Author Archives: Jonas Yzermans Falkheden
Sneaky Ninja – Stealth based level design
This is a short blog post with some of my general thoughts and ideas that I got while designing the levels for Sneaky Ninja. This was the first time I designed levels for a stealth game so I thought I would write down some of the problems I encountered and how I solved them.
When I fist started designing the first level for Sneaky Ninja I was thinking about it like a puzzle game, but I quickly realized this was not […]
Sneaky Ninja – Stealth based level design
This is a short blog post with some of my general thoughts and ideas that I got while designing the levels for Sneaky Ninja. This was the first time I designed levels for a stealth game so I thought I would write down some of the problems I encountered and how I solved them.
When I fist started designing the first level for Sneaky Ninja I was thinking about it like a puzzle game, but I quickly realized this was not […]

Sneaky Ninja – Level Design
The last two weeks have been very stressful, lots of work have been done in order to finish up our game for the beta that was last week and the final presentation on GGC this week. I’ve worked on a lot of features, implementing GUI, creating highlights for all the items and abilities, implementing sound effects and music, as well as doing general tweaking and bug fixing.But the most fun and interesting thing I have been working on are the […]

Sneaky Ninja – Level Design
The last two weeks have been very stressful, lots of work have been done in order to finish up our game for the beta that was last week and the final presentation on GGC this week. I’ve worked on a lot of features, implementing GUI, creating highlights for all the items and abilities, implementing sound effects and music, as well as doing general tweaking and bug fixing.But the most fun and interesting thing I have been working on are the […]

Sneaky Ninja – More items!
This week I worked on finishing the final two items for our game, as well as implementing the item selection system, so that players can choose three items to use in the level.
Grappling hook, fire cracker, smoke bomb, shuriken, four of the five items in our game.
The two items I coded are the fire cracker/distraction bomb and the camouflage item. These items where a […]

Sneaky Ninja – More items!
This week I worked on finishing the final two items for our game, as well as implementing the item selection system, so that players can choose three items to use in the level.
Grappling hook, fire cracker, smoke bomb, shuriken, four of the five items in our game.
The two items I coded are the fire cracker/distraction bomb and the camouflage item. These items where a […]

Sneaky Ninja – Alpha bug hunt & items!
The first part of last week was spent on hunting down and eliminating some pretty nasty game breaking bugs in our code. We wanted to fix these bugs before we started working on the final feature we needed for our alpha, the items. Writing and reading about bug fixing is not very fun or interesting so I’ll tell you more about the second part of the week instead, where we implemented the three items we decided to use for our […]

Sneaky Ninja – Alpha bug hunt & items!
The first part of last week was spent on hunting down and eliminating some pretty nasty game breaking bugs in our code. We wanted to fix these bugs before we started working on the final feature we needed for our alpha, the items. Writing and reading about bug fixing is not very fun or interesting so I’ll tell you more about the second part of the week instead, where we implemented the three items we decided to use for our […]

Pre Alpha Coding
This week I have been working mostly on finishing smaller programming tasks in order to get our first alpha build of the game up and running. I also created the base for our item selection system, where the player can select up to three items to take with him/her into the level.
Item selection system with placeholder graphics.
The item selection system lets you choose up to three items from the database of items at the top of […]

Pre Alpha Coding
This week I have been working mostly on finishing smaller programming tasks in order to get our first alpha build of the game up and running. I also created the base for our item selection system, where the player can select up to three items to take with him/her into the level.
Item selection system with placeholder graphics.
The item selection system lets you choose up to three items from the database of items at the top of […]

Board Game – more play testing
This week has consisted mostly of more tweaking and balancing of our game.
On Tuesday we had a short meeting with Adam where he played our game and gave us some feedback. He enjoyed the game and thought we had a great base game that could be expanded in many different ways, like adding classes, shops/economy systems and more. He suggested that we should use the last weeks to try throwing lots of different systems and ideas into the game and […]

Board Game – more play testing
This week has consisted mostly of more tweaking and balancing of our game.
On Tuesday we had a short meeting with Adam where he played our game and gave us some feedback. He enjoyed the game and thought we had a great base game that could be expanded in many different ways, like adding classes, shops/economy systems and more. He suggested that we should use the last weeks to try throwing lots of different systems and ideas into the game and […]

Board Game – Play testing
Goal of the week – play testing
The goal this week was to play test and tweak our game so that we had a good and balanced version that could be play tested by other groups at the play testing session this Thursday.
What we did
One of the first issues we had to fix was that the wizard became too powerful too quickly. So we changed so that instead of automatically gaining one extra mana each turn the wizard only gained mana […]

Board Game – Play testing
Goal of the week – play testing
The goal this week was to play test and tweak our game so that we had a good and balanced version that could be play tested by other groups at the play testing session this Thursday.
What we did
One of the first issues we had to fix was that the wizard became too powerful too quickly. So we changed so that instead of automatically gaining one extra mana each turn the wizard only gained mana […]

Board Game weekly log
The main goal this week was to get a working “alpha” version of our game that we can use to play test internally and with others. After creating our core mechanic, the dungeon master/wizard and his resources, the mana wheel and deck of spells/monsters/traps, we created the basic setup and rules for the actual game.I created a quick document compiling the ideas and mechanics we discussed during our first meeting, you can download that document here.
We created a quick […]

Board Game weekly log
The main goal this week was to get a working “alpha” version of our game that we can use to play test internally and with others. After creating our core mechanic, the dungeon master/wizard and his resources, the mana wheel and deck of spells/monsters/traps, we created the basic setup and rules for the actual game.I created a quick document compiling the ideas and mechanics we discussed during our first meeting, you can download that document here.
We created a quick […]