Author Archives: Chiara Lorusso

Beta Presentation
In my last blog post I talked about how my group and I manage our communication and sprints. This time I’ll talk about the beta presentation we had last Monday, including the way I prepared it and how it went.
First of all, the presentation was supposed to last not longer than 10 minutes, including showing gameplay and features implemented. As with the Alpha presentation, we had a few questions to answer, such as:
3 things that have gone well since […]

Beta Presentation
In my last blog post I talked about how my group and I manage our communication and sprints. This time I’ll talk about the beta presentation we had last Monday, including the way I prepared it and how it went.
First of all, the presentation was supposed to last not longer than 10 minutes, including showing gameplay and features implemented. As with the Alpha presentation, we had a few questions to answer, such as:
3 things that have gone well since […]

Management Things
Hello again! This week’s blog post will mostly focus on management stuff, which I guess will mostly be enjoyed by people that love organizing everything. Otherwise, it’s probably going to be boring. So, just to say something about the status of our game: at the moment, we’re focusing on implementing everything we have before Monday, which will be our second milestone: the Beta.
I think my group is doing a pretty good job at keeping track of everybody’s work and during the span […]

Management Things
Hello again! This week’s blog post will mostly focus on management stuff, which I guess will mostly be enjoyed by people that love organizing everything. Otherwise, it’s probably going to be boring. So, just to say something about the status of our game: at the moment, we’re focusing on implementing everything we have before Monday, which will be our second milestone: the Beta.
I think my group is doing a pretty good job at keeping track of everybody’s work and during the span […]

Alpha Presentation
Last week, on Thursday the 16th, my group and I completed one of our main milestones: the alpha presentation. The goal was to present everything we came up with until that point in our game and receive feedback and tips both from the teachers and the other students.
At the same time, we were required to answer a few questions, such as:
The concept we decided to go for and why we chose it
How we interpret the concept
Things that we were either […]

Alpha Presentation
Last week, on Thursday the 16th, my group and I completed one of our main milestones: the alpha presentation. The goal was to present everything we came up with until that point in our game and receive feedback and tips both from the teachers and the other students.
At the same time, we were required to answer a few questions, such as:
The concept we decided to go for and why we chose it
How we interpret the concept
Things that we were either […]

Play testing 1
This Monday my group and I had the chance to present our game during the play testing, which gave us the opportunity to receive very valuable feedback on our game. The version of the game that we presented was a kind of pre-alpha edition, we still had to change all the placeholders within the game and add the sounds, as well as tweaking some things that we knew were necessary for the game to be fun (e.g. enemy projectiles).
During the […]

Play testing 1
This Monday my group and I had the chance to present our game during the play testing, which gave us the opportunity to receive very valuable feedback on our game. The version of the game that we presented was a kind of pre-alpha edition, we still had to change all the placeholders within the game and add the sounds, as well as tweaking some things that we knew were necessary for the game to be fun (e.g. enemy projectiles).
During the […]

Pre-Sprint 1
Right before our first Sprint week, my group and I sat down and discussed how we wanted the game to be like. We already had a starting point: a well written concept document and a one page design that described in detail how the group that created it envisioned the final game.
We decided to keep the main key points of the game intact and start working on the game as soon as possible, as we didn’t want to change too […]

Pre-Sprint 1
Right before our first Sprint week, my group and I sat down and discussed how we wanted the game to be like. We already had a starting point: a well written concept document and a one page design that described in detail how the group that created it envisioned the final game.
We decided to keep the main key points of the game intact and start working on the game as soon as possible, as we didn’t want to change too […]