Author Archives: Erin Siikavaara

Blog 5
I am not sure how many people talk about the backlog, but I am going to do it now.
The backlog is an excel document that we use to track the project development. It is a tool used to track what has been done, what is being done, and what needs to be done. Items need to be prioritized and deadlines must be set. Once a week, the group and I decide on tasks that need to be done. The backlog […]

Blog 5
I am not sure how many people talk about the backlog, but I am going to do it now.
The backlog is an excel document that we use to track the project development. It is a tool used to track what has been done, what is being done, and what needs to be done. Items need to be prioritized and deadlines must be set. Once a week, the group and I decide on tasks that need to be done. The backlog […]

Blog 4 – Focus
This week I feel the week started early. The team grouped together on Sunday to get things ready for the Play-Testing. The meeting was going to be a collaboration day, where we would implement what we had done together. Unfortunately, some individuals felt that they would have time to finish what they were supposed to do before implementing it. This resulted in a waste of time, and some scolding followed.
My main focus of the week was getting the Beta Presentation […]

Blog 4 – Focus
This week I feel the week started early. The team grouped together on Sunday to get things ready for the Play-Testing. The meeting was going to be a collaboration day, where we would implement what we had done together. Unfortunately, some individuals felt that they would have time to finish what they were supposed to do before implementing it. This resulted in a waste of time, and some scolding followed.
My main focus of the week was getting the Beta Presentation […]

Blog Post 3 – Working with the sick.
This week was an interesting one. I spent quite a lot of time de-bugging my backlog. It was initially created by my Designer, so I had trouble understanding it, therefore it was neglected. It is what I did this Wednesday during our 3 hour group meeting. I was joined by one Graphics, one Programmer, and my Designer, seeing as my other group mates were ill.
This was a pity because I was trying out different music possibilities with the group. They […]

Blog Post 3 – Working with the sick.
This week was an interesting one. I spent quite a lot of time de-bugging my backlog. It was initially created by my Designer, so I had trouble understanding it, therefore it was neglected. It is what I did this Wednesday during our 3 hour group meeting. I was joined by one Graphics, one Programmer, and my Designer, seeing as my other group mates were ill.
This was a pity because I was trying out different music possibilities with the group. They […]

Blog Number 2
Earlier in the week I went looking for sound online. I found a site with some license free music, however it gave individuals the option of purchasing tracks. I attempted to read the terms of use, as they had something about student use, but because I could not properly understand the text. I plan to go back to the Terms of Use on the page to see if they give students some sort of slack, however I doubt it. I […]

Blog Number 2
Earlier in the week I went looking for sound online. I found a site with some license free music, however it gave individuals the option of purchasing tracks. I attempted to read the terms of use, as they had something about student use, but because I could not properly understand the text. I plan to go back to the Terms of Use on the page to see if they give students some sort of slack, however I doubt it. I […]

First blog post, Let’s get started
This week I worked with Particles in Unity. I was trying to make a little cloud poof for the enemies to disappear behind once shot. It was difficult to keep the little cloud from spreading out, and to make the cloud stay close. There was also the problem of making the cloud image show up. After several hours of looking it up, screaming, yelling and slamming my mouse against the mousepad, I finally got it to work. Then I replicated […]

First blog post, Let’s get started
This week I worked with Particles in Unity. I was trying to make a little cloud poof for the enemies to disappear behind once shot. It was difficult to keep the little cloud from spreading out, and to make the cloud stay close. There was also the problem of making the cloud image show up. After several hours of looking it up, screaming, yelling and slamming my mouse against the mousepad, I finally got it to work. Then I replicated […]