Yearly Archives: 2016
Desolation: The Old World
So I have now for a while been working with concept art and creative development for the game Desolation: The Old World. Since it has been a while since I posted anything here on my blog I’m drop this bomb of my compiled work on the game!
This character was supposed to be a sort of merchant that would appear from any odd dark corner and trade with the player.
Here is a concept art of the enemy faction called “the Gnaarg”This […]
Desolation: The Old World
So I have now for a while been working with concept art and creative development for the game Desolation: The Old World. Since it has been a while since I posted anything here on my blog I’m drop this bomb of my compiled work on the game!
This character was supposed to be a sort of merchant that would appear from any odd dark corner and trade with the player.
Here is a concept art of the enemy faction called “the Gnaarg”This […]
Vecka 3
Jag jobbade bara måndag till onsdag förra veckan då jag åkte iväg till Stockholm i slutet av veckan på grund av ett jobberbjudande så den här veckans inlägg blir väldigt kort tyvärr! Kommer arbeta på mera den här veckan nu när vi har kommit halvvägs in i produktionen.
Medborgarplatsen ritad av Emma Mörk.
Sigrid Svederoth
Idag hade vi våra första möten. Varje måndag ska grafikerna, programmerarna och producenten möta sina respektive lärare för att få feedback och […]
Vecka 3
Jag jobbade bara måndag till onsdag förra veckan då jag åkte iväg till Stockholm i slutet av veckan på grund av ett jobberbjudande så den här veckans inlägg blir väldigt kort tyvärr! Kommer arbeta på mera den här veckan nu när vi har kommit halvvägs in i produktionen.
Medborgarplatsen ritad av Emma Mörk.
Sigrid Svederoth
Idag hade vi våra första möten. Varje måndag ska grafikerna, programmerarna och producenten möta sina respektive lärare för att få feedback och […]
Overlay – setbacks and progress
I didn’t know that it has been this long since I last blogged anything, but I’ve been busy with the program I’m working on. There’s been some progress, but also some setbacks. Mostly the setbacks have been caused by unexpected behaviors and poor planning. Yes, poor planning, but in all honesty most of this program started with just a test and then evolved into a test. Then I showed that test to someone and I got inspired to continue working […]
Overlay – setbacks and progress
I didn’t know that it has been this long since I last blogged anything, but I’ve been busy with the program I’m working on. There’s been some progress, but also some setbacks. Mostly the setbacks have been caused by unexpected behaviors and poor planning. Yes, poor planning, but in all honesty most of this program started with just a test and then evolved into a test. Then I showed that test to someone and I got inspired to continue working […]
BGP week 2 – She moves now.
So week 1 was largely spent reading the chapter on animations in the Unity Manual, as well as checking out loads of online tutorials and guides, some of which were helpful, most of which wasn’t. Come week 2, I had a pretty good picture of how to proceed, as well as an animation script provided by helpful programmer Johannes.
So I started setting up an actual proper animation controller for our player character, Neiva, creating new and scrapping old animations as […]
BGP week 2 – She moves now.
So week 1 was largely spent reading the chapter on animations in the Unity Manual, as well as checking out loads of online tutorials and guides, some of which were helpful, most of which wasn’t. Come week 2, I had a pretty good picture of how to proceed, as well as an animation script provided by helpful programmer Johannes.
So I started setting up an actual proper animation controller for our player character, Neiva, creating new and scrapping old animations as […]
BGP Blog 1 – How does Unity handle animations, anyway?
Alright so, in the previous course, in which we were to model, texture and animate a 3D character, I got to do the animations. Now, this happens to be the same character we’re using for our Big Game Project – a little, like, lava stone kind of creature called Neiva. So I did some animations in Motionbuilder for that, six to be precise. That first week, I spent most of the time adjusting and cleaning them up for use in […]
BGP Blog 1 – How does Unity handle animations, anyway?
Alright so, in the previous course, in which we were to model, texture and animate a 3D character, I got to do the animations. Now, this happens to be the same character we’re using for our Big Game Project – a little, like, lava stone kind of creature called Neiva. So I did some animations in Motionbuilder for that, six to be precise. That first week, I spent most of the time adjusting and cleaning them up for use in […]
Project Neiva Week 3
Last week the focus was on getting the player to feel good, to get the player to feel better we changed the movement and the speed of the player. We also changed how one of the projectiles worked and how the camera moved.
During a playtest we had the week before we collected data about how the testers felt. Most of the tester thought the player moved to fast, the jump and the camera did not feel right and that one […]
Project Neiva Week 3
Last week the focus was on getting the player to feel good, to get the player to feel better we changed the movement and the speed of the player. We also changed how one of the projectiles worked and how the camera moved.
During a playtest we had the week before we collected data about how the testers felt. Most of the tester thought the player moved to fast, the jump and the camera did not feel right and that one […]
The initial weeks of BGP have ended!
So me and my group have now been working 2 weeks on our big game project, Synapse. Since we were a group which was formed late and with an unfinished (at that time) concept, the initial part of the project was put on finishing the idea of the game. Our group consists of 6 2D artists who have various tasks and 1 programmer, myself. Since I’m the only programmer I’m also in charge of making sure that the technical things […]
The initial weeks of BGP have ended!
So me and my group have now been working 2 weeks on our big game project, Synapse. Since we were a group which was formed late and with an unfinished (at that time) concept, the initial part of the project was put on finishing the idea of the game. Our group consists of 6 2D artists who have various tasks and 1 programmer, myself. Since I’m the only programmer I’m also in charge of making sure that the technical things […]
Big Game Project: Week 2
The second week (Apr 11 – Apr 15) development of our game “Kei” continues. This week I kept on working on the main character (Kei). The focus this week, however, was player animations. Our graphics artists produced a 3D model our main character as well as her Idle, Run and Attack animations. I implemented these animations into the game.
To do it, I learned the basics of Unity’s Blend Trees. A blend tree blends two or more animations and produces intermediate animations […]
Big Game Project: Week 2
The second week (Apr 11 – Apr 15) development of our game “Kei” continues. This week I kept on working on the main character (Kei). The focus this week, however, was player animations. Our graphics artists produced a 3D model our main character as well as her Idle, Run and Attack animations. I implemented these animations into the game.
To do it, I learned the basics of Unity’s Blend Trees. A blend tree blends two or more animations and produces intermediate animations […]
BGP: Second Post
This week I have been mainly going over assets, UV-mapping, lightmapping and re-assigning material ID:s to make the environment texturing easier and tried out a couple of texture setups to see what would work for the visual style we had in mind. It’s been a bit tricky, since it’s our first time working with 3D in Unity so every step is a bit trial-and-error. Nothing I’d like to show so far unfortunately but here’s a piece of promotional art for […]
BGP: Second Post
This week I have been mainly going over assets, UV-mapping, lightmapping and re-assigning material ID:s to make the environment texturing easier and tried out a couple of texture setups to see what would work for the visual style we had in mind. It’s been a bit tricky, since it’s our first time working with 3D in Unity so every step is a bit trial-and-error. Nothing I’d like to show so far unfortunately but here’s a piece of promotional art for […]
Tale – Big Game Project
Hello! For the last three weeks I have been working on a Third person action adventure game called Tale for the course Big Game Project. This is the first time im working with Unity 5 3D and it has been a challenge! I have had to learn some new math and a lot of Unity’s 3d syntax.
During these three weeks I have been working on a couple of features:
The character controller – Movement
Bow Aiming and Shooting
The Camera
The hardest task […]
Tale – Big Game Project
Hello! For the last three weeks I have been working on a Third person action adventure game called Tale for the course Big Game Project. This is the first time im working with Unity 5 3D and it has been a challenge! I have had to learn some new math and a lot of Unity’s 3d syntax.
During these three weeks I have been working on a couple of features:
The character controller – Movement
Bow Aiming and Shooting
The Camera
The hardest task […]
Neiva programming blog 2
I’ve been working on the player character movement. That includes running, jumping, land on moving platforms, move WITH moving platforms and more… I’ll now talk about how I created the jumping movement.
In the Neiva game we have the main character the player controls: NEIVA. It’s a two legged little creature that looks cute, colorful and non-realistic. In the game, we did not want realistic movement. A realistic jump would be a single jump force up from the ground and then […]
Neiva programming blog 2
I’ve been working on the player character movement. That includes running, jumping, land on moving platforms, move WITH moving platforms and more… I’ll now talk about how I created the jumping movement.
In the Neiva game we have the main character the player controls: NEIVA. It’s a two legged little creature that looks cute, colorful and non-realistic. In the game, we did not want realistic movement. A realistic jump would be a single jump force up from the ground and then […]
Big Game Project week 2
This week had its ups and downs. There are so many things to be decided that I haven´t got the faintest clue about how to do. I have never made a 3D game before in my entire life! The thing I’ve been trying to figure out this week is how her attack animations will work and how they should be programmed. I cant just say “she should have a big sword and wave it around and stuff” Will she make […]
Big Game Project week 2
This week had its ups and downs. There are so many things to be decided that I haven´t got the faintest clue about how to do. I have never made a 3D game before in my entire life! The thing I’ve been trying to figure out this week is how her attack animations will work and how they should be programmed. I cant just say “she should have a big sword and wave it around and stuff” Will she make […]