Daily Archives: April 12, 2014

Sneaky Ninja – Art director – First post
This will be my first blog post as the Art director in the group Sneaky Ninja. We was one of the latest groups to be created so we have had one week less to work than most groups.
Despite that we have had a very productive first week and I will cover the major art related problems we solved.
We had a small meeting on Sunday the 6th of April where we talked about the concept and discussed ideas. We started working the […]

Sneaky Ninja – Art director – First post
This will be my first blog post as the Art director in the group Sneaky Ninja. We was one of the latest groups to be created so we have had one week less to work than most groups.
Despite that we have had a very productive first week and I will cover the major art related problems we solved.
We had a small meeting on Sunday the 6th of April where we talked about the concept and discussed ideas. We started working the […]

Sneaky Ninja – Art director – First post
This will be my first blog post as the Art director in the group Sneaky Ninja. We was one of the latest groups to be created so we have had one week less to work than most groups.
Despite that we have had a very productive first week and I will cover the major art related problems we solved.
We had a small meeting on Sunday the 6th of April where we talked about the concept and discussed ideas. We started working the […]

Sneaky Ninja – Art director – First post
This will be my first blog post as the Art director in the group Sneaky Ninja. We was one of the latest groups to be created so we have had one week less to work than most groups.
Despite that we have had a very productive first week and I will cover the major art related problems we solved.
We had a small meeting on Sunday the 6th of April where we talked about the concept and discussed ideas. We started working the […]

First week of development!
Hi blog! Long time no see!
So last week it was time to pitch for all people who did not already have green lit groups. I pitched a little game called Sneaky Ninja, a mobile based stealth-puzzle game. You can watch the pitch here: http://prezi.com/lmexnf88g1u1/sneeky-ninja/ As luck has it, it was quite successful pitch and i got some team members!
This is all quite exciting for me. I have worked as a producer before, several times actually, but every time it has been […]

First week of development!
Hi blog! Long time no see!
So last week it was time to pitch for all people who did not already have green lit groups. I pitched a little game called Sneaky Ninja, a mobile based stealth-puzzle game. You can watch the pitch here: http://prezi.com/lmexnf88g1u1/sneeky-ninja/ As luck has it, it was quite successful pitch and i got some team members!
This is all quite exciting for me. I have worked as a producer before, several times actually, but every time it has been […]

First week of development!
Hi blog! Long time no see!
So last week it was time to pitch for all people who did not already have green lit groups. I pitched a little game called Sneaky Ninja, a mobile based stealth-puzzle game. You can watch the pitch here: http://prezi.com/lmexnf88g1u1/sneeky-ninja/ As luck has it, it was quite successful pitch and i got some team members!
This is all quite exciting for me. I have worked as a producer before, several times actually, but every time it has been […]

First week of development!
Hi blog! Long time no see!
So last week it was time to pitch for all people who did not already have green lit groups. I pitched a little game called Sneaky Ninja, a mobile based stealth-puzzle game. You can watch the pitch here: http://prezi.com/lmexnf88g1u1/sneeky-ninja/ As luck has it, it was quite successful pitch and i got some team members!
This is all quite exciting for me. I have worked as a producer before, several times actually, but every time it has been […]