Daily Archives: September 21, 2015

Goals for the rest of 2015
Hi again! This’ll be quite a small update.
I’ve been on a hiatus for all summer, but I’m back in the business now. The goals for the rest of this semester is to create a Minimal Viable Product to release to a guaranteed target audience. This means that we’ll be working on Tamarrion (if you don’t know what that is, just scroll down! There’s plenty of content) continuously, and I’ll be working with design, marketing and PR.
The goal
Right, so my goal […]

Goals for the rest of 2015
Hi again! This’ll be quite a small update.
I’ve been on a hiatus for all summer, but I’m back in the business now. The goals for the rest of this semester is to create a Minimal Viable Product to release to a guaranteed target audience. This means that we’ll be working on Tamarrion (if you don’t know what that is, just scroll down! There’s plenty of content) continuously, and I’ll be working with design, marketing and PR.
The goal
Right, so my goal […]

DreamHack Stockholm
This Thursday (24th) most of the team will be leaving for Stockholm to show Tamarrion at DreamHack in Globen, so anyone who happens to be there are very welcome to come try it out!
DreamHack Sthlm last year, where we showed Totemic

DreamHack Stockholm
This Thursday (24th) most of the team will be leaving for Stockholm to show Tamarrion at DreamHack in Globen, so anyone who happens to be there are very welcome to come try it out!
DreamHack Sthlm last year, where we showed Totemic

Otto’s lines of dialouge
Now when we’re so close to the Final turn in of our game, we thought that we should make Otto talk. This feature is in the game just to tell the player of where Otto is. It is also in the game to make it more humorous. He will say stuff like “Get out of my house!”, “You should see my secret stash” and “Get your finger of my cane!”. These lines are all there to make Otto feel a […]

Otto’s lines of dialouge
Now when we’re so close to the Final turn in of our game, we thought that we should make Otto talk. This feature is in the game just to tell the player of where Otto is. It is also in the game to make it more humorous. He will say stuff like “Get out of my house!”, “You should see my secret stash” and “Get your finger of my cane!”. These lines are all there to make Otto feel a […]

With a click of a button
When starting the game we want the players to be prepared. The players shouldn’t feel like they’re being thrown into the game without warning. In order to make the player prepared we had to make a menu from where the players can access the game. From the menu the players can start the game, check the high score, learn the controls, adjust the options and quit the game if they were to change their minds.
When making the menu we chose […]

With a click of a button
When starting the game we want the players to be prepared. The players shouldn’t feel like they’re being thrown into the game without warning. In order to make the player prepared we had to make a menu from where the players can access the game. From the menu the players can start the game, check the high score, learn the controls, adjust the options and quit the game if they were to change their minds.
When making the menu we chose […]
Kicking off with Goals
Moving forward, work will continue on Tamarrion. And it will do so in conjunction with the course Game design in Practice.
In the spirit of this course and our continued work I have set some goals that I wish to reach, as a way to motivate me further and try to push myself.
1. The Aesthetic
After having worked on the GGC version of our game Tamarrion I saw many things that needed to be improved and that I wished to redo completely. […]
Kicking off with Goals
Moving forward, work will continue on Tamarrion. And it will do so in conjunction with the course Game design in Practice.
In the spirit of this course and our continued work I have set some goals that I wish to reach, as a way to motivate me further and try to push myself.
1. The Aesthetic
After having worked on the GGC version of our game Tamarrion I saw many things that needed to be improved and that I wished to redo completely. […]