Daily Archives: November 13, 2013

The windman
My first thumbnail done! I edited the robot sketch I did earlier and created the windman! He is a wizard with power over the wind. (y)

The windman
My first thumbnail done! I edited the robot sketch I did earlier and created the windman! He is a wizard with power over the wind. (y)

Doodle of the day
short post. just want the picture up.

Wednesday 13th
Today we were introduced to our first assignment for the 2D graphics class… We are supposed to make 20 character thumbnails till Friday. This is one of my first designs, it’s a robot thief sneaking around like robot thieves do…

Wednesday 13th
Today we were introduced to our first assignment for the 2D graphics class… We are supposed to make 20 character thumbnails till Friday. This is one of my first designs, it’s a robot thief sneaking around like robot thieves do…