Browsing '5SD023': Game Programming II

Project Bloody Badgers (AKA Haunted Light) 2014-01-28

Today we got a small rant about our blog posts being too thin, so I’ll try to fill my next posts with more stuff. Today we also had our first scrum meeting about week sprint, we got some feedback about making our tasks more specific and that we should also try to estimate the work time for the different tasks. 
I started to set up the states because of previous experiences it’s better to implement them in an early stage than […]

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Program: Programming

Project Bloody Badgers (AKA Haunted Light) 2014-01-28

Today we got a small rant about our blog posts being too thin, so I’ll try to fill my next posts with more stuff. Today we also had our first scrum meeting about week sprint, we got some feedback about making our tasks more specific and that we should also try to estimate the work time for the different tasks. 
I started to set up the states because of previous experiences it’s better to implement them in an early stage than […]

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Program: Programming

SDL reintroduction

*one thousand words* There, now the rest is gravy.
Today we had an introduction to SDL with Tommi and learned how to implement SFML for a Visual Studio project, our group had already used it a bit for the prototype(Thanks Bolt) but i think Tommi’s method was slightly different. I saved a copy of the project at one point with the intention to use it as a starting point whenever i make a new project.
During the afternoon the group was separated […]

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Program: Programming

SDL reintroduction

*one thousand words* There, now the rest is gravy.
Today we had an introduction to SDL with Tommi and learned how to implement SFML for a Visual Studio project, our group had already used it a bit for the prototype(Thanks Bolt) but i think Tommi’s method was slightly different. I saved a copy of the project at one point with the intention to use it as a starting point whenever i make a new project.
During the afternoon the group was separated […]

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Program: Programming


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
RenderWindow window(VideoMode(1024, 640), “Caption”);
CircleShape shape(300.0f);
while (window.isOpen()) {
Event event;
while (window.pollEvent(event)) {
if (event.type == Event::Closed) {
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Escape))
window.clear(Color(0×11,0×22, 0×33, 0xf));
return 0;
Om vi ändå lärt oss det här före jul…

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Program: Programming


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
RenderWindow window(VideoMode(1024, 640), “Caption”);
CircleShape shape(300.0f);
while (window.isOpen()) {
Event event;
while (window.pollEvent(event)) {
if (event.type == Event::Closed) {
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Escape))
window.clear(Color(0×11,0×22, 0×33, 0xf));
return 0;
Om vi ändå lärt oss det här före jul…

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Program: Programming

Game dev – ONE vision!

No break, full speed ahead in the next courses. In the game development course our full class (both graphics and programmer students) is divided into smaller dev-teams to create games together. I really like our group! We have very talented people who has a lot of motivation! =)
Other groups have allready created their Design Document and we have barely started on ours. We are more focused on beginning to create the game. We should type some more things about the […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev – ONE vision!

No break, full speed ahead in the next courses. In the game development course our full class (both graphics and programmer students) is divided into smaller dev-teams to create games together. I really like our group! We have very talented people who has a lot of motivation! =)
Other groups have allready created their Design Document and we have barely started on ours. We are more focused on beginning to create the game. We should type some more things about the […]

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Program: Programming