Author Archives: Simon Brundin

Week 8
So, this was the last week of production and a lot of things have happened. But to begin with, here is the second track of the game, the Rumble Eight.
This track is a lot smaller than the other, ”main track”. While the large one takes around 45 seconds (best time) – 1 minute and 30 seconds (average beginner time) per lap, this one lands at around 15 seconds (best time) – 30 seconds (average beginner time).
The track overlaps […]

Week 8
So, this was the last week of production and a lot of things have happened. But to begin with, here is the second track of the game, the Rumble Eight.
This track is a lot smaller than the other, ”main track”. While the large one takes around 45 seconds (best time) – 1 minute and 30 seconds (average beginner time) per lap, this one lands at around 15 seconds (best time) – 30 seconds (average beginner time).
The track overlaps […]

Week 7
So this week has been all about balancing the level with booster placements further and in general finishing the level up.
This is how the level is going to look in the build for GGC. Supporting pillars have been added to explain how the track is kept afloat. In the area under the loop in the back, there is a ring that surrounds the tracks, this ring represents the start and goal of the track.
We have also added in […]

Week 7
So this week has been all about balancing the level with booster placements further and in general finishing the level up.
This is how the level is going to look in the build for GGC. Supporting pillars have been added to explain how the track is kept afloat. In the area under the loop in the back, there is a ring that surrounds the tracks, this ring represents the start and goal of the track.
We have also added in […]

Week 6
This week has not been all that different from the previous weeks. Last weeks post included a picture of a track that I explained was going to be scrapped/remade.
So, this week I have remade the track, welded it together, matched the collision track and tested the level.
These are screenshots of the track as it is in engine when I tested it. Some issues were encountered with the spiral and the sloped […]

Week 6
This week has not been all that different from the previous weeks. Last weeks post included a picture of a track that I explained was going to be scrapped/remade.
So, this week I have remade the track, welded it together, matched the collision track and tested the level.
These are screenshots of the track as it is in engine when I tested it. Some issues were encountered with the spiral and the sloped […]

Week 5
Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot to show for week fives late post. I spent the better half of the week at home after having been food poisoned.
I continued modelling some environment but instead of putting up a picture of that this week as well, I’m going to put up a screenshot of the work I did today (Monday).
This would be the start of how the level is being built. The blue, yellow, green, red and teal lines that […]

Week 5
Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot to show for week fives late post. I spent the better half of the week at home after having been food poisoned.
I continued modelling some environment but instead of putting up a picture of that this week as well, I’m going to put up a screenshot of the work I did today (Monday).
This would be the start of how the level is being built. The blue, yellow, green, red and teal lines that […]

Big Game Project Week 4
This week was the week where I was originally supposed to start building the level but due to complications with the programming of the splines, there was a change of plans.
Instead for this week I have been modelling some environmental assets. Partially some assets that I were supposed to have created last week but never got around to doing due to changes in what I had to by BlockIt […]

Big Game Project Week 4
This week was the week where I was originally supposed to start building the level but due to complications with the programming of the splines, there was a change of plans.
Instead for this week I have been modelling some environmental assets. Partially some assets that I were supposed to have created last week but never got around to doing due to changes in what I had to by BlockIt […]

Weeks 2 and 3 of Big game project
I’m mashing these two weeks into one post since the first official two weeks that I’ve been with the group are coming to a close.
Week 2
This was the first week that I spent with the group, during this time there was a lot of writing/documenting with the game design document and some trouble with offices.
The office troubles consisted of us getting placed in a ”common area”, the group saw problems with this since we would not be able to discuss […]

Weeks 2 and 3 of Big game project
I’m mashing these two weeks into one post since the first official two weeks that I’ve been with the group are coming to a close.
Week 2
This was the first week that I spent with the group, during this time there was a lot of writing/documenting with the game design document and some trouble with offices.
The office troubles consisted of us getting placed in a ”common area”, the group saw problems with this since we would not be able to discuss […]

3D week 8
For this week, we scanned photographs and created 3D models of faces, from pictures of faces.
We were given the opportunity to work with our own faces and to create 3D models of our selves, this was something I agreed on doing. We took something around maybe 10 pictures from different angles and were then supposed to use Autodesk 123D Catch to create the mesh of our faces. Unfortunately, this proved to be difficult to do with the limited amount of […]

3D week 8
For this week, we scanned photographs and created 3D models of faces, from pictures of faces.
We were given the opportunity to work with our own faces and to create 3D models of our selves, this was something I agreed on doing. We took something around maybe 10 pictures from different angles and were then supposed to use Autodesk 123D Catch to create the mesh of our faces. Unfortunately, this proved to be difficult to do with the limited amount of […]

3D week 7
For this week we were supposed to bring some of our 2D drawings to try and see how well we knew our anatomy. Naturally this meant that we were supposed to bring examples of our character drawings, not environment drawings.
So this is the character that I got the most feedback on:
(Once again, the resolution of the image appears to be bad, sorry)
So the major part of the feedback that I got from the people who looked at it was […]

3D week 7
For this week we were supposed to bring some of our 2D drawings to try and see how well we knew our anatomy. Naturally this meant that we were supposed to bring examples of our character drawings, not environment drawings.
So this is the character that I got the most feedback on:
(Once again, the resolution of the image appears to be bad, sorry)
So the major part of the feedback that I got from the people who looked at it was […]

3D week 6
Part 1:
This is the character that I wanted my ”client” to model for me (note that this is not my drawing, this is a concept I found online and it is not going to be used in any way except for educational purposes). The character background I wrote down for the character goes something along these lines:
She is a mummy who died at a very early age, that was in training to become a priestess when she grew up. […]

3D week 6
Part 1:
This is the character that I wanted my ”client” to model for me (note that this is not my drawing, this is a concept I found online and it is not going to be used in any way except for educational purposes). The character background I wrote down for the character goes something along these lines:
She is a mummy who died at a very early age, that was in training to become a priestess when she grew up. […]

3D week 5
Right! It’s been a stressful week after Dreamhack, but I think I’m finally beginning to catch up again! So here we have the final version of the crate with the Diffuse map, Specular map and Normal map included.
And here is the crate without normal map or specular map for comparison!
So what are the main differences with and without normal and specular maps? Well, firstly the normal map adds more depth to certain areas, the […]

3D week 5
Right! It’s been a stressful week after Dreamhack, but I think I’m finally beginning to catch up again! So here we have the final version of the crate with the Diffuse map, Specular map and Normal map included.
And here is the crate without normal map or specular map for comparison!
So what are the main differences with and without normal and specular maps? Well, firstly the normal map adds more depth to certain areas, the […]

3D week 5
Right! It’s been a stressful week after Dreamhack, but I think I’m finally beginning to catch up again! So here we have the final version of the crate with the Diffuse map, Specular map and Normal map included.
And here is the crate without normal map or specular map for comparison!
So what are the main differences with and without normal and specular maps? Well, firstly the normal map adds more depth to certain areas, the […]

3D week 5
Right! It’s been a stressful week after Dreamhack, but I think I’m finally beginning to catch up again! So here we have the final version of the crate with the Diffuse map, Specular map and Normal map included.
And here is the crate without normal map or specular map for comparison!
So what are the main differences with and without normal and specular maps? Well, firstly the normal map adds more depth to certain areas, the […]

3D week 4
For week 4 we have textured the crate that we optimized! This blog post is coming out a little bit later than I had originally hoped since I went to Dreamhack, and in doing so I lost a couple of days worth of 3D practice.
When I was looking at my crate, I felt like I wanted to really distinguish the separate planks really well. The way I decided to go about this was by marking the edges of the planks […]

3D week 4
For week 4 we have textured the crate that we optimized! This blog post is coming out a little bit later than I had originally hoped since I went to Dreamhack, and in doing so I lost a couple of days worth of 3D practice.
When I was looking at my crate, I felt like I wanted to really distinguish the separate planks really well. The way I decided to go about this was by marking the edges of the planks […]