Daily Archives: April 25, 2014

NGUI – Big Game Project
This week, I have spent some time cleaning up a lot of code to make it more readable for others and fixing a lot of bugs. In our card game there are three main piles where cards go trough each turn. The main deck, the hand and the discard pile. Players draw cards and put them in to their hands and then discards them by playing them and when the deck has no cards, the discard pile is shuffled in to the deck again. We had […]

NGUI – Big Game Project
This week, I have spent some time cleaning up a lot of code to make it more readable for others and fixing a lot of bugs. In our card game there are three main piles where cards go trough each turn. The main deck, the hand and the discard pile. Players draw cards and put them in to their hands and then discards them by playing them and when the deck has no cards, the discard pile is shuffled in to the deck again. We had […]

Pre Alpha Coding
This week I have been working mostly on finishing smaller programming tasks in order to get our first alpha build of the game up and running. I also created the base for our item selection system, where the player can select up to three items to take with him/her into the level.
Item selection system with placeholder graphics.
The item selection system lets you choose up to three items from the database of items at the top of […]

Pre Alpha Coding
This week I have been working mostly on finishing smaller programming tasks in order to get our first alpha build of the game up and running. I also created the base for our item selection system, where the player can select up to three items to take with him/her into the level.
Item selection system with placeholder graphics.
The item selection system lets you choose up to three items from the database of items at the top of […]

NGUI – Big Game Project
This week, I have spent some time cleaning up a lot of code to make it more readable for others and fixing a lot of bugs. In our card game there are three main piles where cards go trough each turn. The main deck, the hand and the discard pile. Players draw cards and put them in to their hands and then discards them by playing them and when the deck has no cards, the discard pile is shuffled in to the deck again. We had […]

NGUI – Big Game Project
This week, I have spent some time cleaning up a lot of code to make it more readable for others and fixing a lot of bugs. In our card game there are three main piles where cards go trough each turn. The main deck, the hand and the discard pile. Players draw cards and put them in to their hands and then discards them by playing them and when the deck has no cards, the discard pile is shuffled in to the deck again. We had […]

Deer, oh Deer
After last two weeks being filled with predators (or more exactly one omnivore and one predator), this week took a new angle and focused on a herbivore.
The deer is based on a roe deer and is going to act as a food source for our bear. It is planned to roam around the forest for the player to see, but not catch, but also in a dead state, caught and killed by wolves but for the player to fight for.
It […]

Deer, oh Deer
After last two weeks being filled with predators (or more exactly one omnivore and one predator), this week took a new angle and focused on a herbivore.
The deer is based on a roe deer and is going to act as a food source for our bear. It is planned to roam around the forest for the player to see, but not catch, but also in a dead state, caught and killed by wolves but for the player to fight for.
It […]

Deer, oh Deer
After last two weeks being filled with predators (or more exactly one omnivore and one predator), this week took a new angle and focused on a herbivore.
The deer is based on a roe deer and is going to act as a food source for our bear. It is planned to roam around the forest for the player to see, but not catch, but also in a dead state, caught and killed by wolves but for the player to fight for.
It […]

Deer, oh Deer
After last two weeks being filled with predators (or more exactly one omnivore and one predator), this week took a new angle and focused on a herbivore.
The deer is based on a roe deer and is going to act as a food source for our bear. It is planned to roam around the forest for the player to see, but not catch, but also in a dead state, caught and killed by wolves but for the player to fight for.
It […]

Big Game Project – Week 3&4
I didn’t write a blog post last week cause it was holiday and I forgot about it after travelling home during the weekend, but I’ll make a double one now.
I feel like development slowed down somewhat after the first two weeks, but I believe this is mainly because of the earlier programming being such huge features in the game and every small task meant progress and impact in the current build of the game. For example every couple of hours […]

Big Game Project – Week 3&4
I didn’t write a blog post last week cause it was holiday and I forgot about it after travelling home during the weekend, but I’ll make a double one now.
I feel like development slowed down somewhat after the first two weeks, but I believe this is mainly because of the earlier programming being such huge features in the game and every small task meant progress and impact in the current build of the game. For example every couple of hours […]

Ready for Alpha – Week 3
The Alpha is ready to go, we’re implemented the key features for the tutorial at the beginning of the game.
The main assignment I’ve had this week was to fill the terrain with vegetation, placing trees, rocks, blueberry bushes, mushrooms, grass and initial textures.
It has been a diffucult job, although I didn’t think through where to put every asset because it is the alpha. I will.. later in the process place the environment assets more thought out across the terrain, thinking […]

Ready for Alpha – Week 3
The Alpha is ready to go, we’re implemented the key features for the tutorial at the beginning of the game.
The main assignment I’ve had this week was to fill the terrain with vegetation, placing trees, rocks, blueberry bushes, mushrooms, grass and initial textures.
It has been a diffucult job, although I didn’t think through where to put every asset because it is the alpha. I will.. later in the process place the environment assets more thought out across the terrain, thinking […]

day 12
We finally managed to solve the annoying (yet not gamebreaking) NPCRotation bug.we found out that the editor was complaining about our check to see if a list was null or not, and we changed that to a check to see that there were more than 0 elements in the list.
And after finding a bug in the Attack behaviour of the NPC we finally found the issue and resolved it. I had forgot to reset a variable at the end of […]

day 12
We finally managed to solve the annoying (yet not gamebreaking) NPCRotation bug.we found out that the editor was complaining about our check to see if a list was null or not, and we changed that to a check to see that there were more than 0 elements in the list.
And after finding a bug in the Attack behaviour of the NPC we finally found the issue and resolved it. I had forgot to reset a variable at the end of […]

Weekly update week 4
This week I’ve been doing several things, but the most difficult task in my eyes was to do a slight rewrite of another persons class. It’s not that the code that I had to rewrite was bad from the start, it’s just that it was writtenwith singleplayer in mind and we’re doing a multiplayer game where the server is doing all the calculations. This task was about getting the Commander to work, which is the last piece of the puzzle […]

Weekly update week 4
This week I’ve been doing several things, but the most difficult task in my eyes was to do a slight rewrite of another persons class. It’s not that the code that I had to rewrite was bad from the start, it’s just that it was writtenwith singleplayer in mind and we’re doing a multiplayer game where the server is doing all the calculations. This task was about getting the Commander to work, which is the last piece of the puzzle […]

Big Game Project – Week 3&4
I didn’t write a blog post last week cause it was holiday and I forgot about it after travelling home during the weekend, but I’ll make a double one now.
I feel like development slowed down somewhat after the first two weeks, but I believe this is mainly because of the earlier programming being such huge features in the game and every small task meant progress and impact in the current build of the game. For example every couple of hours […]

Big Game Project – Week 3&4
I didn’t write a blog post last week cause it was holiday and I forgot about it after travelling home during the weekend, but I’ll make a double one now.
I feel like development slowed down somewhat after the first two weeks, but I believe this is mainly because of the earlier programming being such huge features in the game and every small task meant progress and impact in the current build of the game. For example every couple of hours […]

Ready for Alpha – Week 3
The Alpha is ready to go, we’re implemented the key features for the tutorial at the beginning of the game.
The main assignment I’ve had this week was to fill the terrain with vegetation, placing trees, rocks, blueberry bushes, mushrooms, grass and initial textures.
It has been a diffucult job, although I didn’t think through where to put every asset because it is the alpha. I will.. later in the process place the environment assets more thought out across the terrain, thinking […]

Ready for Alpha – Week 3
The Alpha is ready to go, we’re implemented the key features for the tutorial at the beginning of the game.
The main assignment I’ve had this week was to fill the terrain with vegetation, placing trees, rocks, blueberry bushes, mushrooms, grass and initial textures.
It has been a diffucult job, although I didn’t think through where to put every asset because it is the alpha. I will.. later in the process place the environment assets more thought out across the terrain, thinking […]

A Slow “Big Game Project” Week
This week passed by really fast and not much work was done. First two days I finished UV-texturing the commander him self (not the building) and I was really pleased by the final results but then I was assigned a new task, to 3D-model a fountain. At each teams base there is supposed to be some sort of holy sculpture of a troll healing the players close to it.
I started of modeling it and finishing the UV-texture. I even made […]

A Slow “Big Game Project” Week
This week passed by really fast and not much work was done. First two days I finished UV-texturing the commander him self (not the building) and I was really pleased by the final results but then I was assigned a new task, to 3D-model a fountain. At each teams base there is supposed to be some sort of holy sculpture of a troll healing the players close to it.
I started of modeling it and finishing the UV-texture. I even made […]