Author Archives: Johannes Sundström

My Successful Leadership
All has gone according to plan. My seemingly generous yet confident leadership fooled my servants into happily doing my bidding. They never suspected a thing. In this last blog I will reveal how my mastery of manipulation granted me the opportunity to make my own game while pretending to bend down to the will of others. It’s not that I’m out of things to write about or anything.
Throughout the development of this game I have made my team members think […]

My Successful Leadership
All has gone according to plan. My seemingly generous yet confident leadership fooled my servants into happily doing my bidding. They never suspected a thing. In this last blog I will reveal how my mastery of manipulation granted me the opportunity to make my own game while pretending to bend down to the will of others. It’s not that I’m out of things to write about or anything.
Throughout the development of this game I have made my team members think […]

Losing a Day’s Work
Imagine building something wonderful only to have it be unexpectedly knocked down. This was the 9/11 of team Rukh. Let me indulge you. There I was, just finishing what might be the best piece of design work since the pyramids or my Scrum document, when suddenly an update eviscerated my work and took my dreams with it. Some say it was an inside job as it was my lead artist who applied the update, however I assure you this was […]

Losing a Day’s Work
Imagine building something wonderful only to have it be unexpectedly knocked down. This was the 9/11 of team Rukh. Let me indulge you. There I was, just finishing what might be the best piece of design work since the pyramids or my Scrum document, when suddenly an update eviscerated my work and took my dreams with it. Some say it was an inside job as it was my lead artist who applied the update, however I assure you this was […]

Absurdly Extravagant Level Design
Imagine if you will, a project manager that is not only a cunning and apt leader, but also a masterful level designer. Seems too good to be true? It is. I am neither. However, since our game designer so rudely disappeared in our moment of need, the team needed someone to visualize the Echoes of the Abyss dream. Someone with years of experience designing board games. Someone that understood what the player wanted. Someone that could make Rukh great again.
I […]

Absurdly Extravagant Level Design
Imagine if you will, a project manager that is not only a cunning and apt leader, but also a masterful level designer. Seems too good to be true? It is. I am neither. However, since our game designer so rudely disappeared in our moment of need, the team needed someone to visualize the Echoes of the Abyss dream. Someone with years of experience designing board games. Someone that understood what the player wanted. Someone that could make Rukh great again.
I […]

Extreme group dynamics
(Note: comparatively super serious and tasteless)
At my project manager course we have learned much about how group dynamics affect team performance. The gist of it is that everyone needs to be understood as well as represented within the group for them to enjoy their work and thereby produce better results. This is primarily achieved through communication, although the ways of communicating can be vastly different. A usual way to spark conversation is doing team building exercises (hence the name). These […]

Extreme group dynamics
(Note: comparatively super serious and tasteless)
At my project manager course we have learned much about how group dynamics affect team performance. The gist of it is that everyone needs to be understood as well as represented within the group for them to enjoy their work and thereby produce better results. This is primarily achieved through communication, although the ways of communicating can be vastly different. A usual way to spark conversation is doing team building exercises (hence the name). These […]

Oh Ja, Das Ist Structured
I, supreme leader Johannes, have made our group’s scrum document look more structured than the Third Reich. My fellow team members seem to have forgotten the common rules of writing like the peasants they are, luckily I didn’t have anything better to do so I spent several hours restoring our honour.
Colour coding, capitalization, centring and other extremely accelerating activities occupied most of my precious time. As you can see on the beautifully captured print screen, my work would make people […]

Oh Ja, Das Ist Structured
I, supreme leader Johannes, have made our group’s scrum document look more structured than the Third Reich. My fellow team members seem to have forgotten the common rules of writing like the peasants they are, luckily I didn’t have anything better to do so I spent several hours restoring our honour.
Colour coding, capitalization, centring and other extremely accelerating activities occupied most of my precious time. As you can see on the beautifully captured print screen, my work would make people […]