Author Archives: Pål Schakonat

Flow theory
In this post I will talk about flow and how I relate to flow theory when I thought about the design for our game. I will mainly talk about the three things, difficulty curve, the rules to flow and mental complexity. I will I will try to recap to my last blog post about subconscious design and how flow theory support to implement subconscious design in your game.
My impression of what people most take with the with the flow is […]

Flow theory
In this post I will talk about flow and how I relate to flow theory when I thought about the design for our game. I will mainly talk about the three things, difficulty curve, the rules to flow and mental complexity. I will I will try to recap to my last blog post about subconscious design and how flow theory support to implement subconscious design in your game.
My impression of what people most take with the with the flow is […]

Subconscious design
Two systems
The concept of two system that handle how we work as human beings keeps popping up in different research. Lieberman in his book “human learning and memory”1 talks about different journals3 and research that brings up two systems of learning. That we automatically learn things in some situations and in other situations we seem to have more control over what and how we learn.
Other research on two systems is more oriented towards behavior science. David Kahneman is a noble […]

Subconscious design
Two systems
The concept of two system that handle how we work as human beings keeps popping up in different research. Lieberman in his book “human learning and memory”1 talks about different journals3 and research that brings up two systems of learning. That we automatically learn things in some situations and in other situations we seem to have more control over what and how we learn.
Other research on two systems is more oriented towards behavior science. David Kahneman is a noble […]

Planning fallacy
This post I will dedicate to the meeting where we discuss what we were going to focus on for the rest of the project. I will go through Daniel Kahneman concept of Planning Fallacy. Because of the knowledge of the Planning Fallacy we end up of not implementing anything new to the game even though we come far with the game we have. Instead we want to focus on the communicating and refining the component we have in our game […]

Planning fallacy
This post I will dedicate to the meeting where we discuss what we were going to focus on for the rest of the project. I will go through Daniel Kahneman concept of Planning Fallacy. Because of the knowledge of the Planning Fallacy we end up of not implementing anything new to the game even though we come far with the game we have. Instead we want to focus on the communicating and refining the component we have in our game […]

Reward contridictions
Combo System
For our shoot em up we have a combo mechanic. Right now if you kill an enemy they shoot out a “combo Object”. You as a player may try to shoot it and if you hit you get combo increase in combo Level. The combo Level makes you do more damage. If you miss the combo objected you combo level will resets. The thought process is that you going to kill an enemy to get stronger and kill enemies […]

Reward contridictions
Combo System
For our shoot em up we have a combo mechanic. Right now if you kill an enemy they shoot out a “combo Object”. You as a player may try to shoot it and if you hit you get combo increase in combo Level. The combo Level makes you do more damage. If you miss the combo objected you combo level will resets. The thought process is that you going to kill an enemy to get stronger and kill enemies […]