Author Archives: Fredrik Bill

Make it Stick
This monday the beta presentation was completed and the entirety of sunday was spent on setting up the game in a presentable state. Many issues had to be addressed, levels had to be playtested, bosses had to be implemented and bug fixed, sounds were missing and etc. We are currently in a state where the game functions as well it can and the focus is now on filling in the blanks.
However, some small changes has also been made. For […]

Make it Stick
This monday the beta presentation was completed and the entirety of sunday was spent on setting up the game in a presentable state. Many issues had to be addressed, levels had to be playtested, bosses had to be implemented and bug fixed, sounds were missing and etc. We are currently in a state where the game functions as well it can and the focus is now on filling in the blanks.
However, some small changes has also been made. For […]

The Boss Core
With little time to spare we forged on this week in order to complete the game’s features and have them working to fulfill beta. We identified the missing parts as sprites, sounds, background and the final boss. Since powerups and changes to shooting has been made from the beginning of the project, the boss has been on the backburner for a long time. Now that we have them where we want them, it’s was well overdue to complete the design […]

The Boss Core
With little time to spare we forged on this week in order to complete the game’s features and have them working to fulfill beta. We identified the missing parts as sprites, sounds, background and the final boss. Since powerups and changes to shooting has been made from the beginning of the project, the boss has been on the backburner for a long time. Now that we have them where we want them, it’s was well overdue to complete the design […]

Offering Choices to the Player
Following up on last week in which we improved parts of the game based on the playtest feedback we received, we now have made several changes in order to once again make our game interesting, not only to us but also to the audience.
What do I mean by this? What does interesting mean? To start off, let me give you some background. When we decided upon the concept of “Revenge of Teddy” we were currently unsure if our one and […]

Offering Choices to the Player
Following up on last week in which we improved parts of the game based on the playtest feedback we received, we now have made several changes in order to once again make our game interesting, not only to us but also to the audience.
What do I mean by this? What does interesting mean? To start off, let me give you some background. When we decided upon the concept of “Revenge of Teddy” we were currently unsure if our one and […]

Feedback and Improvements 16/02-2017
This monday we had a pre-alpha playtest and my week has been based on the feedback we were given. Since there were many suggestions regarding improving the game, I have no large task to focus around but more and smaller ones.
What we could gather from the feedback was that controlling two characters was not confusing and people enjoyed it, a lack of instructions made it confusing, especially since the projectile fired travels from the “aim” to the player. Allow me […]

Feedback and Improvements 16/02-2017
This monday we had a pre-alpha playtest and my week has been based on the feedback we were given. Since there were many suggestions regarding improving the game, I have no large task to focus around but more and smaller ones.
What we could gather from the feedback was that controlling two characters was not confusing and people enjoyed it, a lack of instructions made it confusing, especially since the projectile fired travels from the “aim” to the player. Allow me […]

Game Production (08-02-2017)
During sprint 2 of game production (the week before this) I continued work on both programming and design decisions. While most of the process with SCRUM is iterative and assets can always be improved, I turned my attention to the first level we would create. I decided to start with level 2 as I thought it would be a good idea to use my knowledge from creating earlier levels before starting on what will be the most important one. First […]

Game Production (08-02-2017)
During sprint 2 of game production (the week before this) I continued work on both programming and design decisions. While most of the process with SCRUM is iterative and assets can always be improved, I turned my attention to the first level we would create. I decided to start with level 2 as I thought it would be a good idea to use my knowledge from creating earlier levels before starting on what will be the most important one. First […]