Yearly Archives: 2014

Holiday assignment

I’ve been really bad at updating this blog lately, apologies!
Now that Christmas is out of the way I’ve started working on our holiday assignment for real. Our assignment was to draw the character we designed earlier during the course, princess Bella in my case, in an environment with correct perspective and to shade it.
The first thing I did was to draw a few thumbnails with ideas for the layout of the drawing.

I had some different ideas with different difficulty […]

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Program: Graphics

Holiday assignment

I’ve been really bad at updating this blog lately, apologies!
Now that Christmas is out of the way I’ve started working on our holiday assignment for real. Our assignment was to draw the character we designed earlier during the course, princess Bella in my case, in an environment with correct perspective and to shade it.
The first thing I did was to draw a few thumbnails with ideas for the layout of the drawing.

I had some different ideas with different difficulty […]

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Program: Graphics

Sjunde veckan

Under denna vecka har det varit mycket jul stök och andra händelser som tagit upp tid
Det har självklart varit tidigt men eget arbete har blivit fokus under veckan.
Under veckan har jag arbetat med Sprite och SpriteManager samt en enkel variant av gamestate som test grund.
Eftersom det har varit stökigt so har fokus varit att lära sig mer hur ett spel ska struktureras samt hur SDL fungerar lite djupare på sprite ritningar.
Nu framöver blir det mer intensivt grupparbete när vi gör […]

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Program: Programming

Sjunde veckan

Under denna vecka har det varit mycket jul stök och andra händelser som tagit upp tid
Det har självklart varit tidigt men eget arbete har blivit fokus under veckan.
Under veckan har jag arbetat med Sprite och SpriteManager samt en enkel variant av gamestate som test grund.
Eftersom det har varit stökigt so har fokus varit att lära sig mer hur ett spel ska struktureras samt hur SDL fungerar lite djupare på sprite ritningar.
Nu framöver blir det mer intensivt grupparbete när vi gör […]

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Program: Programming


Arbetet går ganska segt framåt pga jul och släkt men lite framåt går det.
Jag har fått ut en gubbe jag kan gå runt med i första staden men har bara hunnit sätta kollision på vattnet och inte huset/staketen. Har även försökt få gubben att vrida sig men lyckas inte få till att den ska byta sprite när man går åt ett annat håll. Ett exempel på vad jag har gjort:
else if (m_keyboard->IsKeyDown(1))
m_y += speed;
if (m_y > 325)
m_y = 325;
if (m_x > […]

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Program: Programming


Arbetet går ganska segt framåt pga jul och släkt men lite framåt går det.
Jag har fått ut en gubbe jag kan gå runt med i första staden men har bara hunnit sätta kollision på vattnet och inte huset/staketen. Har även försökt få gubben att vrida sig men lyckas inte få till att den ska byta sprite när man går åt ett annat håll. Ett exempel på vad jag har gjort:
else if (m_keyboard->IsKeyDown(1))
m_y += speed;
if (m_y > 325)
m_y = 325;
if (m_x > […]

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Program: Programming

Jolly Christmas Programming.

Merry Christmas!
So when others are drinking egg nod and the Swedish Christmas specialties ”glögg” and ”julmust”  during a quite relaxing weekend i am stuck with my groups Pokémon project. So far we have managed to print a background image with a movable character on it with some collision covering the edges, so our character do not runt outside the screen. Our main concern at the moment is adding additional blocks restricting the movement on the map along with creating a state […]

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Program: Programming

Jolly Christmas Programming.

Merry Christmas!
So when others are drinking egg nod and the Swedish Christmas specialties ”glögg” and ”julmust”  during a quite relaxing weekend i am stuck with my groups Pokémon project. So far we have managed to print a background image with a movable character on it with some collision covering the edges, so our character do not runt outside the screen. Our main concern at the moment is adding additional blocks restricting the movement on the map along with creating a state […]

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Program: Programming

All work and no progress. Situation looking pretty grim.

Worked for a good five hours today without being able to hail the two other in the group.
The main issue was that the program would not compile due to an error in the initialization of the player class where i had put the variable types in front of the names of the variables as if trying to create new instances of them rather than set them to specific values.
The rest of the day was spent not understanding how the Helium […]

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Program: Programming

All work and no progress. Situation looking pretty grim.

Worked for a good five hours today without being able to hail the two other in the group.
The main issue was that the program would not compile due to an error in the initialization of the player class where i had put the variable types in front of the names of the variables as if trying to create new instances of them rather than set them to specific values.
The rest of the day was spent not understanding how the Helium […]

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Program: Programming

Merry Christmas!

The last week has for my part involved a lot of traveling and get-togethers with family, leaving my project a bit unattended. While I have worked on setting up a move function and prepare proper graphics, I’ve encountered a pretty major set-back in the shape of a memory leak.
While changing around to get the new sprite into the code, I somehow managed to break SDL_Texture, causing a break at any time when I try to run a debug. I have […]

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Program: Programming

Merry Christmas!

The last week has for my part involved a lot of traveling and get-togethers with family, leaving my project a bit unattended. While I have worked on setting up a move function and prepare proper graphics, I’ve encountered a pretty major set-back in the shape of a memory leak.
While changing around to get the new sprite into the code, I somehow managed to break SDL_Texture, causing a break at any time when I try to run a debug. I have […]

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Program: Programming

Merry Christmas!

The last week has for my part involved a lot of traveling and get-togethers with family, leaving my project a bit unattended. While I have worked on setting up a move function and prepare proper graphics, I’ve encountered a pretty major set-back in the shape of a memory leak.
While changing around to get the new sprite into the code, I somehow managed to break SDL_Texture, causing a break at any time when I try to run a debug. I have […]

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Program: Programming

Merry Christmas!

The last week has for my part involved a lot of traveling and get-togethers with family, leaving my project a bit unattended. While I have worked on setting up a move function and prepare proper graphics, I’ve encountered a pretty major set-back in the shape of a memory leak.
While changing around to get the new sprite into the code, I somehow managed to break SDL_Texture, causing a break at any time when I try to run a debug. I have […]

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Program: Programming

December 19 and 26

December 19
Late post, only explanation is that i simply forgot.
The project is going forward but slowly. I have my game window and my Player class but I have not yet created or rendered my sprite in the window.
December 26
The project is going a little bit better now and i have my Sprite rendered on the screen but it is only 16×15 pixles and that is way too small. I tried to make it bigger with a function but after some […]

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Program: Programming

December 19 and 26

December 19
Late post, only explanation is that i simply forgot.
The project is going forward but slowly. I have my game window and my Player class but I have not yet created or rendered my sprite in the window.
December 26
The project is going a little bit better now and i have my Sprite rendered on the screen but it is only 16×15 pixles and that is way too small. I tried to make it bigger with a function but after some […]

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Program: Programming

Programming III

I’ve been looking through your code for the menu state. You can see how this is created with the knowledge from previous courses. Really good to see that you have set up a simple collision system in a 2D space in order to simplify the creation process.
class Hitbox2D {
Hitbox2D() {
m_x = 0;
m_y = 0;
m_w = 0;
m_h = 0;
Hitbox2D(float x, float y, float w, float h) {
m_x = x;
m_y = y;
m_w = w;
m_h = h;
And then later on tracking the mouse’s […]

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Program: Programming

Programming III

I’ve been looking through your code for the menu state. You can see how this is created with the knowledge from previous courses. Really good to see that you have set up a simple collision system in a 2D space in order to simplify the creation process.
class Hitbox2D {
Hitbox2D() {
m_x = 0;
m_y = 0;
m_w = 0;
m_h = 0;
Hitbox2D(float x, float y, float w, float h) {
m_x = x;
m_y = y;
m_w = w;
m_h = h;
And then later on tracking the mouse’s […]

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Program: Programming

Programming III

I’ve been looking through your code for the menu state. You can see how this is created with the knowledge from previous courses. Really good to see that you have set up a simple collision system in a 2D space in order to simplify the creation process.
class Hitbox2D {
Hitbox2D() {
m_x = 0;
m_y = 0;
m_w = 0;
m_h = 0;
Hitbox2D(float x, float y, float w, float h) {
m_x = x;
m_y = y;
m_w = w;
m_h = h;
And then later on tracking the mouse’s […]

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Program: Programming

Programming III

I’ve been looking through your code for the menu state. You can see how this is created with the knowledge from previous courses. Really good to see that you have set up a simple collision system in a 2D space in order to simplify the creation process.
class Hitbox2D {
Hitbox2D() {
m_x = 0;
m_y = 0;
m_w = 0;
m_h = 0;
Hitbox2D(float x, float y, float w, float h) {
m_x = x;
m_y = y;
m_w = w;
m_h = h;
And then later on tracking the mouse’s […]

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Program: Programming

2D Graphics – Theory & Production

Since the beginning of November, I have participated in a course about 2D graphics. It has been very interesting and in some ways challenging as well. Getting back into the habit of sketching a little each day has been great, as well as the opportunity to do life drawing once a week. 
During the first part of the course, we recieved two different game concepts from which we got to choose one, and then we were assigned to draw 20 different […]

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Program: Graphics

2D Graphics – Theory & Production

Since the beginning of November, I have participated in a course about 2D graphics. It has been very interesting and in some ways challenging as well. Getting back into the habit of sketching a little each day has been great, as well as the opportunity to do life drawing once a week. 
During the first part of the course, we recieved two different game concepts from which we got to choose one, and then we were assigned to draw 20 different […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 6 in game programming (delayed blog post)

This week we went through how to add text into a game. This was done using SDL, and works similar to how you insert images in your code. We also went through advanced collision briefly, for example the different kinds of collision, and how to make circles collide and such. For some weeks now, I’ll be working on my Bomberman project together with Ludvig Storm, so far, we haven’t gotten very far. But we’re agreed on what needs to be […]

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Program: Programming

Week 6 in game programming (delayed blog post)

This week we went through how to add text into a game. This was done using SDL, and works similar to how you insert images in your code. We also went through advanced collision briefly, for example the different kinds of collision, and how to make circles collide and such. For some weeks now, I’ll be working on my Bomberman project together with Ludvig Storm, so far, we haven’t gotten very far. But we’re agreed on what needs to be […]

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Program: Programming