Yearly Archives: 2016

Code Review of team 18
First off I’d like to compliment the programmers of Team 18 for a thorough file distribution of their header and source files. It’s easy to navigate through the files for a person who sees the code for the first time.
Looking at the player class, I noticed that it has over 600 lines of code. Browsing through I noticed that several functions that are related to the player, like the powerups, are included in the player class. To me it seems that […]

Code Review of team 18
First off I’d like to compliment the programmers of Team 18 for a thorough file distribution of their header and source files. It’s easy to navigate through the files for a person who sees the code for the first time.
Looking at the player class, I noticed that it has over 600 lines of code. Browsing through I noticed that several functions that are related to the player, like the powerups, are included in the player class. To me it seems that […]

Code Review on Group 15’s game “Geneva Lost”
This is a code review on group 15’s project “Geneva Lost”. In this report I am going to look into how their player class is implemented in their game and the types of connections it has with other classes. Simply put; what makes the player do stuff.
Their player needs a few things to make it work:
It inherits from a base class called GameObject.
A Entity class which is derived from GameObject.
It also needs a DrawManager which renders the players texture onto […]

Code Review on Group 15’s game “Geneva Lost”
This is a code review on group 15’s project “Geneva Lost”. In this report I am going to look into how their player class is implemented in their game and the types of connections it has with other classes. Simply put; what makes the player do stuff.
Their player needs a few things to make it work:
It inherits from a base class called GameObject.
A Entity class which is derived from GameObject.
It also needs a DrawManager which renders the players texture onto […]
Code Review of team 5s Player
I have to say that i’m impressed with how simple the player class is and that it has pretty much no coupling other than the functions that are in SFML. Our player class has a lot of coupling going on which makes me even more amazed and i’ll have to take some note on how this is done. I don’t really don’t know if i can say anything more since it’s hard to recommend how to decouple something that already […]
Code Review of team 5s Player
I have to say that i’m impressed with how simple the player class is and that it has pretty much no coupling other than the functions that are in SFML. Our player class has a lot of coupling going on which makes me even more amazed and i’ll have to take some note on how this is done. I don’t really don’t know if i can say anything more since it’s hard to recommend how to decouple something that already […]
Code review, Team 19 – Mermaid River
Hello Team 19!
First of all looking at your commit-history at bitbucket, you do not seem to be very active at all with your game…
Moving on to your player class, I assume that to be the one called PlayerEntity, first of all it is completely without comments, that is a bad coding habit. Comments on what your functions do makes code much easier to read and navigate.
Secondly you have a bunch of pointers to different managers in your .h file, half […]
Code review, Team 19 – Mermaid River
Hello Team 19!
First of all looking at your commit-history at bitbucket, you do not seem to be very active at all with your game…
Moving on to your player class, I assume that to be the one called PlayerEntity, first of all it is completely without comments, that is a bad coding habit. Comments on what your functions do makes code much easier to read and navigate.
Secondly you have a bunch of pointers to different managers in your .h file, half […]

Code Review for Team 19 – Mermaid River
Hello team 19, I have been going through your player class and trying to figure everything out, so here is some my conclusion and some tips.
First it seems you don’t really use source tree to its full potential, currently now as this post is being written the last update on your repositories was 4 days ago and the one before that was a week ago. I would firstly recommend you to actually use source tree and commit your code to it. […]

Code Review for Team 19 – Mermaid River
Hello team 19, I have been going through your player class and trying to figure everything out, so here is some my conclusion and some tips.
First it seems you don’t really use source tree to its full potential, currently now as this post is being written the last update on your repositories was 4 days ago and the one before that was a week ago. I would firstly recommend you to actually use source tree and commit your code to it. […]

Individual uppgift
Om inte titeln redan har sagt det så är denna post inte en del av spelutveckling intruduktion. Denna post är en del av en uppgift som vi fick i programmering 2 kursen.
Hej mitt namn är Emil och jag har läst igenom eran kod för att försöka analysera och hitta möjliga förbättringar till den klass som representerar spelaren. Det var ganska lätt att hitta klassen men mycket svårare att hitta vart den inte används någonstans.
Men låt mig börja med att förklara […]

Individual uppgift
Om inte titeln redan har sagt det så är denna post inte en del av spelutveckling intruduktion. Denna post är en del av en uppgift som vi fick i programmering 2 kursen.
Hej mitt namn är Emil och jag har läst igenom eran kod för att försöka analysera och hitta möjliga förbättringar till den klass som representerar spelaren. Det var ganska lätt att hitta klassen men mycket svårare att hitta vart den inte används någonstans.
Men låt mig börja med att förklara […]
[5SD023]Project report och review of a player class
This week we were tasked to write a report on our project and an review on anothers group player class. The latter having focus on coupling and decoupling, which I am still not sure if I have fully grasped, resulting in a rather short review. The rest of the post will be in swedish.
När projektet började var vi mer engagerade i att skapa en motor istället för att börja prototypa de olika delarna av spelet såsom stealth, flygande och fiender. Hade […]
[5SD023]Project report och review of a player class
This week we were tasked to write a report on our project and an review on anothers group player class. The latter having focus on coupling and decoupling, which I am still not sure if I have fully grasped, resulting in a rather short review. The rest of the post will be in swedish.
När projektet började var vi mer engagerade i att skapa en motor istället för att börja prototypa de olika delarna av spelet såsom stealth, flygande och fiender. Hade […]
[5SD023] Projektrapport och kodrecension – Programmeringsuppgift – Grupp 7
När projektet började var vi mer engagerade i att skapa en motor istället för att börja prototypa de olika delarna av spelet såsom stealth, flygande och fiender. Hade vi börjat med att prototypa istället för att försöka skapa en motor så kan projektet sett annorlunda ut nu. Det är möjligt att vi hade vetat mer om de olika funktionerna vi planerat, men trots allt är vi relativt nöjda med hur vårt arbete med spelet skett under de senaste veckorna.
Det kan […]
[5SD023] Projektrapport och kodrecension – Programmeringsuppgift – Grupp 7
När projektet började var vi mer engagerade i att skapa en motor istället för att börja prototypa de olika delarna av spelet såsom stealth, flygande och fiender. Hade vi börjat med att prototypa istället för att försöka skapa en motor så kan projektet sett annorlunda ut nu. Det är möjligt att vi hade vetat mer om de olika funktionerna vi planerat, men trots allt är vi relativt nöjda med hur vårt arbete med spelet skett under de senaste veckorna.
Det kan […]

5SD023 Code Review of Team 9 Player(Giraffe) class
Code Review of 5SD023 Team 9’s player Class
by Karl Malm (Team 8)
This post will mainly detail the code of the Player (Giraffe) Class of Team 9’s space shooter project, found here:
General Project Status
The code at the time of writing had an error which kept me from opening it without altering the project files, most likely a merge error introduced at 2016-03-02’s update. These can be found under the #include lists in the .vcxproj and .filter files. There are more […]

5SD023 Code Review of Team 9 Player(Giraffe) class
Code Review of 5SD023 Team 9’s player Class
by Karl Malm (Team 8)
This post will mainly detail the code of the Player (Giraffe) Class of Team 9’s space shooter project, found here:
General Project Status
The code at the time of writing had an error which kept me from opening it without altering the project files, most likely a merge error introduced at 2016-03-02’s update. These can be found under the #include lists in the .vcxproj and .filter files. There are more […]
Code Review – Group 11
So looking at your code, you have a Ginny class… but you don’t actually use it. Instead everything is handled in your main function. Due to this it’s really hard to follow what’s going on.
As for your Ginny class, its bindings are screen dimensions, a sprite and a pointer to a sf::Keyboard.
You probably don’t need to have a sf::Keyboard pointer. Since sf::Keyboard has a static function sf::Keyboard::IsKeyDown which returns the current state of a key, you could call that instead […]
Code Review – Group 11
So looking at your code, you have a Ginny class… but you don’t actually use it. Instead everything is handled in your main function. Due to this it’s really hard to follow what’s going on.
As for your Ginny class, its bindings are screen dimensions, a sprite and a pointer to a sf::Keyboard.
You probably don’t need to have a sf::Keyboard pointer. Since sf::Keyboard has a static function sf::Keyboard::IsKeyDown which returns the current state of a key, you could call that instead […]
Code Review: Grupp 9, spelarklass
Det allra första som jag tänkte på när jag kollade igenom spelarklassen var det att ni använder en inputklass, men ni använder den till saker som SFML redan har inbyggt. sf::Mouse och sf::Keyboard har redan det ni behöver, varför återskapa det? Det enda som jag kan komma på som man skulle kunna använda en egen inputklass till som SFML inte redan gör åt en är keybinds, vilket ni kanske har planerat.
Code Review: Grupp 9, spelarklass
Det allra första som jag tänkte på när jag kollade igenom spelarklassen var det att ni använder en inputklass, men ni använder den till saker som SFML redan har inbyggt. sf::Mouse och sf::Keyboard har redan det ni behöver, varför återskapa det? Det enda som jag kan komma på som man skulle kunna använda en egen inputklass till som SFML inte redan gör åt en är keybinds, vilket ni kanske har planerat.
Code Review: Grupp 9, spelarklass
Det allra första som jag tänkte på när jag kollade igenom spelarklassen var det att ni använder en inputklass, men ni använder den till saker som SFML redan har inbyggt. sf::Mouse och sf::Keyboard har redan det ni behöver, varför återskapa det? Det enda som jag kan komma på som man skulle kunna använda en egen inputklass till som SFML inte redan gör åt en är keybinds, vilket ni kanske har planerat.
Code Review: Grupp 9, spelarklass
Det allra första som jag tänkte på när jag kollade igenom spelarklassen var det att ni använder en inputklass, men ni använder den till saker som SFML redan har inbyggt. sf::Mouse och sf::Keyboard har redan det ni behöver, varför återskapa det? Det enda som jag kan komma på som man skulle kunna använda en egen inputklass till som SFML inte redan gör åt en är keybinds, vilket ni kanske har planerat.