Author Archives: Karl Wallsten

Balancing and designing weapons
So this week began with our beta presentation that went really well and our game was well received by the audience. We noticed that the different weapons had a positive effect. This is something that our group have had in mind throughout the entire production.
Our aesthetic goal and our lead word trough the project was feedback and that it feels good to play the game. And the biggest part of that is weapons and how they handle. Since shooting and […]

Balancing and designing weapons
So this week began with our beta presentation that went really well and our game was well received by the audience. We noticed that the different weapons had a positive effect. This is something that our group have had in mind throughout the entire production.
Our aesthetic goal and our lead word trough the project was feedback and that it feels good to play the game. And the biggest part of that is weapons and how they handle. Since shooting and […]

Level Design and wave patterns
So this week started with the playtest were we got some good feedback. We got a feeling on what´s good and what’s needs improvement. One of the points we got and agreed on was how the enemy waves spawned and the overall raise of difficulty in the game. So this week I have tried to design good waves so the game have a good raise in tempo and difficulty.
The execution of this was easy since our programmer made it super […]

Level Design and wave patterns
So this week started with the playtest were we got some good feedback. We got a feeling on what´s good and what’s needs improvement. One of the points we got and agreed on was how the enemy waves spawned and the overall raise of difficulty in the game. So this week I have tried to design good waves so the game have a good raise in tempo and difficulty.
The execution of this was easy since our programmer made it super […]

Preparing for game testing and making a Survey
So the beta deadline is coming up and we have a playtest session before that. To get the most out of the playtest you must have a thought behind what you want the testers to test. To get the most value we have prepared a survey that the play tester can do after he /she played our game. Making surveys is a balancing act between not being too long so the tester doesn’t care at the end and just want […]

Preparing for game testing and making a Survey
So the beta deadline is coming up and we have a playtest session before that. To get the most out of the playtest you must have a thought behind what you want the testers to test. To get the most value we have prepared a survey that the play tester can do after he /she played our game. Making surveys is a balancing act between not being too long so the tester doesn’t care at the end and just want […]

How to work with scrum and meeting technics
I have implemented some new meeting technics and a customised way to work with scrum that I will think improve my groups overall productiveness. First, to help us get a clear picture we have been discussing and setting up clear goals each week and those goals are to be implemented and tested in the game, only the can they be put on the sprint plan. We don’t always finish and implement the artefacts but then we have them on standby. […]

How to work with scrum and meeting technics
I have implemented some new meeting technics and a customised way to work with scrum that I will think improve my groups overall productiveness. First, to help us get a clear picture we have been discussing and setting up clear goals each week and those goals are to be implemented and tested in the game, only the can they be put on the sprint plan. We don’t always finish and implement the artefacts but then we have them on standby. […]

Designing, Boss numbero uno: The Moray
The locked screen in the selfish game was a big problem for our group. It leads us to focus on the wave pattern of the enemy since they brought the only challenges in the game. We then came up with the idea of a boss that works pretty much like snake. with a slight pre-warning the boss swim across the screen in a specific pattern and the remain there for a period, blocking the player from accessing certain parts of […]

Designing, Boss numbero uno: The Moray
The locked screen in the selfish game was a big problem for our group. It leads us to focus on the wave pattern of the enemy since they brought the only challenges in the game. We then came up with the idea of a boss that works pretty much like snake. with a slight pre-warning the boss swim across the screen in a specific pattern and the remain there for a period, blocking the player from accessing certain parts of […]