Author Archives: Axel Blanc

Week 5 – Oh god, it’s moving !
Welcome everyone for this last but not the least post !
Today I’m going to talk a bit about the animation I made for our main character. Since I wasn’t the one who made the main character, I decided to keep the same first frame that my teammate Felipe had already done.
I used a frame without the hands because one of the hand is going to be on top of the gun so ot wasn’t important to animate it.
Here is the […]

Week 5 – Oh god, it’s moving !
Welcome everyone for this last but not the least post !
Today I’m going to talk a bit about the animation I made for our main character. Since I wasn’t the one who made the main character, I decided to keep the same first frame that my teammate Felipe had already done.
I used a frame without the hands because one of the hand is going to be on top of the gun so ot wasn’t important to animate it.
Here is the […]

Week 4 – To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome for the blog of this week ! As you noticed already in the title, I will talk today about all the work I’ve been through this week to draw some sprites for dead enemies. (I’m sorry for all Conan’s fan who thought that according to the title I was going to talk about Conan, but the cake is ALWAYS a lie. )
So, this week I was in charge of drawing some sprites for the 2 […]

Week 4 – To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome for the blog of this week ! As you noticed already in the title, I will talk today about all the work I’ve been through this week to draw some sprites for dead enemies. (I’m sorry for all Conan’s fan who thought that according to the title I was going to talk about Conan, but the cake is ALWAYS a lie. )
So, this week I was in charge of drawing some sprites for the 2 […]

Week 3 -Designing a death screen
Hello world ! In this new post I am going to talk about the death screen I made for our Game selfish.
So, I was asked to draw a death screen to implement in our game. The screen is going to appear every time the main character dies and will be a transition between the actual time the player looses and starts again. Thus when I started making the screen, I wanted to put a game over and a continue with […]

Week 3 -Designing a death screen
Hello world ! In this new post I am going to talk about the death screen I made for our Game selfish.
So, I was asked to draw a death screen to implement in our game. The screen is going to appear every time the main character dies and will be a transition between the actual time the player looses and starts again. Thus when I started making the screen, I wanted to put a game over and a continue with […]

Week 2 – From Pirate’s chest to bubble gun
Oyez, Oyez people from game design and everyone else ! Today I’m going to talk about both the conception of a chest and its animation and (as an extra) the conception of a bubble gun, the gun that our Main Protagonist will use as a basic weapons shooting bubbles.
I was assigned to draw a chest that would contain some of the power-ups the character would loot. So, for the design of that chest, I actually immediately thought of pirates and […]

Week 2 – From Pirate’s chest to bubble gun
Oyez, Oyez people from game design and everyone else ! Today I’m going to talk about both the conception of a chest and its animation and (as an extra) the conception of a bubble gun, the gun that our Main Protagonist will use as a basic weapons shooting bubbles.
I was assigned to draw a chest that would contain some of the power-ups the character would loot. So, for the design of that chest, I actually immediately thought of pirates and […]

Week 1 : First Post – Enemy Concept
First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Axel, the lead artist of group Quetzalcoatl. I wasn’t originally plan to be Lead Artist but after a short discussion with the 2 others graphics student in my group, we named me Lead Artist.
My task was to draw several conceptual enemies. So, I did a bunch of drawing before getting to three specific enemies we could use. The Aquarius, the Sardine and the Spike Fish. After drawing them in a better […]

Week 1 : First Post – Enemy Concept
First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Axel, the lead artist of group Quetzalcoatl. I wasn’t originally plan to be Lead Artist but after a short discussion with the 2 others graphics student in my group, we named me Lead Artist.
My task was to draw several conceptual enemies. So, I did a bunch of drawing before getting to three specific enemies we could use. The Aquarius, the Sardine and the Spike Fish. After drawing them in a better […]