Author Archives: Petter Larsson

A-fish, a-fish, a-fishy FRENZY
This post will be about our frenzy powerup in the game, what it does and what I have contributed to it.
When killing enough fish the meter in the top center of the screen will indicate that the powerup is ready to use, both visually and through sound.
When the bar starts to fill up it pulsates in the same tempo as the background music, this both makes it easy to spot and also gives additional flow to the game. Inside the […]

A-fish, a-fish, a-fishy FRENZY
This post will be about our frenzy powerup in the game, what it does and what I have contributed to it.
When killing enough fish the meter in the top center of the screen will indicate that the powerup is ready to use, both visually and through sound.
When the bar starts to fill up it pulsates in the same tempo as the background music, this both makes it easy to spot and also gives additional flow to the game. Inside the […]

Dancing Seaweed
Today I made some fun polish and tweaking to the fishbowl carnage that is our interpretation of the Selfish game concept.
Now when most of our animations have been implemented, and most stuff is is running along smoothly whilst still hurrying to get all the stuff into the game before the Beta, I started trying out anima2d. Anima 2d is a downloadable animator tool in Unity which makes animating still pictures easy with its bone structure system.
To give the player additional […]

Dancing Seaweed
Today I made some fun polish and tweaking to the fishbowl carnage that is our interpretation of the Selfish game concept.
Now when most of our animations have been implemented, and most stuff is is running along smoothly whilst still hurrying to get all the stuff into the game before the Beta, I started trying out anima2d. Anima 2d is a downloadable animator tool in Unity which makes animating still pictures easy with its bone structure system.
To give the player additional […]

Animations, animations, animations…Pipeline!
This week in the fishbowl
This week me and the other graphical artist has been focusing on making and implementing additional animations in our fish massacre screenshake fest.
Unlike my earlier post I’ll showcase the pipeline from sketch to inside Unity!
Its pouty lips and orange color gives it a unique sillhuette and appearance from the other enemies in the game, and this is one to be wary of since the blowfish explodes in a mirrage of spikes and death(spikes later to be […]

Animations, animations, animations…Pipeline!
This week in the fishbowl
This week me and the other graphical artist has been focusing on making and implementing additional animations in our fish massacre screenshake fest.
Unlike my earlier post I’ll showcase the pipeline from sketch to inside Unity!
Its pouty lips and orange color gives it a unique sillhuette and appearance from the other enemies in the game, and this is one to be wary of since the blowfish explodes in a mirrage of spikes and death(spikes later to be […]

Piranha Animation
This blog-post is a reflection upon my Piranha animation, work method and design choices.
My initial reference when starting to create a concept for my piranha was the piranha in the comic book Ernie.
Kind of cute but has more teeth than face. I felt this should do nicely since the group has been talking about how they drew correlations between our project and Happy Tree Friends, Worms and Finding Nemo.
We decided on colored lineart and a simple range of […]

Piranha Animation
This blog-post is a reflection upon my Piranha animation, work method and design choices.
My initial reference when starting to create a concept for my piranha was the piranha in the comic book Ernie.
Kind of cute but has more teeth than face. I felt this should do nicely since the group has been talking about how they drew correlations between our project and Happy Tree Friends, Worms and Finding Nemo.
We decided on colored lineart and a simple range of […]

Frenzy Theme Music
My group and I are making a game about a fish in our game design course. After being mistreated by the other fish the main character starts to take revenge on the other inhabitants of the fish tank.
When the player kills enough of the other fish the main character will go into frenzy. In ”Frenzy Mode” the player shoots faster and to give additional feedback to the player we as a group wanted the music to give it some extra attitude.
After […]

Frenzy Theme Music
My group and I are making a game about a fish in our game design course. After being mistreated by the other fish the main character starts to take revenge on the other inhabitants of the fish tank.
When the player kills enough of the other fish the main character will go into frenzy. In ”Frenzy Mode” the player shoots faster and to give additional feedback to the player we as a group wanted the music to give it some extra attitude.
After […]