Author Archives: Oskar Lidh Frykmark

Board Game Analysis – A Game of Thrones: The Board Game
We’ve been tasked to analyze a board game of our choice. The assignment requires us to look at the core systems (objects, behaviors, relations etc.) that drives the game and the correlation between these systems.
– A Game of Thrones: The Board Game
A Game of Thrones is a board game for 3 – 6 players (preferably 6 players). Each player is assigned a House (A Team if you will), that dictates their starting position and their strategical approach. The game […]

Board Game Analysis – A Game of Thrones: The Board Game
We’ve been tasked to analyze a board game of our choice. The assignment requires us to look at the core systems (objects, behaviors, relations etc.) that drives the game and the correlation between these systems.
– A Game of Thrones: The Board Game
A Game of Thrones is a board game for 3 – 6 players (preferably 6 players). Each player is assigned a House (A Team if you will), that dictates their starting position and their strategical approach. The game […]

Board Game Analysis – A Game of Thrones: The Board Game
We’ve been tasked to analyze a board game of our choice. The assignment requires us to look at the core systems (objects, behaviors, relations etc.) that drives the game and the correlation between these systems.
– A Game of Thrones: The Board Game
A Game of Thrones is a board game for 3 – 6 players (preferably 6 players). Each player is assigned a House (A Team if you will), that dictates their starting position and their strategical approach. The game […]

Board Game Analysis – A Game of Thrones: The Board Game
We’ve been tasked to analyze a board game of our choice. The assignment requires us to look at the core systems (objects, behaviors, relations etc.) that drives the game and the correlation between these systems.
– A Game of Thrones: The Board Game
A Game of Thrones is a board game for 3 – 6 players (preferably 6 players). Each player is assigned a House (A Team if you will), that dictates their starting position and their strategical approach. The game […]

Project Totem Update #2
Totemic Banner by Camilla Jacobsen
Hi again!
The project is finally entering full production as off today. We’ll be having a stand-up scrum meeting, detailing the plan for our alpha build. The group has been working on defining content, building frame-works for said content and creating place-holder (first drafts) animations and graphics.
As we’re entering production, we’ve got our focus set on making sure that the Alpha covers our core-mechanics, level-structure and most importantly, seeing as how we’re creating a theme park […]

Project Totem Update #2
Totemic Banner by Camilla Jacobsen
Hi again!
The project is finally entering full production as off today. We’ll be having a stand-up scrum meeting, detailing the plan for our alpha build. The group has been working on defining content, building frame-works for said content and creating place-holder (first drafts) animations and graphics.
As we’re entering production, we’ve got our focus set on making sure that the Alpha covers our core-mechanics, level-structure and most importantly, seeing as how we’re creating a theme park […]

Project Totem Update #2
Totemic Banner by Camilla Jacobsen
Hi again!
The project is finally entering full production as off today. We’ll be having a stand-up scrum meeting, detailing the plan for our alpha build. The group has been working on defining content, building frame-works for said content and creating place-holder (first drafts) animations and graphics.
As we’re entering production, we’ve got our focus set on making sure that the Alpha covers our core-mechanics, level-structure and most importantly, seeing as how we’re creating a theme park […]

Project Totem Update #2
Totemic Banner by Camilla Jacobsen
Hi again!
The project is finally entering full production as off today. We’ll be having a stand-up scrum meeting, detailing the plan for our alpha build. The group has been working on defining content, building frame-works for said content and creating place-holder (first drafts) animations and graphics.
As we’re entering production, we’ve got our focus set on making sure that the Alpha covers our core-mechanics, level-structure and most importantly, seeing as how we’re creating a theme park […]

Project “Totemic”
Concept art by Nils Wennergren
Theme Park
We’ve been tasked with creating a Game for a course called Theme Park. This involves building a game cabinet and then design original and interesting controls for said cabinet. The games we’ll be creating during this course will be presented at the GGC (Gotland Game Conferance) in Visby, Sweden. Croikey!
Totemic – Our Game
Alright, so we got together, and managed to salvage three people from the last group, Myself (The lead designer), Camilla Jacobsen (The […]

Project “Totemic”
Concept art by Nils Wennergren
Theme Park
We’ve been tasked with creating a Game for a course called Theme Park. This involves building a game cabinet and then design original and interesting controls for said cabinet. The games we’ll be creating during this course will be presented at the GGC (Gotland Game Conferance) in Visby, Sweden. Croikey!
Totemic – Our Game
Alright, so we got together, and managed to salvage three people from the last group, Myself (The lead designer), Camilla Jacobsen (The […]

Project “Totemic”
Concept art by Nils Wennergren
Theme Park
We’ve been tasked with creating a Game for a course called Theme Park. This involves building a game cabinet and then design original and interesting controls for said cabinet. The games we’ll be creating during this course will be presented at the GGC (Gotland Game Conferance) in Visby, Sweden. Croikey!
Totemic – Our Game
Alright, so we got together, and managed to salvage three people from the last group, Myself (The lead designer), Camilla Jacobsen (The […]

Project “Totemic”
Concept art by Nils Wennergren
Theme Park
We’ve been tasked with creating a Game for a course called Theme Park. This involves building a game cabinet and then design original and interesting controls for said cabinet. The games we’ll be creating during this course will be presented at the GGC (Gotland Game Conferance) in Visby, Sweden. Croikey!
Totemic – Our Game
Alright, so we got together, and managed to salvage three people from the last group, Myself (The lead designer), Camilla Jacobsen (The […]

Terminal Post-Mortem
Post Mortem – Terminal Game
The Game can be downloaded HERE! (If it doesn’t work, you might need to download x86 vcredist which can be found HERE!)
I’ll start off by saying that I’m extremely satisfied with our final product – especially seeing as this is our first project ever.
I strongly believe that the group managed to consistently work towards a combined goal. The game had a healthy rate of progress throughout the entire project and the aesthetics, mechanics and dynamics […]

Terminal Post-Mortem
Post Mortem – Terminal Game
The Game can be downloaded HERE! (If it doesn’t work, you might need to download x86 vcredist which can be found HERE!)
I’ll start off by saying that I’m extremely satisfied with our final product – especially seeing as this is our first project ever.
I strongly believe that the group managed to consistently work towards a combined goal. The game had a healthy rate of progress throughout the entire project and the aesthetics, mechanics and dynamics […]

Terminal Post-Mortem
Post Mortem – Terminal Game
The Game can be downloaded HERE! (If it doesn’t work, you might need to download x86 vcredist which can be found HERE!)
I’ll start off by saying that I’m extremely satisfied with our final product – especially seeing as this is our first project ever.
I strongly believe that the group managed to consistently work towards a combined goal. The game had a healthy rate of progress throughout the entire project and the aesthetics, mechanics and dynamics […]

Terminal Post-Mortem
Post Mortem – Terminal Game
The Game can be downloaded HERE! (If it doesn’t work, you might need to download x86 vcredist which can be found HERE!)
I’ll start off by saying that I’m extremely satisfied with our final product – especially seeing as this is our first project ever.
I strongly believe that the group managed to consistently work towards a combined goal. The game had a healthy rate of progress throughout the entire project and the aesthetics, mechanics and dynamics […]

Post-Beta – Terminal Game
This Week
This week has been all about polishing, balancing, play-testing and implementing the last promised features of our game. The game is shaping up to be exactly what we set out to do, which gives me that fuzzy feeling of accomplishment, and pride for my group’s accomplishments as well.
The group has been hard at work finishing up the small projects (such as GUI graphics, additional content of the level and graphical errors) that was put on hold in favor of […]

Post-Beta – Terminal Game
This Week
This week has been all about polishing, balancing, play-testing and implementing the last promised features of our game. The game is shaping up to be exactly what we set out to do, which gives me that fuzzy feeling of accomplishment, and pride for my group’s accomplishments as well.
The group has been hard at work finishing up the small projects (such as GUI graphics, additional content of the level and graphical errors) that was put on hold in favor of […]

Post-Beta – Terminal Game
This Week
This week has been all about polishing, balancing, play-testing and implementing the last promised features of our game. The game is shaping up to be exactly what we set out to do, which gives me that fuzzy feeling of accomplishment, and pride for my group’s accomplishments as well.
The group has been hard at work finishing up the small projects (such as GUI graphics, additional content of the level and graphical errors) that was put on hold in favor of […]

Post-Beta – Terminal Game
This Week
This week has been all about polishing, balancing, play-testing and implementing the last promised features of our game. The game is shaping up to be exactly what we set out to do, which gives me that fuzzy feeling of accomplishment, and pride for my group’s accomplishments as well.
The group has been hard at work finishing up the small projects (such as GUI graphics, additional content of the level and graphical errors) that was put on hold in favor of […]

Music, Game Balancing and Game Design
This Week
The week started of with a Play Testing session, which gave us invaluable information. Since last time Play testing session, we had a couple of points we wanted to show off to the testers, and match their reactions to.
The following points were our most important points we wanted the player to concentrate on:
– Movement
– Colour Scheme
– Sound “Ripples”
– Music
The answers were mixed, but the most interesting feedback (that we actually knew was going to come, as we’ve discussed it […]

Music, Game Balancing and Game Design
This Week
The week started of with a Play Testing session, which gave us invaluable information. Since last time Play testing session, we had a couple of points we wanted to show off to the testers, and match their reactions to.
The following points were our most important points we wanted the player to concentrate on:
– Movement
– Colour Scheme
– Sound “Ripples”
– Music
The answers were mixed, but the most interesting feedback (that we actually knew was going to come, as we’ve discussed it […]

Music, Game Balancing and Game Design
This Week
The week started of with a Play Testing session, which gave us invaluable information. Since our last Play testing session, we had a couple of points we wanted to show off to the testers, in order for us to get valuable feedback.
The following points were the most important points we wanted the player to concentrate on:
– Movement
– Colour Scheme
– Sound “Ripples”
– Music
The answers were mixed, but the most interesting feedback (that we actually knew was going to come, as […]

Music, Game Balancing and Game Design
This Week
The week started of with a Play Testing session, which gave us invaluable information. Since our last Play testing session, we had a couple of points we wanted to show off to the testers, in order for us to get valuable feedback.
The following points were the most important points we wanted the player to concentrate on:
– Movement
– Colour Scheme
– Sound “Ripples”
– Music
The answers were mixed, but the most interesting feedback (that we actually knew was going to come, as […]