Author Archives: Samantha Baqués Velásquez

About Samantha Baqués Velásquez

2017 Graphics

Moving on (Post-Mortem)

For those unfamiliar with our project, every team was required to develop a game from a concept document made by our classmates, meaning other groups. Most groups chose the same 3 concepts, which were very popular either aesthetically or gameplay-wise, with a seemingly achievable scope. Most games were very different between each other, though.

Team Siren also chose one of those 3 games, Behemoth. Because of that same reason, we knew it was important to stand out, so we changed the […]

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Program: Graphics

Moving on (Post-Mortem)

For those unfamiliar with our project, every team was required to develop a game from a concept document made by our classmates, meaning other groups. Most groups chose the same 3 concepts, which were very popular either aesthetically or gameplay-wise, with a seemingly achievable scope. Most games were very different between each other, though.

Team Siren also chose one of those 3 games, Behemoth. Because of that same reason, we knew it was important to stand out, so we changed the […]

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Program: Graphics

Playtesting and how Sirens rose from exhaustion

When playtesting, having a clear focus and idea about what you want to test is vital. Our beta playtesting was focused in one aspect of the game: Powerups.

We couldn’t come to a conclusion of what would be best for the game, and in consequence to the player: Power-up as instant pickups, or power-ups as innate abilities that you could activate with the use of energy. Making a decision about this was important, as the design of animations and assets depended […]

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Program: Graphics

Playtesting and how Sirens rose from exhaustion

When playtesting, having a clear focus and idea about what you want to test is vital. Our beta playtesting was focused in one aspect of the game: Powerups.

We couldn’t come to a conclusion of what would be best for the game, and in consequence to the player: Power-up as instant pickups, or power-ups as innate abilities that you could activate with the use of energy. Making a decision about this was important, as the design of animations and assets depended […]

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Program: Graphics

Dmesh and Player Avatar

Dmesh is a software used to make low poly images from pictures. How does it work?
Every 3 dots, the software makes a triangle with the average colour contrained between those 3 dots. Setting the points manually is preferred for the best results, as it usually makes the most freaky combinations automatically. You better do it fast, though, because it usually stops working with no reason, loosing all the progress. High five! Fun times.

The same style can be achieved in photoshop […]

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Program: Graphics

Dmesh and Player Avatar

Dmesh is a software used to make low poly images from pictures. How does it work?
Every 3 dots, the software makes a triangle with the average colour contrained between those 3 dots. Setting the points manually is preferred for the best results, as it usually makes the most freaky combinations automatically. You better do it fast, though, because it usually stops working with no reason, loosing all the progress. High five! Fun times.

The same style can be achieved in photoshop […]

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Program: Graphics

Scrum and Sirens

The focus of this post is to reflect and consider how Scrum as an Agile a framework has affected the development process of this project, and how has it affected my personal workflow.

As objective as one can be, Scrum is in theory a great framework to work by. Increasing collaboration between team members, adapting and updating the product when new information is considered, identifying obstacles, iterative production, etc. In practice, however, applying Scrum is not as easy as it seems.
Personally, […]

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Program: Graphics

Scrum and Sirens

The focus of this post is to reflect and consider how Scrum as an Agile a framework has affected the development process of this project, and how has it affected my personal workflow.

As objective as one can be, Scrum is in theory a great framework to work by. Increasing collaboration between team members, adapting and updating the product when new information is considered, identifying obstacles, iterative production, etc. In practice, however, applying Scrum is not as easy as it seems.
Personally, […]

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Program: Graphics

Style-guide and pre-production

As many groups chose to develop the Behemoth concept, we felt pushed to do something different, add personality to it. We wanted to have a good answer for the question “What does your Behemoth game has that others don’t?”. Plot and art style depend on each other in our concept, because they were born together.

After deciding the plot and art-style, the latter being low-poly/origami with a sunset-like colour palette, the artists could focus on conveying as much as the story […]

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Program: Graphics

Style-guide and pre-production

As many groups chose to develop the Behemoth concept, we felt pushed to do something different, add personality to it. We wanted to have a good answer for the question “What does your Behemoth game has that others don’t?”. Plot and art style depend on each other in our concept, because they were born together.

After deciding the plot and art-style, the latter being low-poly/origami with a sunset-like colour palette, the artists could focus on conveying as much as the story […]

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Program: Graphics

Behemoth Design

You are an ancient entity symbiotically bonded to and organic spaceship, The Behemoth. With almost no energy left, you need to find your way to the sea while defending yourself from the inhabitants of the planet you’ve been dormant in, ready to defend the home you’re threatening in their eyes. With little energy left, you can only assume limited control of the ship’s functions and with it must protect yourself.

This is the base plot for Behemoth group Siren came up […]

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Program: Graphics

Behemoth Design

You are an ancient entity symbiotically bonded to and organic spaceship, The Behemoth. With almost no energy left, you need to find your way to the sea while defending yourself from the inhabitants of the planet you’ve been dormant in, ready to defend the home you’re threatening in their eyes. With little energy left, you can only assume limited control of the ship’s functions and with it must protect yourself.

This is the base plot for Behemoth group Siren came up […]

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Program: Graphics

My Journey Begins

Welcome, fellow human!
I’ll be posting development progress in whichever game I’m working on from now on. I hope you find it useful in some way!

Comments on blogposts
Comment #1:
Comment #2 
Comment #3 SCRUM 
Comment #4:
Comment #5

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Program: Graphics