Author Archives: Oskar Nolstedt

Playtest and Polish
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog post!
This week started out with the alpha presentation which went really well I believe, we kept it fairly short and sweet and did not recieve many questions at all which I would assume means that people understood what we are doing with the game. I saw it as a positive and I hope it was a positive! We got some feedback on the obstacles we had which we will take into consideration and […]

Playtest and Polish
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog post!
This week started out with the alpha presentation which went really well I believe, we kept it fairly short and sweet and did not recieve many questions at all which I would assume means that people understood what we are doing with the game. I saw it as a positive and I hope it was a positive! We got some feedback on the obstacles we had which we will take into consideration and […]

Preparing for the Beta
Hello reader and welcome to my fourth blog post!
This week everything is about the beta. Since everything that you want in the game has to be in the game by monday, the programmers and artists are hard at work trying to get everything done for monday and I am trying my best to help them in any way I can, but since I cannot program or draw at all, my help in that sense is very limited. I myself am […]

Preparing for the Beta
Hello reader and welcome to my fourth blog post!
This week everything is about the beta. Since everything that you want in the game has to be in the game by monday, the programmers and artists are hard at work trying to get everything done for monday and I am trying my best to help them in any way I can, but since I cannot program or draw at all, my help in that sense is very limited. I myself am […]

Hello reader and welcome to my third blog post!
This week my main focus has been on playtesting our game since the tasks that need to be done now are very programming or graphics oriented, something I am quite useless in. So I have sepnt a few hours playing the game and giving feedback to the programmers on how everything feels so that the game that we bring to the ”official” playtesting on monday is better than the one that we […]

Hello reader and welcome to my third blog post!
This week my main focus has been on playtesting our game since the tasks that need to be done now are very programming or graphics oriented, something I am quite useless in. So I have sepnt a few hours playing the game and giving feedback to the programmers on how everything feels so that the game that we bring to the ”official” playtesting on monday is better than the one that we […]

Figuring Out the Scope
Hello dear reader and welcome to my second blog post!
One of our main concerns when it comes to our project is figuring out the scope. We simply do not know how much time certain things will take to make and implement and we can therefore not plan very far ahead. We obviously try to do that anyways, but due to our inexperience in projects like these we tend to overestimate how many things we can actually put in the game.
This […]

Figuring Out the Scope
Hello dear reader and welcome to my second blog post!
One of our main concerns when it comes to our project is figuring out the scope. We simply do not know how much time certain things will take to make and implement and we can therefore not plan very far ahead. We obviously try to do that anyways, but due to our inexperience in projects like these we tend to overestimate how many things we can actually put in the game.
This […]

Revising the Backlog
Hello! I am Oskar Nolstedt and I am the project manager for Team Nazgul.
Seeing as we project managers do not have a ”creative” speciality all we can really do is help the artists and programmers best we canf or we can work on for example documentation. Except for making the team run smoothly and so on obviously. This last week I mostly spent revising the backlog from the first draft. We had some things that had to be changed, but […]

Revising the Backlog
Hello! I am Oskar Nolstedt and I am the project manager for Team Nazgul.
Seeing as we project managers do not have a ”creative” speciality all we can really do is help the artists and programmers best we canf or we can work on for example documentation. Except for making the team run smoothly and so on obviously. This last week I mostly spent revising the backlog from the first draft. We had some things that had to be changed, but […]