attack between a player and an enemy that could be done using a knife, […]

Online Leaderboard!
The winning condition of the game that I am working on in my group is to achieve the highest score, staying alive as long as possible. For this reason, a highscore system was necessary in order to keep track of the highest score of each person that played our game.
During the group meetings, we discussed to have a tutorial in the beginning of the game. As usual, we gamers know that playing a tutorial is a little bit boring and […]

Online Leaderboard!
The winning condition of the game that I am working on in my group is to achieve the highest score, staying alive as long as possible. For this reason, a highscore system was necessary in order to keep track of the highest score of each person that played our game.
During the group meetings, we discussed to have a tutorial in the beginning of the game. As usual, we gamers know that playing a tutorial is a little bit boring and […]

Enemy Spawn Manager for Endless Game
Blog Post #3
The most important core in our game is definitely the enemy spawn manager. This system is very important because determines the game pace, the length and how much fun can generate. A lot of time is required when it comes to balance the game and is very important to have a flexible source where is possible to change settings quickly and easily. So that’s why this week I have been working on a script, able to facilitate the game designer […]

Enemy Spawn Manager for Endless Game
Blog Post #3
The most important core in our game is definitely the enemy spawn manager. This system is very important because determines the game pace, the length and how much fun can generate. A lot of time is required when it comes to balance the game and is very important to have a flexible source where is possible to change settings quickly and easily. So that’s why this week I have been working on a script, able to facilitate the game designer […]

Bubble Gun!
BlogPost #2
This week I have been working on the bubble gun that is a very important asset in our game. This bubble gun is represented as a pick-up that is spawn when an enemy dies. It is able to shoot poisoned bubbles to damage the enemies and follow the rotation of the mouse around the screen. Furthermore, it can shoot with a “cone” pattern in order to give more visual reality.
I actually started working on this bubble gun a week before. The goal […]

Bubble Gun!
BlogPost #2
This week I have been working on the bubble gun that is a very important asset in our game. This bubble gun is represented as a pick-up that is spawn when an enemy dies. It is able to shoot poisoned bubbles to damage the enemies and follow the rotation of the mouse around the screen. Furthermore, it can shoot with a “cone” pattern in order to give more visual reality.
I actually started working on this bubble gun a week before. The goal […]

Parallax scrolling background
My first task in the first sprint plan consisted in the creation of the parallax effect for the background of our game. The parallax effect could be easily noticed for example when moving with a car and see that the farthest environment moves slower than the nearest. The technique to realize the parallax effect is creating different layers and make them scrolling with different speed to give at the player a felling of deepness in the screen. The farthest layer should, […]

Parallax scrolling background
My first task in the first sprint plan consisted in the creation of the parallax effect for the background of our game. The parallax effect could be easily noticed for example when moving with a car and see that the farthest environment moves slower than the nearest. The technique to realize the parallax effect is creating different layers and make them scrolling with different speed to give at the player a felling of deepness in the screen. The farthest layer should, […]