Author Archives: Georgios Chatzoglakis
Here are my goals for the course Game Design in Practice as part of the assignment:
I want to release a game to the public.
Learn more about the work flow when working on a Serious Game
Get better at marketing & producing a game.
I want to improve my programming skills in C# and the Unity Engine.
Here is also a link to the work blog of our new game where we will post updates as the game develops.
It will be a Serious […]
Here are my goals for the course Game Design in Practice as part of the assignment:
I want to release a game to the public.
Learn more about the work flow when working on a Serious Game
Get better at marketing & producing a game.
I want to improve my programming skills in C# and the Unity Engine.
Here is also a link to the work blog of our new game where we will post updates as the game develops.
It will be a Serious […]

Big Game Project, Final Post
So one month has past since the project ended. So what did we end up with?
We have a working level and I’m happy with what we accomplished in such a short time even though the game is lacking in certain areas like UI functionality and maybe some gameplay mechanics.I do however like the graphical style of the game and the feeling it gives when played.
The last week of the project I went back to working with the UI again with […]

Big Game Project, Final Post
So one month has past since the project ended. So what did we end up with?
We have a working level and I’m happy with what we accomplished in such a short time even though the game is lacking in certain areas like UI functionality and maybe some gameplay mechanics.I do however like the graphical style of the game and the feeling it gives when played.
The last week of the project I went back to working with the UI again with […]

Big Game Project, Week 4
I’m a bit late with this post but this is for week 4 of the project. So this week (previous week) I was put on handling AI so I have put the menu and HUD stuff on hold for now. So lets dive into behavior trees!
For AI we will use Unreals built in behavior tree. The behavior tree in Unreal is a very big plus for the Unreal engine because it makes this so much more […]

Big Game Project, Week 4
I’m a bit late with this post but this is for week 4 of the project. So this week (previous week) I was put on handling AI so I have put the menu and HUD stuff on hold for now. So lets dive into behavior trees!
For AI we will use Unreals built in behavior tree. The behavior tree in Unreal is a very big plus for the Unreal engine because it makes this so much more […]

Big Game Project, Week 3 – Serialisation and Character Selection
This week has been about finishing up the character selection (the programming part) and figuring out how to save and load a game since we will be able to unlock characters we kill in our game so we needed some way to track that as well as all the regular data that needs to be saved like stats on your character and such.
Now the player can choose a character, click the new game button and can then add a name […]

Big Game Project, Week 3 – Serialisation and Character Selection
This week has been about finishing up the character selection (the programming part) and figuring out how to save and load a game since we will be able to unlock characters we kill in our game so we needed some way to track that as well as all the regular data that needs to be saved like stats on your character and such.
Now the player can choose a character, click the new game button and can then add a name […]

Big Game Project, Week 2 – GUI
Hi, New week == new blog post.
At the beginning of this week I migrated all the gui stuff I did previous week into the real project. I had to do some tweaks here and there to make it all come together.
I added functionality in most the gui objects so they hold an image behind all buttons and stuff. So when our talented graphical artists have time to make textures and nice art to the gui I can just slap […]

Big Game Project, Week 2 – GUI
Hi, New week == new blog post.
At the beginning of this week I migrated all the gui stuff I did previous week into the real project. I had to do some tweaks here and there to make it all come together.
I added functionality in most the gui objects so they hold an image behind all buttons and stuff. So when our talented graphical artists have time to make textures and nice art to the gui I can just slap […]

Big Game Project, Week 1
This is the first week of the production of a game for our class Big Game Project.I’m in a group with three other people, Two graphical artists and one other programmer.I will have the role of a programmer and I chose to not take a lead role in this project so I could focus more on production and learning. The game we make will be a dungeoun crawler with a camera view similar to that of Diablo 2. The motto […]

Big Game Project, Week 1
This is the first week of the production of a game for our class Big Game Project.I’m in a group with three other people, Two graphical artists and one other programmer.I will have the role of a programmer and I chose to not take a lead role in this project so I could focus more on production and learning. The game we make will be a dungeoun crawler with a camera view similar to that of Diablo 2. The motto […]

Networking (Week 50 + Week 51)
Where do I start?Well I started with assignment 3 last week, which consists of making a 3D game using DirectX. I became so overwhelmed (and still am) by the task that I basically did nothing for two weeks! Sure I read about programming patterns and networking and I did dibble in some network programming.
So that’s why I have no blog post from last week. I didn’t do anything worth blogging about. So a few days ago I finally started working […]

Networking (Week 50 + Week 51)
Where do I start?Well I started with assignment 3 last week, which consists of making a 3D game using DirectX. I became so overwhelmed (and still am) by the task that I basically did nothing for two weeks! Sure I read about programming patterns and networking and I did dibble in some network programming.
So that’s why I have no blog post from last week. I didn’t do anything worth blogging about. So a few days ago I finally started working […]
Planning the next step. (Week 49)
So this week I haven’t done much actual programming. I have just been reading up about different programming patterns and I have also been planning about how to create a server solution for the game we need to make in assignment 3.
Making a game with a multiplayer solution is only needed if you aim for a higher grade, which I do.
So I’m reading up about different things to think about when it comes to game networking. I first […]
Planning the next step. (Week 49)
So this week I haven’t done much actual programming. I have just been reading up about different programming patterns and I have also been planning about how to create a server solution for the game we need to make in assignment 3.
Making a game with a multiplayer solution is only needed if you aim for a higher grade, which I do.
So I’m reading up about different things to think about when it comes to game networking. I first […]

Done with the Web Server! (Week 48)
So I managed to finish my web server.
When I started coding I managed to get something up and working in a few hours and I blogged about it last week, but then I realized that there was much more to assignment 2 so I got down to business.
First of all I had to figure out how a web browser operates. Something I knew nothing about. My classmate Jonas explained how the browser sends a “GET” request (e.g. GET […]

Done with the Web Server! (Week 48)
So I managed to finish my web server.
When I started coding I managed to get something up and working in a few hours and I blogged about it last week, but then I realized that there was much more to assignment 2 so I got down to business.
First of all I had to figure out how a web browser operates. Something I knew nothing about. My classmate Jonas explained how the browser sends a “GET” request (e.g. GET […]

My first Webserver!,*cough*…kind of.
So this week I have been working on assignment 2, making a web server using C++ and Winsock2 API. It went quite well at the start and in basically one day I got a simple server (if you can call it that) that could handle one connection. I received data from the user and I displayed some text in the web browser to the user.
As you can see the browser in the back and in […]

My first Webserver!,*cough*…kind of.
So this week I have been working on assignment 2, making a web server using C++ and Winsock2 API. It went quite well at the start and in basically one day I got a simple server (if you can call it that) that could handle one connection. I received data from the user and I displayed some text in the web browser to the user.
As you can see the browser in the back and in […]

Back to programming!
Finally we started programming again and moved on from all that nonsense of playing board games and whatnot. Part of this course we need to write weekly blogs so I will be more active again.
So in this course we have 3 assignments.
Assignment 1 – Create a linked list and a Binary search tree. (Almost done with this)
Assignment 2 – Consists of writing a webserver
Assignment 3 – Create our own 3D game and engine using DirectX.
So this week I will share my […]

Back to programming!
Finally we started programming again and moved on from all that nonsense of playing board games and whatnot. Part of this course we need to write weekly blogs so I will be more active again.
So in this course we have 3 assignments.
Assignment 1 – Create a linked list and a Binary search tree. (Almost done with this)
Assignment 2 – Consists of writing a webserver
Assignment 3 – Create our own 3D game and engine using DirectX.
So this week I will share my […]

Pandemic – Board Game Analysis 2
This week me and my group played another board game and here is the analysis of that game.
The game we chose was Pandemic. It’s played by 2-4 players. The goal of the game is to fight diseases and find cures for them. When all cures are found you win the game. This is done together with the other players where you help each other fighting outbreaks around the world. You play on earth and […]

Pandemic – Board Game Analysis 2
This week me and my group played another board game and here is the analysis of that game.
The game we chose was Pandemic. It’s played by 2-4 players. The goal of the game is to fight diseases and find cures for them. When all cures are found you win the game. This is done together with the other players where you help each other fighting outbreaks around the world. You play on earth and […]