Daily Archives: December 9, 2013

Weekly Report 2013-12-09
To make a single image of a character in a certain pose and angle is one thing. To create the same character more than one time in a consistent manner is quite another. Even if you do not have to think about making him seem alive, every detail that is not made sure to fit with the other positions at the start come to haunt you later on. Much like the grid, Chinese Whispers tend to appear if you’re not […]

Weekly Report 2013-12-09
To make a single image of a character in a certain pose and angle is one thing. To create the same character more than one time in a consistent manner is quite another. Even if you do not have to think about making him seem alive, every detail that is not made sure to fit with the other positions at the start come to haunt you later on. Much like the grid, Chinese Whispers tend to appear if you’re not […]

References are your friend
I remember a time when I was terrified of using references because it felt like “cheating” or “copying” to me. Then I had that course in life drawing/croquis which made me realize that using references is far more preferable than making things up in your head and pretending that you know what you’re doing when in reality you have no clue at all. Which fits me perfectly because I usually don’t know what I’m doing. This screenshot shows what my […]

References are your friend
I remember a time when I was terrified of using references because it felt like “cheating” or “copying” to me. Then I had that course in life drawing/croquis which made me realize that using references is far more preferable than making things up in your head and pretending that you know what you’re doing when in reality you have no clue at all. Which fits me perfectly because I usually don’t know what I’m doing. This screenshot shows what my […]