Daily Archives: March 10, 2014

SGA Conference – Day 2
Yesterday was the second and final day of the Swedish Game Awards Conference. I attended several interesting talks, among them:
Dan Thronström from Avalanche Studios gave a talk about how the dynamics between publishers and developers in the AAA segment seems to be changing as developers turn to other ways of financing their games, such as crowdfunding or self-funding.
Romi Gråhed from DICE gave a passionate talk on project management, the best part of which was a segment […]

SGA Conference – Day 2
Yesterday was the second and final day of the Swedish Game Awards Conference. I attended several interesting talks, among them:
Dan Thronström from Avalanche Studios gave a talk about how the dynamics between publishers and developers in the AAA segment seems to be changing as developers turn to other ways of financing their games, such as crowdfunding or self-funding.
Romi Gråhed from DICE gave a passionate talk on project management, the best part of which was a segment […]

SGA Conference – Day 2
Yesterday was the second and final day of the Swedish Game Awards Conference. I attended several interesting talks, among them:
Dan Thronström from Avalanche Studios gave a talk about how the dynamics between publishers and developers in the AAA segment seems to be changing as developers turn to other ways of financing their games, such as crowdfunding or self-funding.
Romi Gråhed from DICE gave a passionate talk on project management, the best part of which was a segment […]

SGA Conference – Day 2
Yesterday was the second and final day of the Swedish Game Awards Conference. I attended several interesting talks, among them:
Dan Thronström from Avalanche Studios gave a talk about how the dynamics between publishers and developers in the AAA segment seems to be changing as developers turn to other ways of financing their games, such as crowdfunding or self-funding.
Romi Gråhed from DICE gave a passionate talk on project management, the best part of which was a segment […]
(Part 1) Swedish Game Awards Conference 2014 Report
Last weekend, Swedish Game Awards Conference 2014 took place in Södertörns Högskola, Stockholm. Me and a couple of other students from Campus Gotland was attending the conference. In the next coming posts, I will give my impressions on the Conference.
I will talk about the talks that was given in the upcoming posts, because there is a lot that can be said about those. The reason to why there aren’t many images in these posts is because my phone decided to […]
(Part 1) Swedish Game Awards Conference 2014 Report
Last weekend, Swedish Game Awards Conference 2014 took place in Södertörns Högskola, Stockholm. Me and a couple of other students from Campus Gotland was attending the conference. In the next coming posts, I will give my impressions on the Conference.
I will talk about the talks that was given in the upcoming posts, because there is a lot that can be said about those. The reason to why there aren’t many images in these posts is because my phone decided to […]

Time to worry
Today we had a play testing session during the afternoon but we had to use the more buddy version of the game since Oliver was sick and his computer was the only one who inexplicably was able to run the game without a few major bugs. And such our game was once again not shown from it’s best side but i think we did alright anyways. What’s important right now is to get a bunch of stuff in the game […]

Time to worry
Today we had a play testing session during the afternoon but we had to use the more buddy version of the game since Oliver was sick and his computer was the only one who inexplicably was able to run the game without a few major bugs. And such our game was once again not shown from it’s best side but i think we did alright anyways. What’s important right now is to get a bunch of stuff in the game […]