Author Archives: Benjamin Lockwood

Playtesting and More… Much More.
Hey everyone,
Sorry for the long pause between blog posts but these past few weeks have been crazy busy… Even busier than the previous post stated!!
So here’s a few things that the group has been up to this past week… Mainly finalising and polishing everything we currently have and getting ready for our hand in dates for Gotland Game Conference (GGC) and Swedish Game Awards (SGA).
Our game has come on leaps and bounds into the 3D world and there’s been plenty of play […]

Playtesting and More… Much More.
Hey everyone,
Sorry for the long pause between blog posts but these past few weeks have been crazy busy… Even busier than the previous post stated!!
So here’s a few things that the group has been up to this past week… Mainly finalising and polishing everything we currently have and getting ready for our hand in dates for Gotland Game Conference (GGC) and Swedish Game Awards (SGA).
Our game has come on leaps and bounds into the 3D world and there’s been plenty of play […]

Busy, busy, BUSY!
The Team Daemonocle production ship is currently firing on all cylinders! (minus this gloriously sunny first of May on the island). With the first of May coming around so soon we’ve been putting some hard working hours to get ready for the SGA (Swedish Game Awards) and the GGC (Gotland Game Conference) deadlines.
The programmers, Alex and Leevi, and our lead design, David, have been swatting those bugs in ‘Unity’ and keeping the DynaMine cart running as smooth as possible… There’s a […]

Busy, busy, BUSY!
The Team Daemonocle production ship is currently firing on all cylinders! (minus this gloriously sunny first of May on the island). With the first of May coming around so soon we’ve been putting some hard working hours to get ready for the SGA (Swedish Game Awards) and the GGC (Gotland Game Conference) deadlines.
The programmers, Alex and Leevi, and our lead design, David, have been swatting those bugs in ‘Unity’ and keeping the DynaMine cart running as smooth as possible… There’s a […]

DynaMine: The Beginning.
Hello, and welcome to the start of a new set of blog posts.
These following posts over the coming weeks will document our entire group’s work process for our arcade park game ‘DynaMine’.
For this section of the course we have been given the task to create a theme park game with an unconventional input device that we are to create/build ourselves. For this section of the there weren’t as strict guidelines for production. However, we knew as a group that we wanted […]

DynaMine: The Beginning.
Hello, and welcome to the start of a new set of blog posts.
These following posts over the coming weeks will document our entire group’s work process for our arcade park game ‘DynaMine’.
For this section of the course we have been given the task to create a theme park game with an unconventional input device that we are to create/build ourselves. For this section of the there weren’t as strict guidelines for production. However, we knew as a group that we wanted […]

Shields made of FIRE!
So this week has been a week of crunching and getting all the pieces together to complete the big picture. ALL SYSTEMS GOOO! With the days closing ever so rapidly it’s time to get things finished up and have everything together for the final product… EXCITING!!
With this being a busy time I’ve been fluctuating between both, Unity and Photoshop whilst finishing off and implementing all the artefacts needed for the final game.
One of the main jobs that needed redesigning and […]

Shields made of FIRE!
So this week has been a week of crunching and getting all the pieces together to complete the big picture. ALL SYSTEMS GOOO! With the days closing ever so rapidly it’s time to get things finished up and have everything together for the final product… EXCITING!!
With this being a busy time I’ve been fluctuating between both, Unity and Photoshop whilst finishing off and implementing all the artefacts needed for the final game.
One of the main jobs that needed redesigning and […]

The Rolling Background.
So, things are starting to slowly come together with the BETA production hitting full steam with assets being implemented left, right and centre. The current pipeline mainly consists of polishing up sprites and taking on board any feedback received through play testing sessions to form a finalised product. With the team’s work coming together we’re starting to have a complete piece that’s taking shape.
One of the main production pieces that us ‘Amarok’ artists have been working on this week has […]

The Rolling Background.
So, things are starting to slowly come together with the BETA production hitting full steam with assets being implemented left, right and centre. The current pipeline mainly consists of polishing up sprites and taking on board any feedback received through play testing sessions to form a finalised product. With the team’s work coming together we’re starting to have a complete piece that’s taking shape.
One of the main production pieces that us ‘Amarok’ artists have been working on this week has […]

GUI – Menu Design
GUI. Usually enunciated as ‘gooey’ and stands for Graphical User Interface. But enough of the technical talk, let’s get down to business!
The week’s tasks were to begin creating parts of the GUI for our game project. There was recently a group play-testing event and for this event we had basically implemented place holders for our menu for the player to actually be able to play, restart and quit the game. They looked terrible, but hey, that’s what place holders are […]

GUI – Menu Design
GUI. Usually enunciated as ‘gooey’ and stands for Graphical User Interface. But enough of the technical talk, let’s get down to business!
The week’s tasks were to begin creating parts of the GUI for our game project. There was recently a group play-testing event and for this event we had basically implemented place holders for our menu for the player to actually be able to play, restart and quit the game. They looked terrible, but hey, that’s what place holders are […]

Animations – The Farmer.
With the game design getting into full swing it was time to get into the core game play of the game. We’d previously received a concept that we’ve been studying over this last week and come up with our own ideas to suit our visions. A glorious road ahead of us filled with Knights, Assassins, Kings and FIRE! But… I had to start somewhere with the enemy animations right? There’s no better place to start than at the bottom, with the […]

Animations – The Farmer.
With the game design getting into full swing it was time to get into the core game play of the game. We’d previously received a concept that we’ve been studying over this last week and come up with our own ideas to suit our visions. A glorious road ahead of us filled with Knights, Assassins, Kings and FIRE! But… I had to start somewhere with the enemy animations right? There’s no better place to start than at the bottom, with the […]

Creating Concept Art.
So, first things first, starting with creating concept art that would be appropriate to the given era and setting of the game.
The game document we chose, as a group, was ‘Burn Witch, Burn’ and was set in the heart of Scotland around the 16th century when witches were still at large.
For the first week, among other tasks, I took the task of creating concept art for the setting of our game. This began by researching different aspects of life at this […]

Creating Concept Art.
So, first things first, starting with creating concept art that would be appropriate to the given era and setting of the game.
The game document we chose, as a group, was ‘Burn Witch, Burn’ and was set in the heart of Scotland around the 16th century when witches were still at large.
For the first week, among other tasks, I took the task of creating concept art for the setting of our game. This began by researching different aspects of life at this […]