Monthly Archives: April 2014

The Bear
Day three.
Today consisted of getting the modeling stuff in motion starting with the avatar; The Bear.
The plan was to create only arms (as the game is supposed to be in first person) but after talking things through it was decided that we are going to use the whole body as I will model it anyway.
And on it went.
After several hours of trying to slim a previously made (but slightly to fat) bear model, I realized that the model would need […]

The Bear
Day three.
Today consisted of getting the modeling stuff in motion starting with the avatar; The Bear.
The plan was to create only arms (as the game is supposed to be in first person) but after talking things through it was decided that we are going to use the whole body as I will model it anyway.
And on it went.
After several hours of trying to slim a previously made (but slightly to fat) bear model, I realized that the model would need […]

The Bear
Day three.
Today consisted of getting the modeling stuff in motion starting with the avatar; The Bear.
The plan was to create only arms (as the game is supposed to be in first person) but after talking things through it was decided that we are going to use the whole body as I will model it anyway.
And on it went.
After several hours of trying to slim a previously made (but slightly to fat) bear model, I realized that the model would need […]

The Bear
Day three.
Today consisted of getting the modeling stuff in motion starting with the avatar; The Bear.
The plan was to create only arms (as the game is supposed to be in first person) but after talking things through it was decided that we are going to use the whole body as I will model it anyway.
And on it went.
After several hours of trying to slim a previously made (but slightly to fat) bear model, I realized that the model would need […]

Tileable texture work
The past days I’ve been working on textures for a level in Mechropolis. It has been a bit of trial and error for me, as the first iterations was way too realistic. We decided early on to not bake textures from high poly 3D models as it would take too much time, so I went 2D at once. But default when I made a stone texture, I tried to make it look as realistic as possible, all while forgetting that it […]

Tileable texture work
The past days I’ve been working on textures for a level in Mechropolis. It has been a bit of trial and error for me, as the first iterations was way too realistic. We decided early on to not bake textures from high poly 3D models as it would take too much time, so I went 2D at once. But default when I made a stone texture, I tried to make it look as realistic as possible, all while forgetting that it […]

Tileable texture work
The past days I’ve been working on textures for a level in Mechropolis. It has been a bit of trial and error for me, as the first iterations was way too realistic. We decided early on to not bake textures from high poly 3D models as it would take too much time, so I went 2D at once. But default when I made a stone texture, I tried to make it look as realistic as possible, all while forgetting that it […]

Tileable texture work
The past days I’ve been working on textures for a level in Mechropolis. It has been a bit of trial and error for me, as the first iterations was way too realistic. We decided early on to not bake textures from high poly 3D models as it would take too much time, so I went 2D at once. But default when I made a stone texture, I tried to make it look as realistic as possible, all while forgetting that it […]
Day 3
Today my main focus has been Pathfinding, and I’ve discovered that the A* algorithm might be suitable for our needs.
When I decided to run the code that had already been implemented, I rapidly noticed that the camera controls I created yesterday weren’t working, and I spent about half an hour debugging them to no avail,and when I was trying to debug it using the Debug.Log() function native to Unity it suddenly started working flawlessly again. I have no idea what […]
Day 3
Today my main focus has been Pathfinding, and I’ve discovered that the A* algorithm might be suitable for our needs.
When I decided to run the code that had already been implemented, I rapidly noticed that the camera controls I created yesterday weren’t working, and I spent about half an hour debugging them to no avail,and when I was trying to debug it using the Debug.Log() function native to Unity it suddenly started working flawlessly again. I have no idea what […]

Normal map testing! Week 1
This week has involved a lot of testing normal maps. I’ve brushed up on sculpting in zbrush and extracting different maps from highpoly meshes.
more to come… cba to write atm

Normal map testing! Week 1
This week has involved a lot of testing normal maps. I’ve brushed up on sculpting in zbrush and extracting different maps from highpoly meshes.
more to come… cba to write atm

Normal map testing! Week 1
This week has involved a lot of testing normal maps. I’ve brushed up on sculpting in zbrush and extracting different maps from highpoly meshes.
more to come… cba to write atm

Normal map testing! Week 1
This week has involved a lot of testing normal maps. I’ve brushed up on sculpting in zbrush and extracting different maps from highpoly meshes.
more to come… cba to write atm

Development under the course Big Game Project
These following 10 week I am going to post on this blog about my work in the course Big Game Project that I am taking in the program Game design and programming. I am working together whit my team on a game that we currently call Open Circuit. We are seven persons in our team, two programmers, two level designers and three graphical artists. I am one of the programmers in the group. The game we are working on is […]

Development under the course Big Game Project
These following 10 week I am going to post on this blog about my work in the course Big Game Project that I am taking in the program Game design and programming. I am working together whit my team on a game that we currently call Open Circuit. We are seven persons in our team, two programmers, two level designers and three graphical artists. I am one of the programmers in the group. The game we are working on is […]
Announcing "Project Clint"
Since I was the last man among my class that was without a group after all groups were filled, I talked to my teachers about what to do. After listening to a few suggestions and having discussions about it, we arrived at the conclusion that I would work on a vertical slice/prototype about a certain part of the idea that I pitched to my teachers last week, and then make the full game once the third year starts.
So that’s why […]
Announcing "Project Clint"
Since I was the last man among my class that was without a group after all groups were filled, I talked to my teachers about what to do. After listening to a few suggestions and having discussions about it, we arrived at the conclusion that I would work on a vertical slice/prototype about a certain part of the idea that I pitched to my teachers last week, and then make the full game once the third year starts.
So that’s why […]
Tower Offensive
This week my team and I began to work on our project. So the thing I want to addressee in this post is how difficult it has been to get in to the right mind set when it comes to design the game logo. I might add something else as well, but first and …
Tower Offensive
This week my team and I began to work on our project. So the thing I want to addressee in this post is how difficult it has been to get in to the right mind set when it comes to design the game logo. I might add something else as well, but first and …

Well then! First time blogging. First week on working with the team on BGP (Big Game Project).
As of now, most time has been spent on creating a structure for the project and defining the features we would like in the game. Most of my time that is. Tomorrow the modelling and sculpting begins and hopefully it’ll go smoothly and without problems. It never does though.

Well then! First time blogging. First week on working with the team on BGP (Big Game Project).
As of now, most time has been spent on creating a structure for the project and defining the features we would like in the game. Most of my time that is. Tomorrow the modelling and sculpting begins and hopefully it’ll go smoothly and without problems. It never does though.

Well then! First time blogging. First week on working with the team on BGP (Big Game Project).
As of now, most time has been spent on creating a structure for the project and defining the features we would like in the game. Most of my time that is. Tomorrow the modelling and sculpting begins and hopefully it’ll go smoothly and without problems. It never does though.

Well then! First time blogging. First week on working with the team on BGP (Big Game Project).
As of now, most time has been spent on creating a structure for the project and defining the features we would like in the game. Most of my time that is. Tomorrow the modelling and sculpting begins and hopefully it’ll go smoothly and without problems. It never does though.