Author Archives: Oskar Svär

Thoughs on my leadership
Today’s Blogpost
Since this will be one of my last posts for awhile I was considering doing this as a recap of what I have done good and what I need to improve for next time.
First of all I think that my team has made a good game and that I feel proud to have been part of that team. The effort and dedication they have put in to make it possible is something I admire and feel will make them […]

Thoughs on my leadership
Today’s Blogpost
Since this will be one of my last posts for awhile I was considering doing this as a recap of what I have done good and what I need to improve for next time.
First of all I think that my team has made a good game and that I feel proud to have been part of that team. The effort and dedication they have put in to make it possible is something I admire and feel will make them […]

Thoughs on my leadership
Today’s Blogpost
Since this will be one of my last posts for awhile I was considering doing this as a recap of what I have done good and what I need to improve for next time.
First of all I think that my team has made a good game and that I feel proud to have been part of that team. The effort and dedication they have put in to make it possible is something I admire and feel will make them […]

Thoughs on my leadership
Today’s Blogpost
Since this will be one of my last posts for awhile I was considering doing this as a recap of what I have done good and what I need to improve for next time.
First of all I think that my team has made a good game and that I feel proud to have been part of that team. The effort and dedication they have put in to make it possible is something I admire and feel will make them […]

Sound Script
This week has sadly been a very slow week when it comes to the current game design work due to me catching a fever and needing to rest. As such I haven’t had the ability to do the work that I needed.
However I did manage to get a script working in the game that allows a sound effect for when you take damage.
When I started with this task I first tried at first to use the same method as last […]

Sound Script
This week has sadly been a very slow week when it comes to the current game design work due to me catching a fever and needing to rest. As such I haven’t had the ability to do the work that I needed.
However I did manage to get a script working in the game that allows a sound effect for when you take damage.
When I started with this task I first tried at first to use the same method as last […]

Sound Implementation
New Post Today
Hello for the third time everyone (unless I am counting wrong in which case I do not apologize.). This week I have mostly been working on implementing the sound into the game and doing some preparations for the Beta presentation.
While I found the sound last week I still needed to implement it into the game which was more difficult than I had expected. To start my work I first started watching tutorials on the Unity website to start […]

Sound Implementation
New Post Today
Hello for the third time everyone (unless I am counting wrong in which case I do not apologize.). This week I have mostly been working on implementing the sound into the game and doing some preparations for the Beta presentation.
While I found the sound last week I still needed to implement it into the game which was more difficult than I had expected. To start my work I first started watching tutorials on the Unity website to start […]

Sound Design
Hello once again my readers.
For this post I will talk about sound design and finding it.
When I first started on the sound I had a big problem finding a site where I could find copyright free sound for the weapons or ambient noise in the game. I tried searching for different sites, but a member of my game design team sent me a link to a website called which contains many different sounds completely free.
The biggest problem however except […]

Sound Design
Hello once again my readers.
For this post I will talk about sound design and finding it.
When I first started on the sound I had a big problem finding a site where I could find copyright free sound for the weapons or ambient noise in the game. I tried searching for different sites, but a member of my game design team sent me a link to a website called which contains many different sounds completely free.
The biggest problem however except […]

First Post
Welcome to my blog.
For this first post I will write about group dynamics and project work.
Working on a project for me has been a big eye opener compared to other work I have done before and it has forced me to learn.
Before I came to this school I didn’t really think that there were models for how projects should be executed or models for how to organize them. In fact I thought that most projects relied mostly on that people […]

First Post
Welcome to my blog.
For this first post I will write about group dynamics and project work.
Working on a project for me has been a big eye opener compared to other work I have done before and it has forced me to learn.
Before I came to this school I didn’t really think that there were models for how projects should be executed or models for how to organize them. In fact I thought that most projects relied mostly on that people […]