Author Archives: Ludwig Lindstål
Game design in practise – MVP
So as I’ve told you I’m going to make this figurine table top board game called Worlds at War. This post is about what the product itself will include when shipped in minimum product development state, but also what I would like it to be, and what we plan for the future.
This is the minimum requirements to have a playable game that we must develop. We will reach further than this, but this is the absolute minimum state of Worlds […]
Game design in practise – MVP
So as I’ve told you I’m going to make this figurine table top board game called Worlds at War. This post is about what the product itself will include when shipped in minimum product development state, but also what I would like it to be, and what we plan for the future.
This is the minimum requirements to have a playable game that we must develop. We will reach further than this, but this is the absolute minimum state of Worlds […]

Game Design in practise
Hi everyone!!
The course ”Game Design in practise” has just started. For this course we (the students) will be looking a lot more at marketing, finding a target audience and entrepreneurship. Most student groups will continue doing their BGP games that we did for GGC last spring. For BGP me and a friend had a concept of a board game that
we wanted to do, but in the end we chose to do different projects for that course.
So I thought “why […]

Game Design in practise
Hi everyone!!
The course ”Game Design in practise” has just started. For this course we (the students) will be looking a lot more at marketing, finding a target audience and entrepreneurship. Most student groups will continue doing their BGP games that we did for GGC last spring. For BGP me and a friend had a concept of a board game that
we wanted to do, but in the end we chose to do different projects for that course.
So I thought “why […]

BGP – Asset Making
This week has been about filling out the world with 3D graphical assets, maing the game feeling more complete in for GGC. The assets do all follow the Style Guide made by Valdemar, our lead artist. Assets were made in two groups; assets on track and assets off track.
So, first off I will show the on track assets:
Boosters gives the player more speed, and will be placed on the track with a type of hologram that the player […]

BGP – Asset Making
This week has been about filling out the world with 3D graphical assets, maing the game feeling more complete in for GGC. The assets do all follow the Style Guide made by Valdemar, our lead artist. Assets were made in two groups; assets on track and assets off track.
So, first off I will show the on track assets:
Boosters gives the player more speed, and will be placed on the track with a type of hologram that the player […]

BGP – Screen shots & Logo
As this Friday was deadline for several things such as the logo and screenshots etc. this is mostly what I have done this week including some different textures for the cars.
First I want to show you our screenshots from our last build:
These screenshots clearly shows out main key feature the dual track system with to parallel tracks which you can switch between at a single button press. The track is going to be […]

BGP – Screen shots & Logo
As this Friday was deadline for several things such as the logo and screenshots etc. this is mostly what I have done this week including some different textures for the cars.
First I want to show you our screenshots from our last build:
These screenshots clearly shows out main key feature the dual track system with to parallel tracks which you can switch between at a single button press. The track is going to be […]

BGP – Low-Poly, Baking and Textures
This week has been about low poly modelling, baking and texturing the first vehicle. And this is the final result! Weho!
These screenshots are taken in our Unity project, whit shaders done by our technical artist Valdemar. So this is basically how the car will look later on in the game. I might do some small changes on the textures or other small things but it is practically done. Making it took a little bit too […]

BGP – Low-Poly, Baking and Textures
This week has been about low poly modelling, baking and texturing the first vehicle. And this is the final result! Weho!
These screenshots are taken in our Unity project, whit shaders done by our technical artist Valdemar. So this is basically how the car will look later on in the game. I might do some small changes on the textures or other small things but it is practically done. Making it took a little bit too […]

BGP – High Poly Vehicle
Hello out there!!
First off, our game have changed name from Gravity Grind to TwinShift (due to many reasons).
Second off, I want to just tell you my roles for this BGP course and mainly for the GGC, which are Lead Sound Designer, 3D and 2D Graphical Artist, and PR-responsible, so that you now know what you can expect me to blog about from this project.
So, onwards to what I have done for the project this week.
This is my high-poly of […]

BGP – High Poly Vehicle
Hello out there!!
First off, our game have changed name from Gravity Grind to TwinShift (due to many reasons).
Second off, I want to just tell you my roles for this BGP course and mainly for the GGC, which are Lead Sound Designer, 3D and 2D Graphical Artist, and PR-responsible, so that you now know what you can expect me to blog about from this project.
So, onwards to what I have done for the project this week.
This is my high-poly of […]

Big Game Project – Gravity Grind – Sound and Music
The 10 week course “Big Game Project” has just started. For this course I am going to write a post mortem on either design or graphics. In this course I am also going to spend 8 weeks making a game. I’m in a group called “Team GG” (group 7) and we will make a fast post-apocalyptic racing game with a core system of dual-track called Gravity Grind.
Here is a link to the wiki and the concept document.
Quick mockup
In […]

Big Game Project – Gravity Grind – Sound and Music
The 10 week course “Big Game Project” has just started. For this course I am going to write a post mortem on either design or graphics. In this course I am also going to spend 8 weeks making a game. I’m in a group called “Team GG” (group 7) and we will make a fast post-apocalyptic racing game with a core system of dual-track called Gravity Grind.
Here is a link to the wiki and the concept document.
Quick mockup
In […]

3D Week 07 – Visual update: Assignment 3
This is just a really quick visual update post on the assignment 3 showing my work in progress of the base mesh and the edge flow. At this point I have really sticked to the original concept when modelling, but as I have some troubles with the turnaround I received from Seamus I will do some remodelling, mostly on the sillhouette to get a more appealing resoult. I will also redo some of the topology so it will become a […]

3D Week 07 – Visual update: Assignment 3
This is just a really quick visual update post on the assignment 3 showing my work in progress of the base mesh and the edge flow. At this point I have really sticked to the original concept when modelling, but as I have some troubles with the turnaround I received from Seamus I will do some remodelling, mostly on the sillhouette to get a more appealing resoult. I will also redo some of the topology so it will become a […]

3D Week 09 – Assignment 3: part 4
This is the final update on the final assignment of the 3D1 course. I’m really pleased with how it turned out, and by comparing this with my first assignment (the sci-fi crate) I can tell that I have really learnt a few tricks. The modelling is so much faster and the final mesh is much more optimized. The texture is more appealing (and more fun to create) as it is hand drawn instead of using photos from the internet.
Well, here […]

3D Week 09 – Assignment 3: part 4
This is the final update on the final assignment of the 3D1 course. I’m really pleased with how it turned out, and by comparing this with my first assignment (the sci-fi crate) I can tell that I have really learnt a few tricks. The modelling is so much faster and the final mesh is much more optimized. The texture is more appealing (and more fun to create) as it is hand drawn instead of using photos from the internet.
Well, here […]

3D Week 09 – Assignment 3: part 4
This is the final update on the final assignment of the 3D1 course. I’m really pleased with how it turned out, and by comparing this with my first assignment (the sci-fi crate) I can tell that I have really learnt a few tricks. The modelling is so much faster and the final mesh is much more optimized. The texture is more appealing (and more fun to create) as it is hand drawn instead of using photos from the internet.
Well, here […]

3D Week 09 – Assignment 3: part 4
This is the final update on the final assignment of the 3D1 course. I’m really pleased with how it turned out, and by comparing this with my first assignment (the sci-fi crate) I can tell that I have really learnt a few tricks. The modelling is so much faster and the final mesh is much more optimized. The texture is more appealing (and more fun to create) as it is hand drawn instead of using photos from the internet.
Well, here […]

3D Week 09 – Assignment 3: part 4
This is the final update on the final assignment of the 3D1 course. I’m really pleased with how it turned out, and by comparing this with my first assignment (the sci-fi crate) I can tell that I have really learnt a few tricks. The modelling is so much faster and the final mesh is much more optimized. The texture is more appealing (and more fun to create) as it is hand drawn instead of using photos from the internet.
Well, here […]

3D Week 09 – Assignment 3: part 4
This is the final update on the final assignment of the 3D1 course. I’m really pleased with how it turned out, and by comparing this with my first assignment (the sci-fi crate) I can tell that I have really learnt a few tricks. The modelling is so much faster and the final mesh is much more optimized. The texture is more appealing (and more fun to create) as it is hand drawn instead of using photos from the internet.
Well, here […]

3D Week 08 – Assignment 03: part 3
Hello there!
This post is just a visual update on the Assignment 3.
Here is how the final body mesh looks:
And some details:
Here is how far from the concept silhouette I have modelled. Notice that the front pose concept art is not symmetrical and therefor the differ on the left side:
And last a comparison side by side with the turn around:
As you can see I have tried to stay as much as I can to the original silhouette, […]

3D Week 08 – Assignment 03: part 3
Hello there!
This post is just a visual update on the Assignment 3.
Here is how the final body mesh looks:
And some details:
Here is how far from the concept silhouette I have modelled. Notice that the front pose concept art is not symmetrical and therefor the differ on the left side:
And last a comparison side by side with the turn around:
As you can see I have tried to stay as much as I can to the original silhouette, […]