Author Archives: Jonatan Keil

Big Game Project: Defunct: Week 7
I had some goals for my level, I needed to continue decorating, fix collisions, add physical objects (that you can run into), rename and group my objects and remove animators from them. However, decorating the level, adding trees, junk, rocks, houses and grass in all empty areas takes an incredible amount of time.
We have levels that are huge, while having quite a high standard on decoration. You can’t simply spray trees and rocks everywhere.
As you can see, we decorate […]

Big Game Project: Defunct: Week 7
I had some goals for my level, I needed to continue decorating, fix collisions, add physical objects (that you can run into), rename and group my objects and remove animators from them. However, decorating the level, adding trees, junk, rocks, houses and grass in all empty areas takes an incredible amount of time.
We have levels that are huge, while having quite a high standard on decoration. You can’t simply spray trees and rocks everywhere.
As you can see, we decorate […]

Big Game Project: Defunct: Week 7
I had some goals for my level, I needed to continue decorating, fix collisions, add physical objects (that you can run into), rename and group my objects and remove animators from them. However, decorating the level, adding trees, junk, rocks, houses and grass in all empty areas takes an incredible amount of time.
We have levels that are huge, while having quite a high standard on decoration. You can’t simply spray trees and rocks everywhere.
As you can see, we decorate […]

Big Game Project: Defunct: Week 7
I had some goals for my level, I needed to continue decorating, fix collisions, add physical objects (that you can run into), rename and group my objects and remove animators from them. However, decorating the level, adding trees, junk, rocks, houses and grass in all empty areas takes an incredible amount of time.
We have levels that are huge, while having quite a high standard on decoration. You can’t simply spray trees and rocks everywhere.
As you can see, we decorate […]

Big Game Project: Defunct: Week 6
I finally got around to the tutorial level. Planning and building it structurally took almost all week. Since the beginning of the project, I always imagined the tutorial level to be very open, only containing a few hills that you had to go up and over. The different features would be explained and performed between the hills, if you didn’t learn the feature; you wouldn’t get over the hill.
There are two problems with this. One is that you gain a […]

Big Game Project: Defunct: Week 6
I finally got around to the tutorial level. Planning and building it structurally took almost all week. Since the beginning of the project, I always imagined the tutorial level to be very open, only containing a few hills that you had to go up and over. The different features would be explained and performed between the hills, if you didn’t learn the feature; you wouldn’t get over the hill.
There are two problems with this. One is that you gain a […]

Big Game Project: Defunct: Week 6
I finally got around to the tutorial level. Planning and building it structurally took almost all week. Since the beginning of the project, I always imagined the tutorial level to be very open, only containing a few hills that you had to go up and over. The different features would be explained and performed between the hills, if you didn’t learn the feature; you wouldn’t get over the hill.
There are two problems with this. One is that you gain a […]

Big Game Project: Defunct: Week 6
I finally got around to the tutorial level. Planning and building it structurally took almost all week. Since the beginning of the project, I always imagined the tutorial level to be very open, only containing a few hills that you had to go up and over. The different features would be explained and performed between the hills, if you didn’t learn the feature; you wouldn’t get over the hill.
There are two problems with this. One is that you gain a […]

Week 5 – Big Game Project – Defunct
I was still sick during the entire week, so I worked from my apartment. I did spend some time fixing errors in my level, but it was decorating the level that took the majority of the time. During the week we also had some discussion regarding lighting, there were a lot of arguing and mixed/impulsive opinions. So the whole Tuesday I sat and experimented with lighting, I think that we now have come to an agreement.
How we want the […]

Week 5 – Big Game Project – Defunct
I was still sick during the entire week, so I worked from my apartment. I did spend some time fixing errors in my level, but it was decorating the level that took the majority of the time. During the week we also had some discussion regarding lighting, there were a lot of arguing and mixed/impulsive opinions. So the whole Tuesday I sat and experimented with lighting, I think that we now have come to an agreement.
How we want the […]

Week 5 – Big Game Project – Defunct
I was still sick during the entire week, so I worked from my apartment. I did spend some time fixing errors in my level, but it was decorating the level that took the majority of the time. During the week we also had some discussion regarding lighting, there were a lot of arguing and mixed/impulsive opinions. So the whole Tuesday I sat and experimented with lighting, I think that we now have come to an agreement.
How we want the […]

Week 5 – Big Game Project – Defunct
I was still sick during the entire week, so I worked from my apartment. I did spend some time fixing errors in my level, but it was decorating the level that took the majority of the time. During the week we also had some discussion regarding lighting, there were a lot of arguing and mixed/impulsive opinions. So the whole Tuesday I sat and experimented with lighting, I think that we now have come to an agreement.
How we want the […]

Big Game Project: Open Circuit –> Defunct! Week 4
So, last week was rough. My mission was to at least finish my level structurally, which I have, somewhat. When we playtested I noticed that I need to make sure that players can’t run into walls or miss cool paths as easily. I also want to replace the “town” part with something else, I don’t think it fits the style having so many buildings so close to each other, it would make more sense to have a giant stranded old […]

Big Game Project: Open Circuit –> Defunct! Week 4
So, last week was rough. My mission was to at least finish my level structurally, which I have, somewhat. When we playtested I noticed that I need to make sure that players can’t run into walls or miss cool paths as easily. I also want to replace the “town” part with something else, I don’t think it fits the style having so many buildings so close to each other, it would make more sense to have a giant stranded old […]

Big Game Project: Open Circuit –> Defunct! Week 4
So, last week was rough. My mission was to at least finish my level structurally, which I have, somewhat. When we playtested I noticed that I need to make sure that players can’t run into walls or miss cool paths as easily. I also want to replace the “town” part with something else, I don’t think it fits the style having so many buildings so close to each other, it would make more sense to have a giant stranded old […]

Big Game Project: Open Circuit –> Defunct! Week 4
So, last week was rough. My mission was to at least finish my level structurally, which I have, somewhat. When we playtested I noticed that I need to make sure that players can’t run into walls or miss cool paths as easily. I also want to replace the “town” part with something else, I don’t think it fits the style having so many buildings so close to each other, it would make more sense to have a giant stranded old […]

Big Game Project: Open Circuit: Week 3
This week things have finally stared to come together. Since we know have a 90% complete character controller, creating playable environments in Unity is easy. However, the original plan had some changing done to it; we decided that we couldn’t follow our original plans and layouts. The terrain editor is too clumsy and hard to work with to do that, we discovered it’s smarter to build piece-to-piece. Where if we for example place a ramp at the beginning of the […]

Big Game Project: Open Circuit: Week 3
This week things have finally stared to come together. Since we know have a 90% complete character controller, creating playable environments in Unity is easy. However, the original plan had some changing done to it; we decided that we couldn’t follow our original plans and layouts. The terrain editor is too clumsy and hard to work with to do that, we discovered it’s smarter to build piece-to-piece. Where if we for example place a ramp at the beginning of the […]

Big Game Project: Open Circuit: Week 2
Hello again!
This week I have been to New York celebrating my father’s 50:th birthday, this trip was planned and booked this summer so there were really nothing I could do.
Either way I will make up for it when I come back.
Awesome blues performance at BB. King Restaurant not far from Times Square. (Solomon Hicks is in the white suit)

Big Game Project: Open Circuit: Week 2
Hello again!
This week I have been to New York celebrating my father’s 50:th birthday, this trip was planned and booked this summer so there were really nothing I could do.
Either way I will make up for it when I come back.
Awesome blues performance at BB. King Restaurant not far from Times Square. (Solomon Hicks is in the white suit)

Big Game Project: Open Circuit: Week 1
All right! Big Game Project, finally.
If you need any information about the project, you can read my vertical slice. Let’s get started!
Since I am one of the happily designated level designers. I started off sketching out parts of the first level right away.
Our level structure is made up of about 5 “special areas” or “skate-parks”, spread out in a large level. The environment that isn’t special areas are mostly there to guide the player to the nearest one. So I […]

Big Game Project: Open Circuit: Week 1
All right! Big Game Project, finally.
If you need any information about the project, you can read my vertical slice. Let’s get started!
Since I am one of the happily designated level designers. I started off sketching out parts of the first level right away.
Our level structure is made up of about 5 “special areas” or “skate-parks”, spread out in a large level. The environment that isn’t special areas are mostly there to guide the player to the nearest one. So I […]