Author Archives: Kim Ohlsson

#5 “Sorry guys i need to do my homework” – Planing parallel projects.
Hi everyone!
Today i want to talk about the backlog and parallel projects.
It is common to encounter problems while working with two projects at once. At the moment we tend to structure our work so that it clashes with our ordinary school work. Handling scheduling gets difficult and our insight into our teammates situations regarding time spent on lectures, homework and other school-related activities tend to be vague at best. Many blame the schools scheduling and lack of communication for the […]

#5 “Sorry guys i need to do my homework” – Planing parallel projects.
Hi everyone!
Today i want to talk about the backlog and parallel projects.
It is common to encounter problems while working with two projects at once. At the moment we tend to structure our work so that it clashes with our ordinary school work. Handling scheduling gets difficult and our insight into our teammates situations regarding time spent on lectures, homework and other school-related activities tend to be vague at best. Many blame the schools scheduling and lack of communication for the […]

#4 Preparing for the end means preparing for a new beginning
Working within a project has a powerful effect on team members. As a project draws near you come closer and closer to the defining moment when it ends. It is both a cheerful experience if the project is brought to completion, but also a time of loss. In a project we build up an identity and a role. We create a structure and purpose that is tightly connected to what we do. It is our routine and objective. The more […]

#4 Preparing for the end means preparing for a new beginning
Working within a project has a powerful effect on team members. As a project draws near you come closer and closer to the defining moment when it ends. It is both a cheerful experience if the project is brought to completion, but also a time of loss. In a project we build up an identity and a role. We create a structure and purpose that is tightly connected to what we do. It is our routine and objective. The more […]

#3: Backlogs and the push/pull method.
When I started thinking about how my team could get the most out of our backlog I came to think about the problems surrounding how it is utilized. The traditional way is for the management to push items from the backlog. You can think of this like a manager holding “work” in his hands and giving it to a team member telling him to commit to creating this work item until the deadline.
The other way around is for the team […]

#3: Backlogs and the push/pull method.
When I started thinking about how my team could get the most out of our backlog I came to think about the problems surrounding how it is utilized. The traditional way is for the management to push items from the backlog. You can think of this like a manager holding “work” in his hands and giving it to a team member telling him to commit to creating this work item until the deadline.
The other way around is for the team […]

#2 The Silent Hero
When times are hard and there is a lot to do you sometimes find a light in the tunnel in the form of a silent hero. Like Sam helpt Frodo in the lord of the rings a friend or colleague sometimes jumps in to carry you through the storm. Whether family members pulling through for you during hard times or friends comforting you through a though part of your life. I don’t know what we would do without our silent […]

#2 The Silent Hero
When times are hard and there is a lot to do you sometimes find a light in the tunnel in the form of a silent hero. Like Sam helpt Frodo in the lord of the rings a friend or colleague sometimes jumps in to carry you through the storm. Whether family members pulling through for you during hard times or friends comforting you through a though part of your life. I don’t know what we would do without our silent […]
#1 What the hell do you do when you start losing team members?
Dear readers, my name is Kim Ohlsson and I’m going to write about the project that my team Onmoraki and I are working on. We are supposed to create a space shooter game in based on one of the concepts created in the earlier course. We are supposed to plan our game the first two (2) weeks, go in to production for seven (7) weeks and finish with a PM the last week. As the producer of the project I […]
#1 What the hell do you do when you start losing team members?
Dear readers, my name is Kim Ohlsson and I’m going to write about the project that my team Onmoraki and I are working on. We are supposed to create a space shooter game in based on one of the concepts created in the earlier course. We are supposed to plan our game the first two (2) weeks, go in to production for seven (7) weeks and finish with a PM the last week. As the producer of the project I […]