Daily Archives: December 31, 2013

Finally hit effective work
Lot of good work done today too. We removed the screen warping since that was annoying on logs when the player would be put on the other side of the screen where there was no log and it wasn’t in the original game. I fixed the turtles not re-emerging from the water once they had dived down and also made it possible to make have only certain turtles dive while others stayed up all the time. Martin fixed the player […]

Finally hit effective work
Lot of good work done today too. We removed the screen warping since that was annoying on logs when the player would be put on the other side of the screen where there was no log and it wasn’t in the original game. I fixed the turtles not re-emerging from the water once they had dived down and also made it possible to make have only certain turtles dive while others stayed up all the time. Martin fixed the player […]

So, I’ve been really busy the last few days but now I’m back. Today I’ve been trying to get the sound to work, I close now. I also started to work on square collision. I’m planning on finishing the Sound and collision tomorrow.
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So, I’ve been really busy the last few days but now I’m back. Today I’ve been trying to get the sound to work, I close now. I also started to work on square collision. I’m planning on finishing the Sound and collision tomorrow.
Filed under: Uncategorized
Frogger dev. Post 10
Herman got working on the menu today while I cleaned up some of the code and improved the gamestate. Later on, I took over the Menu while herman started with the HUD. We also set all of the objects correctly and applied the victory conditions, you can now win/lose the game, it looks the same though.
Today, there’s a little less than a week left of the project, I hope we make it in time…
Frogger dev. Post 10
Herman got working on the menu today while I cleaned up some of the code and improved the gamestate. Later on, I took over the Menu while herman started with the HUD. We also set all of the objects correctly and applied the victory conditions, you can now win/lose the game, it looks the same though.
Today, there’s a little less than a week left of the project, I hope we make it in time…

I havn’t been writing for a couple of days because I haven’t had time to. I have done some programming though. My teammate and I had a meeting yesterday and we decided on a few things. He is working on the config-file which is good because that is at this time way over my head. I am a maths freak.
I am working on the AI. We want to have the Three states: Idle, the enemy is just hanging around, Attacking, […]

I havn’t been writing for a couple of days because I haven’t had time to. I have done some programming though. My teammate and I had a meeting yesterday and we decided on a few things. He is working on the config-file which is good because that is at this time way over my head. I am a maths freak.
I am working on the AI. We want to have the Three states: Idle, the enemy is just hanging around, Attacking, […]
Day 8, Collision is making my head explode
I have added a PlayerObject class so I can finally move around my bar/pad (felt really good) but as soon as I implemented collision with the Playerobject it all went crazy.
I have been debugging for hours to track down the little bugger and I have narrowed it down but I still can’t seem to find the problem.
For some reason my playerobject get an offset of 6 pixels(collision box of player compared to player position) and runs off up on the […]
Day 8, Collision is making my head explode
I have added a PlayerObject class so I can finally move around my bar/pad (felt really good) but as soon as I implemented collision with the Playerobject it all went crazy.
I have been debugging for hours to track down the little bugger and I have narrowed it down but I still can’t seem to find the problem.
For some reason my playerobject get an offset of 6 pixels(collision box of player compared to player position) and runs off up on the […]