Author Archives: Hans Christian Roupé Aksnes
Reflecting over a old animation made for assignmen1 in 3DII
Quick VLOG reflecting over a old animation I made in 3DII.
Reflecting over a old animation made for assignmen1 in 3DII
Quick VLOG reflecting over a old animation I made in 3DII.

Reflecting over a old animation made for assignmen1 in 3DII
Quick VLOG reflecting over a old animation I made in 3DII.

Reflecting over a old animation made for assignmen1 in 3DII
Quick VLOG reflecting over a old animation I made in 3DII.

Map Update (Big Game Project)!
For the last two weeks I have mostly been working on the map, adding trees and bushes. No problems have happened but I have redone the work three times due to opinions regarding the distance between the trees. We now have three different trees on the map, two different bushes and grass. It is starting too look real nice and Amanda has placed out props around the map as well.
I have also been modifying all buildings with team colors so […]

Map Update (Big Game Project)!
For the last two weeks I have mostly been working on the map, adding trees and bushes. No problems have happened but I have redone the work three times due to opinions regarding the distance between the trees. We now have three different trees on the map, two different bushes and grass. It is starting too look real nice and Amanda has placed out props around the map as well.
I have also been modifying all buildings with team colors so […]

Map Update (Big Game Project)!
For the last two weeks I have mostly been working on the map, adding trees and bushes. No problems have happened but I have redone the work three times due to opinions regarding the distance between the trees. We now have three different trees on the map, two different bushes and grass. It is starting too look real nice and Amanda has placed out props around the map as well.
I have also been modifying all buildings with team colors so […]

Map Update (Big Game Project)!
For the last two weeks I have mostly been working on the map, adding trees and bushes. No problems have happened but I have redone the work three times due to opinions regarding the distance between the trees. We now have three different trees on the map, two different bushes and grass. It is starting too look real nice and Amanda has placed out props around the map as well.
I have also been modifying all buildings with team colors so […]

GUI Work on Big Game Project!
This week, working on E.R.A has gone a lot smoother than last week. So last week I had a lot of problems with a healing statue I deleted after many tries. This week I re-modeled it completely and encountered the exact same problem, after a lot of thinking and trying with different file-formats I finally realized what the problem was! Apparently baking high-def model onto low-poly models sometimes does not use the correct colors for normal-maps (purple). What I did […]

GUI Work on Big Game Project!
This week, working on E.R.A has gone a lot smoother than last week. So last week I had a lot of problems with a healing statue I deleted after many tries. This week I re-modeled it completely and encountered the exact same problem, after a lot of thinking and trying with different file-formats I finally realized what the problem was! Apparently baking high-def model onto low-poly models sometimes does not use the correct colors for normal-maps (purple). What I did […]

GUI Work on Big Game Project!
This week, working on E.R.A has gone a lot smoother than last week. So last week I had a lot of problems with a healing statue I deleted after many tries. This week I re-modeled it completely and encountered the exact same problem, after a lot of thinking and trying with different file-formats I finally realized what the problem was! Apparently baking high-def model onto low-poly models sometimes does not use the correct colors for normal-maps (purple). What I did […]

GUI Work on Big Game Project!
This week, working on E.R.A has gone a lot smoother than last week. So last week I had a lot of problems with a healing statue I deleted after many tries. This week I re-modeled it completely and encountered the exact same problem, after a lot of thinking and trying with different file-formats I finally realized what the problem was! Apparently baking high-def model onto low-poly models sometimes does not use the correct colors for normal-maps (purple). What I did […]

A Slow “Big Game Project” Week
This week passed by really fast and not much work was done. First two days I finished UV-texturing the commander him self (not the building) and I was really pleased by the final results but then I was assigned a new task, to 3D-model a fountain. At each teams base there is supposed to be some sort of holy sculpture of a troll healing the players close to it.
I started of modeling it and finishing the UV-texture. I even made […]

A Slow “Big Game Project” Week
This week passed by really fast and not much work was done. First two days I finished UV-texturing the commander him self (not the building) and I was really pleased by the final results but then I was assigned a new task, to 3D-model a fountain. At each teams base there is supposed to be some sort of holy sculpture of a troll healing the players close to it.
I started of modeling it and finishing the UV-texture. I even made […]

A Slow “Big Game Project” Week
This week passed by really fast and not much work was done. First two days I finished UV-texturing the commander him self (not the building) and I was really pleased by the final results but then I was assigned a new task, to 3D-model a fountain. At each teams base there is supposed to be some sort of holy sculpture of a troll healing the players close to it.
I started of modeling it and finishing the UV-texture. I even made […]

A Slow “Big Game Project” Week
This week passed by really fast and not much work was done. First two days I finished UV-texturing the commander him self (not the building) and I was really pleased by the final results but then I was assigned a new task, to 3D-model a fountain. At each teams base there is supposed to be some sort of holy sculpture of a troll healing the players close to it.
I started of modeling it and finishing the UV-texture. I even made […]
The Big Game Projekt
The Big Game course officially started three weeks ago and so far it’s been an amazing journey. From the first day we’ve put all our hearts and souls into our MOBA/RTS game called E.R.A (Eternal Resonance Arena). Since the start of the project I cant say we (graphical artists) have encountered any real problems, its been fluently progressing, as a Technical Artist how ever I’ve learned that we have the adjust the graphics toward the Unity3D engine (which we are […]
The Big Game Projekt
The Big Game course officially started three weeks ago and so far it’s been an amazing journey. From the first day we’ve put all our hearts and souls into our MOBA/RTS game called E.R.A (Eternal Resonance Arena). Since the start of the project I cant say we (graphical artists) have encountered any real problems, its been fluently progressing, as a Technical Artist how ever I’ve learned that we have the adjust the graphics toward the Unity3D engine (which we are […]

The Big Game Projekt
The Big Game course officially started three weeks ago and so far it’s been an amazing journey. From the first day we’ve put all our hearts and souls into our MOBA/RTS game called E.R.A (Eternal Resonance Arena). Since the start of the project I cant say we (graphical artists) have encountered any real problems, its been fluently progressing, as a Technical Artist how ever I’ve learned that we have the adjust the graphics toward the Unity3D engine (which we are […]

The Big Game Projekt
The Big Game course officially started three weeks ago and so far it’s been an amazing journey. From the first day we’ve put all our hearts and souls into our MOBA/RTS game called E.R.A (Eternal Resonance Arena). Since the start of the project I cant say we (graphical artists) have encountered any real problems, its been fluently progressing, as a Technical Artist how ever I’ve learned that we have the adjust the graphics toward the Unity3D engine (which we are […]

This Weeks Progress
This Weeks Progress:
This week we’ve had a lot of progress on our board game. I remade our map so it was a lot more balanced than our previous versions while modifying it after feedback other people have given us. When I was happy with the layout I added some graphics real quick to make it more attractive, this version is far from the final one but it gives you an idea of how it could look like.
Game Testing:
Last Thursday […]

This Weeks Progress
This Weeks Progress:
This week we’ve had a lot of progress on our board game. I remade our map so it was a lot more balanced than our previous versions while modifying it after feedback other people have given us. When I was happy with the layout I added some graphics real quick to make it more attractive, this version is far from the final one but it gives you an idea of how it could look like.
Game Testing:
Last Thursday […]

This Weeks Progress
This Weeks Progress:
This week we’ve had a lot of progress on our board game. I remade our map so it was a lot more balanced than our previous versions while modifying it after feedback other people have given us. When I was happy with the layout I added some graphics real quick to make it more attractive, this version is far from the final one but it gives you an idea of how it could look like.
Game Testing:
Last Thursday […]

This Weeks Progress
This Weeks Progress:
This week we’ve had a lot of progress on our board game. I remade our map so it was a lot more balanced than our previous versions while modifying it after feedback other people have given us. When I was happy with the layout I added some graphics real quick to make it more attractive, this version is far from the final one but it gives you an idea of how it could look like.
Game Testing:
Last Thursday […]