Author Archives: Laban Melander

BGP – TwinShift – Late blog
I’m very late with this blog-post so I honestly I don’t have that good of a grasp on what I actually did during each week. So I’ll do my best to write these two blogs anyway.
Something that I’m sure of is that after I wrote the previous blog-post the camera was mostly done so I started to work on the Main Menu. This menu that I made however isn’t in the GGC version of the game because many people thought […]

BGP – TwinShift – Late blog
I’m very late with this blog-post so I honestly I don’t have that good of a grasp on what I actually did during each week. So I’ll do my best to write these two blogs anyway.
Something that I’m sure of is that after I wrote the previous blog-post the camera was mostly done so I started to work on the Main Menu. This menu that I made however isn’t in the GGC version of the game because many people thought […]

BGP – TwinShift – Alpha and Improved Camera
This week we have seen the most progress out of any week since we’ve started. Things finally works well enough for us to have a reason to merge our projects since since we no longer will be hindered by other things. I’ve mainly worked on the camera again this week and it feels great to say that it starts to look really good.
One of the biggest flaws that my camera had last weeks was that I used Unitys LookAt method […]

BGP – TwinShift – Alpha and Improved Camera
This week we have seen the most progress out of any week since we’ve started. Things finally works well enough for us to have a reason to merge our projects since since we no longer will be hindered by other things. I’ve mainly worked on the camera again this week and it feels great to say that it starts to look really good.
One of the biggest flaws that my camera had last weeks was that I used Unitys LookAt method […]

BGP – TwinShift – Camera
Naming out Game
We have finally managed to name out game, previously we called it Gravity Grind but we were told that it would be a bad idea to call it that because it could be confused with other games with similar name such as FutureGrind for example. The name we ended up with and what we call the game now is TwinShift. We had some other names that we considered, most notably GravityShift and G-Shift which most of us […]

BGP – TwinShift – Camera
Naming out Game
We have finally managed to name out game, previously we called it Gravity Grind but we were told that it would be a bad idea to call it that because it could be confused with other games with similar name such as FutureGrind for example. The name we ended up with and what we call the game now is TwinShift. We had some other names that we considered, most notably GravityShift and G-Shift which most of us […]

BGP – Vechicle Movement.
Hi this is my first blog about the production of our game that we are working on now for a class called Big Game Project. The game we are making is currently called Gravity Grind and it is a futuristic racing game much like Wipeout and F-Zero. What makes this game unique is that we have taken inspiration from VVVVVV in that each player can flip their own gravity with the press of a button.
Here is out team:
Jonas Lundgren – Producer, […]

BGP – Vechicle Movement.
Hi this is my first blog about the production of our game that we are working on now for a class called Big Game Project. The game we are making is currently called Gravity Grind and it is a futuristic racing game much like Wipeout and F-Zero. What makes this game unique is that we have taken inspiration from VVVVVV in that each player can flip their own gravity with the press of a button.
Here is out team:
Jonas Lundgren – Producer, […]

Programming Project – FPS
This I’ve been working with creating the playerobject, the playermovement, boundingboxes for collision and the collision. When I tried to add plaermovement the first time I fucked it up completely, I didnt account for the direction the player is facing in anyway so it obviously didn’t work. I blame being tired for it.
Then I got the Idea to just use the movement that the camera already has and then make set the playerobject and boundingbox to the position to the […]

Programming Project – FPS
This I’ve been working with creating the playerobject, the playermovement, boundingboxes for collision and the collision. When I tried to add plaermovement the first time I fucked it up completely, I didnt account for the direction the player is facing in anyway so it obviously didn’t work. I blame being tired for it.
Then I got the Idea to just use the movement that the camera already has and then make set the playerobject and boundingbox to the position to the […]

Programming Project – FPS
This I’ve been working with creating the playerobject, the playermovement, boundingboxes for collision and the collision. When I tried to add plaermovement the first time I fucked it up completely, I didnt account for the direction the player is facing in anyway so it obviously didn’t work. I blame being tired for it.
Then I got the Idea to just use the movement that the camera already has and then make set the playerobject and boundingbox to the position to the […]

Programming Project – FPS
This I’ve been working with creating the playerobject, the playermovement, boundingboxes for collision and the collision. When I tried to add plaermovement the first time I fucked it up completely, I didnt account for the direction the player is facing in anyway so it obviously didn’t work. I blame being tired for it.
Then I got the Idea to just use the movement that the camera already has and then make set the playerobject and boundingbox to the position to the […]

Programming III – FPS
This is a few days late, but eh, here it is.
Last week I implemented Xbox360-controll input with XInput for our FPS game. I used a really good tutorial for this since I’ve never used XInput before. Most of what it goes through was fairy straight forward, but the thing I appreciated the most was the way it made it so that after you set a deadzone and surpass it, the method wont return 0.3f (for example) immediately instead it […]

Programming III – FPS
This is a few days late, but eh, here it is.
Last week I implemented Xbox360-controll input with XInput for our FPS game. I used a really good tutorial for this since I’ve never used XInput before. Most of what it goes through was fairy straight forward, but the thing I appreciated the most was the way it made it so that after you set a deadzone and surpass it, the method wont return 0.3f (for example) immediately instead it […]

Programming III – FPS
This is a few days late, but eh, here it is.
Last week I implemented Xbox360-controll input with XInput for our FPS game. I used a really good tutorial for this since I’ve never used XInput before. Most of what it goes through was fairy straight forward, but the thing I appreciated the most was the way it made it so that after you set a deadzone and surpass it, the method wont return 0.3f (for example) immediately instead it […]

Programming III – FPS
This is a few days late, but eh, here it is.
Last week I implemented Xbox360-controll input with XInput for our FPS game. I used a really good tutorial for this since I’ve never used XInput before. Most of what it goes through was fairy straight forward, but the thing I appreciated the most was the way it made it so that after you set a deadzone and surpass it, the method wont return 0.3f (for example) immediately instead it […]

Programming III Week 4
This week we have textured out first cube, illuminated it and we have created a simple icon to place on our UI.
To create the shading on out cube we used a technique called Phong shading. To create a reflection that looks realistic enough we have to illuminate out box in three different ways, first off we need to apply the ambient lighting, this light doesn’t have a source and it will illuminate the model the exact same way from all […]

Programming III Week 4
This week we have textured out first cube, illuminated it and we have created a simple icon to place on our UI.
To create the shading on out cube we used a technique called Phong shading. To create a reflection that looks realistic enough we have to illuminate out box in three different ways, first off we need to apply the ambient lighting, this light doesn’t have a source and it will illuminate the model the exact same way from all […]

Programming III Week 4
This week we have textured out first cube, illuminated it and we have created a simple icon to place on our UI.
To create the shading on out cube we used a technique called Phong shading. To create a reflection that looks realistic enough we have to illuminate out box in three different ways, first off we need to apply the ambient lighting, this light doesn’t have a source and it will illuminate the model the exact same way from all […]

Programming III Week 4
This week we have textured out first cube, illuminated it and we have created a simple icon to place on our UI.
To create the shading on out cube we used a technique called Phong shading. To create a reflection that looks realistic enough we have to illuminate out box in three different ways, first off we need to apply the ambient lighting, this light doesn’t have a source and it will illuminate the model the exact same way from all […]

Programming III – First Weekly Post
During out first lecture this semester we were tasked to compress a specific .bmp-file to as small of a size we could. I worked with Jonas Lundgren and William Nordin with this and we managed to take take it down from 190kb-something to 20-25-something if I remember correctly, but we never managed to decompress it again die to time constraints.
I just started with one of our assignments for this course as well. In this assignment we are going to write […]

Programming III – First Weekly Post
During out first lecture this semester we were tasked to compress a specific .bmp-file to as small of a size we could. I worked with Jonas Lundgren and William Nordin with this and we managed to take take it down from 190kb-something to 20-25-something if I remember correctly, but we never managed to decompress it again die to time constraints.
I just started with one of our assignments for this course as well. In this assignment we are going to write […]

Programming III – First Weekly Post
During out first lecture this semester we were tasked to compress a specific .bmp-file to as small of a size we could. I worked with Jonas Lundgren and William Nordin with this and we managed to take take it down from 190kb-something to 20-25-something if I remember correctly, but we never managed to decompress it again die to time constraints.
I just started with one of our assignments for this course as well. In this assignment we are going to write […]

Programming III – First Weekly Post
During out first lecture this semester we were tasked to compress a specific .bmp-file to as small of a size we could. I worked with Jonas Lundgren and William Nordin with this and we managed to take take it down from 190kb-something to 20-25-something if I remember correctly, but we never managed to decompress it again die to time constraints.
I just started with one of our assignments for this course as well. In this assignment we are going to write […]