Daily Archives: April 5, 2014

Highscore SDL
Just made something to keep track of highscores. It remembers only three values.
First it tells the player in the console which score he got.
Then I read from the text file which the previous scores are in, then I compare the current score with these. If it’s higher than any of them it is pushbacked into a vector together with them (if it’s the highest of all of them it is written in the console that you’ve got the highscore). The vector […]

Highscore SDL
Just made something to keep track of highscores. It remembers only three values.
First it tells the player in the console which score he got.
Then I read from the text file which the previous scores are in, then I compare the current score with these. If it’s higher than any of them it is pushbacked into a vector together with them (if it’s the highest of all of them it is written in the console that you’ve got the highscore). The vector […]

Highscore SDL
Just made something to keep track of highscores. It remembers only three values.
First it tells the player in the console which score he got.
Then I read from the text file which the previous scores are in, then I compare the current score with these. If it’s higher than any of them it is pushbacked into a vector together with them (if it’s the highest of all of them it is written in the console that you’ve got the highscore). The vector […]

Highscore SDL
Just made something to keep track of highscores. It remembers only three values.
First it tells the player in the console which score he got.
Then I read from the text file which the previous scores are in, then I compare the current score with these. If it’s higher than any of them it is pushbacked into a vector together with them (if it’s the highest of all of them it is written in the console that you’ve got the highscore). The vector […]

FSM – finitie state machine
A finite state machine. Something I’d never heard of. The task said that you should make three different AI-states for enemies, but it was not as simple as expected. We had three different states, but we had no state machine for it, so we couldn’t get points for that either.
We had to get points for that.
We made the state machine by making the enemy’s update-function into a small state manager that updated different states. The states were object that inherited […]

FSM – finitie state machine
A finite state machine. Something I’d never heard of. The task said that you should make three different AI-states for enemies, but it was not as simple as expected. We had three different states, but we had no state machine for it, so we couldn’t get points for that either.
We had to get points for that.
We made the state machine by making the enemy’s update-function into a small state manager that updated different states. The states were object that inherited […]

Getting rid of old stuff
I’m so happy that themepark has begun! And I really want to start working on our game! But I can’t, and I feel so bad about that.
There’s a task that I have not completed that I have to do first.
It’s for one of the previous courses in which we were supposed to make a game that included some stuff on a list, for example a collisionmanager and a statemanager. I thought we were almost completed with this project, but I […]

Getting rid of old stuff
I’m so happy that themepark has begun! And I really want to start working on our game! But I can’t, and I feel so bad about that.
There’s a task that I have not completed that I have to do first.
It’s for one of the previous courses in which we were supposed to make a game that included some stuff on a list, for example a collisionmanager and a statemanager. I thought we were almost completed with this project, but I […]

FSM – finitie state machine
A finite state machine. Something I’d never heard of. The task said that you should make three different AI-states for enemies, but it was not as simple as expected. We had three different states, but we had no state machine for it, so we couldn’t get points for that either.
We had to get points for that.
We made the state machine by making the enemy’s update-function into a small state manager that updated different states. The states were object that inherited […]

FSM – finitie state machine
A finite state machine. Something I’d never heard of. The task said that you should make three different AI-states for enemies, but it was not as simple as expected. We had three different states, but we had no state machine for it, so we couldn’t get points for that either.
We had to get points for that.
We made the state machine by making the enemy’s update-function into a small state manager that updated different states. The states were object that inherited […]

Getting rid of old stuff
I’m so happy that themepark has begun! And I really want to start working on our game! But I can’t, and I feel so bad about that.
There’s a task that I have not completed that I have to do first.
It’s for one of the previous courses in which we were supposed to make a game that included some stuff on a list, for example a collisionmanager and a statemanager. I thought we were almost completed with this project, but I […]

Getting rid of old stuff
I’m so happy that themepark has begun! And I really want to start working on our game! But I can’t, and I feel so bad about that.
There’s a task that I have not completed that I have to do first.
It’s for one of the previous courses in which we were supposed to make a game that included some stuff on a list, for example a collisionmanager and a statemanager. I thought we were almost completed with this project, but I […]

Big Game Project: First week
This is my first entry, these following weeks I will do my work and then reflect upon it. I will also include in this first entry of what our game is about.
Our game is a puzzle game which is based on mirrors reflecting light from a source to a destination. It all takes place in a temple which is in the desert.
I had a slow start, I had to wait for about two days before I could start working, […]

Big Game Project: First week
This is my first entry, these following weeks I will do my work and then reflect upon it. I will also include in this first entry of what our game is about.
Our game is a puzzle game which is based on mirrors reflecting light from a source to a destination. It all takes place in a temple which is in the desert.
I had a slow start, I had to wait for about two days before I could start working, […]

Big Game Project: First week
This is my first entry, these following weeks I will do my work and then reflect upon it. I will also include in this first entry of what our game is about.
Our game is a puzzle game which is based on mirrors reflecting light from a source to a destination. It all takes place in a temple which is in the desert.
I had a slow start, I had to wait for about two days before I could start working, […]

Big Game Project: First week
This is my first entry, these following weeks I will do my work and then reflect upon it. I will also include in this first entry of what our game is about.
Our game is a puzzle game which is based on mirrors reflecting light from a source to a destination. It all takes place in a temple which is in the desert.
I had a slow start, I had to wait for about two days before I could start working, […]