Author Archives: Baloo Beckman

Week 5 – The Spawning System
This week I’ll be writing about how I and my group went on how to create a spawning system for our enemies, power ups and anything we might need to add into our game.
I’ll also be writing on how I evolved the system from a something very rudimentary and basic to a more flexible system.
For our game we needed a spawning system that would have to be expandable and flexible.
As this was something I needed to create pretty early on […]

Week 5 – The Spawning System
This week I’ll be writing about how I and my group went on how to create a spawning system for our enemies, power ups and anything we might need to add into our game.
I’ll also be writing on how I evolved the system from a something very rudimentary and basic to a more flexible system.
For our game we needed a spawning system that would have to be expandable and flexible.
As this was something I needed to create pretty early on […]

Week 4 – The Third Enemy
The Enemy with placeholder sprites
This week I have been working with our third enemy and some small refinements on a few things like making the camera work in parallax and getting knockback on the powerup for the player.
For the third enemy we wanted a much more harder enemy that could shoot and be able to take a few hits from the player’s base weapon.
So the enemy would be big and slow moving as well be able to shoot projectiles in […]

Week 4 – The Third Enemy
The Enemy with placeholder sprites
This week I have been working with our third enemy and some small refinements on a few things like making the camera work in parallax and getting knockback on the powerup for the player.
For the third enemy we wanted a much more harder enemy that could shoot and be able to take a few hits from the player’s base weapon.
So the enemy would be big and slow moving as well be able to shoot projectiles in […]

Week 3 – Second Enemy
For this week I’ll be talking about how I did the second enemy and how I got it to work like I wanted despite some initial problems.
The Functioning Enemy.
For our game we needed more enemies and I thought about an enemy that would constantly chase the player until it would kill us or get shot by us. To do this I had to read up on different functions that would be able to do it.
Since I knew that the […]

Week 3 – Second Enemy
For this week I’ll be talking about how I did the second enemy and how I got it to work like I wanted despite some initial problems.
The Functioning Enemy.
For our game we needed more enemies and I thought about an enemy that would constantly chase the player until it would kill us or get shot by us. To do this I had to read up on different functions that would be able to do it.
Since I knew that the […]

Week 2: The Basic Enemy
For one of our enemies we wanted to start with having a simple behavior that would only move in one direction. The enemy would be moving from right to left and be randomly spawned in on a vertical line slightly outside the main view of the game.
As this would mostly be for learning and having an enemy that wouldn’t do much more than moving straight we decided that having it spawn in endlessly would be a good first step.
The enemy […]

Week 2: The Basic Enemy
For one of our enemies we wanted to start with having a simple behavior that would only move in one direction. The enemy would be moving from right to left and be randomly spawned in on a vertical line slightly outside the main view of the game.
As this would mostly be for learning and having an enemy that wouldn’t do much more than moving straight we decided that having it spawn in endlessly would be a good first step.
The enemy […]

Week 1: First Post – Player Character
This is the first version of the player character for our shoot’em up game SelFish.
Here I will write about how I put it together in Unity and about the code implemented for it.
After getting a concept images for the character and weapon I changed them to sprites in Unity where I then added the weapon sprite as a child to the character one.
The sprite needed both a collider and a rigidbody2D which was easy to put on in Unity, the […]

Week 1: First Post – Player Character
This is the first version of the player character for our shoot’em up game SelFish.
Here I will write about how I put it together in Unity and about the code implemented for it.
After getting a concept images for the character and weapon I changed them to sprites in Unity where I then added the weapon sprite as a child to the character one.
The sprite needed both a collider and a rigidbody2D which was easy to put on in Unity, the […]