Author Archives: Tobias Carlsson

Big Game Project: Ninth week?
GGC has passed and everything went well. We didn’t win anything but we got some great feedback, people really liked the graphics and the music. We also now know how we can improve our game from all the other feedback we got, we will do this in the future.
This is my last entry for this production as GGC has passed and the production is at a hold.

Big Game Project: Ninth week?
GGC has passed and everything went well. We didn’t win anything but we got some great feedback, people really liked the graphics and the music. We also now know how we can improve our game from all the other feedback we got, we will do this in the future.
This is my last entry for this production as GGC has passed and the production is at a hold.

Big Game Project: Ninth week?
GGC has passed and everything went well. We didn’t win anything but we got some great feedback, people really liked the graphics and the music. We also now know how we can improve our game from all the other feedback we got, we will do this in the future.
This is my last entry for this production as GGC has passed and the production is at a hold.

Big Game Project: Ninth week?
GGC has passed and everything went well. We didn’t win anything but we got some great feedback, people really liked the graphics and the music. We also now know how we can improve our game from all the other feedback we got, we will do this in the future.
This is my last entry for this production as GGC has passed and the production is at a hold.

Big Game Project: Eight week
I thought I didn’t have so much to do as from the previous week I finished Everything but I did get some more tasks assigned to me, it was not a problem as there was not much of them. They were easily done and easily implemented.
GGC is nearing and the game is getting the last touches…

Big Game Project: Eight week
I thought I didn’t have so much to do as from the previous week I finished Everything but I did get some more tasks assigned to me, it was not a problem as there was not much of them. They were easily done and easily implemented.
GGC is nearing and the game is getting the last touches…

Big Game Project: Eight week
I thought I didn’t have so much to do as from the previous week I finished Everything but I did get some more tasks assigned to me, it was not a problem as there was not much of them. They were easily done and easily implemented.
GGC is nearing and the game is getting the last touches…

Big Game Project: Eight week
I thought I didn’t have so much to do as from the previous week I finished Everything but I did get some more tasks assigned to me, it was not a problem as there was not much of them. They were easily done and easily implemented.
GGC is nearing and the game is getting the last touches…

Big Game Project: seventh week
This has been one of the most hectic weeks of our production, as we thought the Beta was earlier than it actually was. Some of us sat up all night trying to finishing up some of the ”last” touches of our levels. It was not pleasant to hear that we had worked those insane hours almost for nothing. After that we who had worked so late took a brake the rest of the weekend. Even though I thought to myself […]

Big Game Project: seventh week
This has been one of the most hectic weeks of our production, as we thought the Beta was earlier than it actually was. Some of us sat up all night trying to finishing up some of the ”last” touches of our levels. It was not pleasant to hear that we had worked those insane hours almost for nothing. After that we who had worked so late took a brake the rest of the weekend. Even though I thought to myself […]

Big Game Project: seventh week
This has been one of the most hectic weeks of our production, as we thought the Beta was earlier than it actually was. Some of us sat up all night trying to finishing up some of the ”last” touches of our levels. It was not pleasant to hear that we had worked those insane hours almost for nothing. After that we who had worked so late took a brake the rest of the weekend. Even though I thought to myself […]

Big Game Project: seventh week
This has been one of the most hectic weeks of our production, as we thought the Beta was earlier than it actually was. Some of us sat up all night trying to finishing up some of the ”last” touches of our levels. It was not pleasant to hear that we had worked those insane hours almost for nothing. After that we who had worked so late took a brake the rest of the weekend. Even though I thought to myself […]

Big Game Project: sixth week
I made many textures for the wind level this week, we wanted to finalize a particular level so we could show our game to our Tutor. It was hectic to make so many textures in such a short time, but I did manage to create them with some easy methods. I reused some textures I had already created but I gave them some variation from one object to the next. I did this for the Color and Normal maps. I […]

Big Game Project: sixth week
I made many textures for the wind level this week, we wanted to finalize a particular level so we could show our game to our Tutor. It was hectic to make so many textures in such a short time, but I did manage to create them with some easy methods. I reused some textures I had already created but I gave them some variation from one object to the next. I did this for the Color and Normal maps. I […]

Big Game Project: sixth week
I made many textures for the wind level this week, we wanted to finalize a particular level so we could show our game to our Tutor. It was hectic to make so many textures in such a short time, but I did manage to create them with some easy methods. I reused some textures I had already created but I gave them some variation from one object to the next. I did this for the Color and Normal maps. I […]

Big Game Project: sixth week
I made many textures for the wind level this week, we wanted to finalize a particular level so we could show our game to our Tutor. It was hectic to make so many textures in such a short time, but I did manage to create them with some easy methods. I reused some textures I had already created but I gave them some variation from one object to the next. I did this for the Color and Normal maps. I […]

Big Game Project: Fifth week
This week it feels like I had worked even more than usual, I don’t know how but it just feels like so. I usually work the whole day and I don’t really do anything else than work, but somehow I felt that I had to work even more which is interesting. None the less I did manage to complete the things I had to do. Why it was so hectic was because of the Alpha stage of the production was […]

Big Game Project: Fifth week
This week it feels like I had worked even more than usual, I don’t know how but it just feels like so. I usually work the whole day and I don’t really do anything else than work, but somehow I felt that I had to work even more which is interesting. None the less I did manage to complete the things I had to do. Why it was so hectic was because of the Alpha stage of the production was […]

Big Game Project: Fifth week
This week it feels like I had worked even more than usual, I don’t know how but it just feels like so. I usually work the whole day and I don’t really do anything else than work, but somehow I felt that I had to work even more which is interesting. None the less I did manage to complete the things I had to do. Why it was so hectic was because of the Alpha stage of the production was […]

Big Game Project: Fifth week
This week it feels like I had worked even more than usual, I don’t know how but it just feels like so. I usually work the whole day and I don’t really do anything else than work, but somehow I felt that I had to work even more which is interesting. None the less I did manage to complete the things I had to do. Why it was so hectic was because of the Alpha stage of the production was […]

Big Game Project: Fourth week
Here is a screen-shot of a few entities I have created so far. I have come to a point where I can safely tell more in depth of my work as I am more secure about how I do things and I feel that I have enough quality in everything. I’ll tell a bit about my work process and more in depth of how Unreal Engine works and other programs that I use.
I Mainly use Photoshop as a tool […]

Big Game Project: Fourth week
Here is a screen-shot of a few entities I have created so far. I have come to a point where I can safely tell more in depth of my work as I am more secure about how I do things and I feel that I have enough quality in everything. I’ll tell a bit about my work process and more in depth of how Unreal Engine works and other programs that I use.
I Mainly use Photoshop as a tool […]

Big Game Project: Fourth week
Here is a screen-shot of a few entities I have created so far. I have come to a point where I can safely tell more in depth of my work as I am more secure about how I do things and I feel that I have enough quality in everything. I’ll tell a bit about my work process and more in depth of how Unreal Engine works and other programs that I use.
I Mainly use Photoshop as a tool […]

Big Game Project: Fourth week
Here is a screen-shot of a few entities I have created so far. I have come to a point where I can safely tell more in depth of my work as I am more secure about how I do things and I feel that I have enough quality in everything. I’ll tell a bit about my work process and more in depth of how Unreal Engine works and other programs that I use.
I Mainly use Photoshop as a tool […]