Author Archives: Oskar Lilja

Första månaden avklarad
Var inte så arg, gamle kompis! Lugn. Låt det vara! Stäng av tankarna, slappna av och flyt med.
Det har nu gått 4 veckor på Viscando och produktionen är i full gång. Mitt arbetsflöde var la lite knas från början då jag är ny på arbetsmarknaden men den håller på att räta upp sig igen. Har precis gjort färdigt planeringen för de resterande 2 månaderna. Saker och ting ser bra ut, manusskrivande är i full gång och kommer att fortsätta (tills det är […]

Första månaden avklarad
Var inte så arg, gamle kompis! Lugn. Låt det vara! Stäng av tankarna, slappna av och flyt med.
Det har nu gått 4 veckor på Viscando och produktionen är i full gång. Mitt arbetsflöde var la lite knas från början då jag är ny på arbetsmarknaden men den håller på att räta upp sig igen. Har precis gjort färdigt planeringen för de resterande 2 månaderna. Saker och ting ser bra ut, manusskrivande är i full gång och kommer att fortsätta (tills det är […]

Fresh Start
Var inte så arg, gamle kompis! Han har rätt! Strid är barbariskt. Lugn. Låt det vara! Stäng av tankarna, slappna av och flyt med.
Nyinflyttad i Göteborg för att arbeta på en animerad instruktionsvideo för Viscando AB.
Jobbvecka #2 är snart avklarad och utveckling har skett. Är inte helt 100 på hur Viscandos grafiska profil kommer att se ut men något i stil med (se bilden). Enkla semi-realistiska modeller i en gråtonad halvt flat-shaded miljö för att verkligen få dem viktigaste bitarna att POPPA!
Var inte så arg, gamle kompis! Han har rätt! Strid är barbariskt. Lugn. Låt det vara! Stäng av tankarna, slappna av och flyt med.
Fresh Start
Nyinflyttad i Göteborg för att arbeta på en animerad instruktionsvideo för Viscando AB.
Jobbvecka #2 är snart avklarad och utveckling har skett. Är inte helt 100 på hur Viscandos grafiska profil kommer att se ut men något i stil med (se bilden). Enkla semi-realistiska modeller i en gråtonad halvt flat-shaded miljö för att verkligen få dem viktigaste bitarna att POPPA!

Beta week
I’ve been working even more on the terrain. I’ve started to fill up the higher part of the terrain with vegetation. The lower part is nearly done. I’ve said that I will fill up the whole terrain and then iterate on the places that need it rather than doing an area 100% perfect from the beginning. Just want the whole terrain done…
The upper part is almost done; I have been placing trees, rocks, grass, textures and even height differences to […]

Beta week
I’ve been working even more on the terrain. I’ve started to fill up the higher part of the terrain with vegetation. The lower part is nearly done. I’ve said that I will fill up the whole terrain and then iterate on the places that need it rather than doing an area 100% perfect from the beginning. Just want the whole terrain done…
The upper part is almost done; I have been placing trees, rocks, grass, textures and even height differences to […]

Beta week
I’ve been working even more on the terrain. I’ve started to fill up the higher part of the terrain with vegetation. The lower part is nearly done. I’ve said that I will fill up the whole terrain and then iterate on the places that need it rather than doing an area 100% perfect from the beginning. Just want the whole terrain done…
The upper part is almost done; I have been placing trees, rocks, grass, textures and even height differences to […]

Beta week
I’ve been working even more on the terrain. I’ve started to fill up the higher part of the terrain with vegetation. The lower part is nearly done. I’ve said that I will fill up the whole terrain and then iterate on the places that need it rather than doing an area 100% perfect from the beginning. Just want the whole terrain done…
The upper part is almost done; I have been placing trees, rocks, grass, textures and even height differences to […]

Week 5
Week 5
Late post this week.. Last week’s feedback session gave us some things to think about although we already knew most of the things we heard from the playtesters.
This week has been spent on iterating my assets, changing the models and textures aswell as optimizing the normalmaps on the rock and trees. On the previous version we had 2 different Spruce models which I stuck into the ground to make them in different sizes on the terrain. Unfortunately placing assets […]

Week 5
Week 5
Late post this week.. Last week’s feedback session gave us some things to think about although we already knew most of the things we heard from the playtesters.
This week has been spent on iterating my assets, changing the models and textures aswell as optimizing the normalmaps on the rock and trees. On the previous version we had 2 different Spruce models which I stuck into the ground to make them in different sizes on the terrain. Unfortunately placing assets […]

Week 5
Week 5
Late post this week.. Last week’s feedback session gave us some things to think about although we already knew most of the things we heard from the playtesters.
This week has been spent on iterating my assets, changing the models and textures aswell as optimizing the normalmaps on the rock and trees. On the previous version we had 2 different Spruce models which I stuck into the ground to make them in different sizes on the terrain. Unfortunately placing assets […]

Week 5
Week 5
Late post this week.. Last week’s feedback session gave us some things to think about although we already knew most of the things we heard from the playtesters.
This week has been spent on iterating my assets, changing the models and textures aswell as optimizing the normalmaps on the rock and trees. On the previous version we had 2 different Spruce models which I stuck into the ground to make them in different sizes on the terrain. Unfortunately placing assets […]

Week 4
We’re had quality time with our 3D mentors and they came with a lot of feedback
Change environment to more Swedish woods (required research)
More vegetation
Specific vegetation for just that area
Various areas of forest
I’ve done some iteration on the trees. Going for even more low poly so I can use them in different ways like putting them into the ground or rotating them to get more variety without making several models.
I’m also thinking about removing a lot of the mountains in the […]

Week 4
We’re had quality time with our 3D mentors and they came with a lot of feedback
Change environment to more Swedish woods (required research)
More vegetation
Specific vegetation for just that area
Various areas of forest
I’ve done some iteration on the trees. Going for even more low poly so I can use them in different ways like putting them into the ground or rotating them to get more variety without making several models.
I’m also thinking about removing a lot of the mountains in the […]

Week 4
We’re had quality time with our 3D mentors and they came with a lot of feedback
Change environment to more Swedish woods (required research)
More vegetation
Specific vegetation for just that area
Various areas of forest
I’ve done some iteration on the trees. Going for even more low poly so I can use them in different ways like putting them into the ground or rotating them to get more variety without making several models.
I’m also thinking about removing a lot of the mountains in the […]

Week 4
We’re had quality time with our 3D mentors and they came with a lot of feedback
Change environment to more Swedish woods (required research)
More vegetation
Specific vegetation for just that area
Various areas of forest
I’ve done some iteration on the trees. Going for even more low poly so I can use them in different ways like putting them into the ground or rotating them to get more variety without making several models.
I’m also thinking about removing a lot of the mountains in the […]

Ready for Alpha – Week 3
The Alpha is ready to go, we’re implemented the key features for the tutorial at the beginning of the game.
The main assignment I’ve had this week was to fill the terrain with vegetation, placing trees, rocks, blueberry bushes, mushrooms, grass and initial textures.
It has been a diffucult job, although I didn’t think through where to put every asset because it is the alpha. I will.. later in the process place the environment assets more thought out across the terrain, thinking […]

Ready for Alpha – Week 3
The Alpha is ready to go, we’re implemented the key features for the tutorial at the beginning of the game.
The main assignment I’ve had this week was to fill the terrain with vegetation, placing trees, rocks, blueberry bushes, mushrooms, grass and initial textures.
It has been a diffucult job, although I didn’t think through where to put every asset because it is the alpha. I will.. later in the process place the environment assets more thought out across the terrain, thinking […]

Ready for Alpha – Week 3
The Alpha is ready to go, we’re implemented the key features for the tutorial at the beginning of the game.
The main assignment I’ve had this week was to fill the terrain with vegetation, placing trees, rocks, blueberry bushes, mushrooms, grass and initial textures.
It has been a diffucult job, although I didn’t think through where to put every asset because it is the alpha. I will.. later in the process place the environment assets more thought out across the terrain, thinking […]

Ready for Alpha – Week 3
The Alpha is ready to go, we’re implemented the key features for the tutorial at the beginning of the game.
The main assignment I’ve had this week was to fill the terrain with vegetation, placing trees, rocks, blueberry bushes, mushrooms, grass and initial textures.
It has been a diffucult job, although I didn’t think through where to put every asset because it is the alpha. I will.. later in the process place the environment assets more thought out across the terrain, thinking […]

BeTheBear =D
Day 1: First week done and we’ve come so far already. Since I’ve finished a lot of my environment models already I got assigned to model and texture the fish we’re going to have. I was given a half done model and changed it a bit. I put it into zbrush and sculpted on it, made some fish scales with alpha brushes. I used planes with texture on as fens, for some reason the planes become transparent in Maya and […]

BeTheBear =D
Day 1: First week done and we’ve come so far already. Since I’ve finished a lot of my environment models already I got assigned to model and texture the fish we’re going to have. I was given a half done model and changed it a bit. I put it into zbrush and sculpted on it, made some fish scales with alpha brushes. I used planes with texture on as fens, for some reason the planes become transparent in Maya and […]

BeTheBear =D
Day 1: First week done and we’ve come so far already. Since I’ve finished a lot of my environment models already I got assigned to model and texture the fish we’re going to have. I was given a half done model and changed it a bit. I put it into zbrush and sculpted on it, made some fish scales with alpha brushes. I used planes with texture on as fens, for some reason the planes become transparent in Maya and […]

BeTheBear =D
Day 1: First week done and we’ve come so far already. Since I’ve finished a lot of my environment models already I got assigned to model and texture the fish we’re going to have. I was given a half done model and changed it a bit. I put it into zbrush and sculpted on it, made some fish scales with alpha brushes. I used planes with texture on as fens, for some reason the planes become transparent in Maya and […]