Author Archives: Eira Saastamoinen

In every project, especially group projects you need to follow a plan, how to hand out different task, who should do what and in what time frame they should work in. In this development process of shoot ’em up games we used Scrum.
Scrum is an agile framework within which people can address problems while delivering products. Scrum itself is a simple framework for effective team collaboration on complex products. Scrum co-creators Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland have written ”The Scrum […]

In every project, especially group projects you need to follow a plan, how to hand out different task, who should do what and in what time frame they should work in. In this development process of shoot ’em up games we used Scrum.
Scrum is an agile framework within which people can address problems while delivering products. Scrum itself is a simple framework for effective team collaboration on complex products. Scrum co-creators Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland have written ”The Scrum […]

The solution of the tutorial and menu
The menu
The second last week we got to know that one of our graphic artists had dropped out from the course and we missed 50% of the material and the time limit was small and stressful. We decided for me as a game designer with earlier experience to do her work and one of the biggest feature we had left was the menu and tutorial. I came up with the idea and made it as quick as I could.
I […]

The solution of the tutorial and menu
The menu
The second last week we got to know that one of our graphic artists had dropped out from the course and we missed 50% of the material and the time limit was small and stressful. We decided for me as a game designer with earlier experience to do her work and one of the biggest feature we had left was the menu and tutorial. I came up with the idea and made it as quick as I could.
I […]

For our shoot ‘em up game we have had different play testing where we have shown our game for the other students and had them play it and come with feedback to help improve and see what flaws we have missed in the process of making the game.
It starts with we make the player play through the game, just explaining the controls and keep it very simple so the player can figure out without any instructions. After they have played […]

For our shoot ‘em up game we have had different play testing where we have shown our game for the other students and had them play it and come with feedback to help improve and see what flaws we have missed in the process of making the game.
It starts with we make the player play through the game, just explaining the controls and keep it very simple so the player can figure out without any instructions. After they have played […]

Power-up mechanic
Our group chose the concept for the game ”Behemoth” there you play as the biggest and most powerful ship in existence. You need to escape and with your fire power and stature to blow a path through the forces that are doing everything to not let you get away.
The concept document did not have any power-ups so we needed to figure out a power-up that would be logical to the Behemoth and make the player to feel even more powerful […]

Power-up mechanic
Our group chose the concept for the game ”Behemoth” there you play as the biggest and most powerful ship in existence. You need to escape and with your fire power and stature to blow a path through the forces that are doing everything to not let you get away.
The concept document did not have any power-ups so we needed to figure out a power-up that would be logical to the Behemoth and make the player to feel even more powerful […]