Author Archives: Lucas Ingvarsson

Working in group.
During this past week of development, I have mainly continued to work on the level art for our game, with the hope of taking some of the work off of my graphics artists shoulders.
However, given the fact that i have already dedicated two previous blogposts towards explaining the process of creating level assets in photoshop, i decided to write this post about something a little different.
That thing being the importance of working together as a team. More specifically, having workshop-style […]

Working in group.
During this past week of development, I have mainly continued to work on the level art for our game, with the hope of taking some of the work off of my graphics artists shoulders.
However, given the fact that i have already dedicated two previous blogposts towards explaining the process of creating level assets in photoshop, i decided to write this post about something a little different.
That thing being the importance of working together as a team. More specifically, having workshop-style […]

Collecting feedback
Prior to each of our biggest milestones, the Alpha and the Beta, we have been hosting playtesting sessions. During these sessions, we as students have the opportunity to test our classmate’s games, and even more importantly, have them testing our games. This is a golden opportunity to gather feedback from our target audience, so that we can set the scope for the next milestone.
With both playtesting sessions being underway, I thought it would be a good idea to dedicate this […]

Collecting feedback
Prior to each of our biggest milestones, the Alpha and the Beta, we have been hosting playtesting sessions. During these sessions, we as students have the opportunity to test our classmate’s games, and even more importantly, have them testing our games. This is a golden opportunity to gather feedback from our target audience, so that we can set the scope for the next milestone.
With both playtesting sessions being underway, I thought it would be a good idea to dedicate this […]

Drawing level assets
The Beta is approaching rapidly, and our game is staring to take shape. However, there is still a lot of work to be done. We are currently in a phase of our game production were the graphical aspects must catch up to the rest of the project. The visuals are not yet where we would like them to be, and a lot of our graphics is currently just placeholders.
That is why I choose to take on some of the graphics […]

Drawing level assets
The Beta is approaching rapidly, and our game is staring to take shape. However, there is still a lot of work to be done. We are currently in a phase of our game production were the graphical aspects must catch up to the rest of the project. The visuals are not yet where we would like them to be, and a lot of our graphics is currently just placeholders.
That is why I choose to take on some of the graphics […]

Creating graphics
During this past week, I have been helping out with the artwork for our game. The reason I did this, despite having the role of producer, was to take some of the work of the shoulders of the graphic artists in the team. They currently have a lot of tasks on their plate right now, and we may be in over our heads with our initial ambitions. The main reason behind this is that the art does not really keep […]

Creating graphics
During this past week, I have been helping out with the artwork for our game. The reason I did this, despite having the role of producer, was to take some of the work of the shoulders of the graphic artists in the team. They currently have a lot of tasks on their plate right now, and we may be in over our heads with our initial ambitions. The main reason behind this is that the art does not really keep […]

Dev-Blog 1: Product backlog
Product backlog
During this past week, I had been working extensively with the product backlog for our project. The backlog is where all of the tasks or assets that need to be completed during the project are stored. You can add to the backlog as the project progresses, so it is never truly finished, but it is important that it is well structured for the project to run smoothly.
We use a google spreadsheet for our backlog, that very much resembles […]

Dev-Blog 1: Product backlog
Product backlog
During this past week, I had been working extensively with the product backlog for our project. The backlog is where all of the tasks or assets that need to be completed during the project are stored. You can add to the backlog as the project progresses, so it is never truly finished, but it is important that it is well structured for the project to run smoothly.
We use a google spreadsheet for our backlog, that very much resembles […]