Author Archives: Hanna Stråle Weber

Week 7
Wrapping it Up
Soo, this is our last full week before the deadline of the project next Thursday. We have sat an internal deadline for ourselves on Monday when we want everything to be done, so that we can spend the last couple of days to do all the last minute polish and make sure the game works like we want it to. As project manager, my responsibilities at the moment mostly consist of doing my best to help out where […]

Week 7
Wrapping it Up
Soo, this is our last full week before the deadline of the project next Thursday. We have sat an internal deadline for ourselves on Monday when we want everything to be done, so that we can spend the last couple of days to do all the last minute polish and make sure the game works like we want it to. As project manager, my responsibilities at the moment mostly consist of doing my best to help out where […]

Week 6
Preparation for Beta Presentation
For this week’s blogpost I will talk about my preparations for the beta presentation that will be held next week on Monday. When my group and I decided on who would do the presentation for the alfa, I figured my team members would have more knowledge about details of the game, and therefore would be more competent than I in answering questions from our teacher following the presentation. We later noticed that most groups had chosen their […]

Week 6
Preparation for Beta Presentation
For this week’s blogpost I will talk about my preparations for the beta presentation that will be held next week on Monday. When my group and I decided on who would do the presentation for the alfa, I figured my team members would have more knowledge about details of the game, and therefore would be more competent than I in answering questions from our teacher following the presentation. We later noticed that most groups had chosen their […]

Week 5
Compilation of playtest reviews
Last week we had a playtesting session where all the groups had the opportunity to get the opinions of other students about their games. My group and I had prepared a short survey for the play testers to fill in, and this week I did a compilation of the answers to give us an overview of what we have done good and what we must improve. By doing this I hope it will be easier for us […]

Week 5
Compilation of playtest reviews
Last week we had a playtesting session where all the groups had the opportunity to get the opinions of other students about their games. My group and I had prepared a short survey for the play testers to fill in, and this week I did a compilation of the answers to give us an overview of what we have done good and what we must improve. By doing this I hope it will be easier for us […]

Week 4
This week has been somewhat of a turning point for my group since we feel like we actually have an idea of what the end goal of our game is, for the first time since the start of the project. The alfa prototype is done and now it is time to iterate further and polish everything to the nines! One of my tasks has been to create art for one of the enemies in the game, a mean worm. It […]

Week 4
This week has been somewhat of a turning point for my group since we feel like we actually have an idea of what the end goal of our game is, for the first time since the start of the project. The alfa prototype is done and now it is time to iterate further and polish everything to the nines! One of my tasks has been to create art for one of the enemies in the game, a mean worm. It […]

Week 3
The artifact I have chosen to write about this week is my creation of a tileable background for our alpha prototype. My role in our group is producer/project manager, but since one of our graphic artists decided to quit the program last week we have had to reevaluate our roles and take on tasks that were not originally planned for us. I have no official knowledge in the graphic area but with some improvisation and a lot of youtube-tutorials I […]

Week 3
The artifact I have chosen to write about this week is my creation of a tileable background for our alpha prototype. My role in our group is producer/project manager, but since one of our graphic artists decided to quit the program last week we have had to reevaluate our roles and take on tasks that were not originally planned for us. I have no official knowledge in the graphic area but with some improvisation and a lot of youtube-tutorials I […]