Author Archives: Linus Augustsson
GGC – Big Game Project
This week a rushed to get a stable version of the digital game, which we showed during Gotland Game Conference (GGC). Even though I did as much as I could without crashing, the build still had some bugs during GGC which I had to fix each day after GGC. One of the changes we did the day before GGC was that instead of having a server computer, the server computer could act as a player. That way we didn’t extra […]
GGC – Big Game Project
This week a rushed to get a stable version of the digital game, which we showed during Gotland Game Conference (GGC). Even though I did as much as I could without crashing, the build still had some bugs during GGC which I had to fix each day after GGC. One of the changes we did the day before GGC was that instead of having a server computer, the server computer could act as a player. That way we didn’t extra […]
GGC – Big Game Project
This week a rushed to get a stable version of the digital game, which we showed during Gotland Game Conference (GGC). Even though I did as much as I could without crashing, the build still had some bugs during GGC which I had to fix each day after GGC. One of the changes we did the day before GGC was that instead of having a server computer, the server computer could act as a player. That way we didn’t extra […]
GGC – Big Game Project
This week a rushed to get a stable version of the digital game, which we showed during Gotland Game Conference (GGC). Even though I did as much as I could without crashing, the build still had some bugs during GGC which I had to fix each day after GGC. One of the changes we did the day before GGC was that instead of having a server computer, the server computer could act as a player. That way we didn’t extra […]
Beta and bugs – Big Game Project
This has been a long and hectic week as we have had to finish a beta build and work on the feedback we had gotten from that beta testing session. There has been a lot to fix as this was the first time other people got to test the game and we noticed a lot of bugs we hadn’t noticed before. Besides a lot of bug fixing, I have also started working on a rulebook for the table top version, […]
Beta and bugs – Big Game Project
This has been a long and hectic week as we have had to finish a beta build and work on the feedback we had gotten from that beta testing session. There has been a lot to fix as this was the first time other people got to test the game and we noticed a lot of bugs we hadn’t noticed before. Besides a lot of bug fixing, I have also started working on a rulebook for the table top version, […]
Beta and bugs – Big Game Project
This has been a long and hectic week as we have had to finish a beta build and work on the feedback we had gotten from that beta testing session. There has been a lot to fix as this was the first time other people got to test the game and we noticed a lot of bugs we hadn’t noticed before. Besides a lot of bug fixing, I have also started working on a rulebook for the table top version, […]
Beta and bugs – Big Game Project
This has been a long and hectic week as we have had to finish a beta build and work on the feedback we had gotten from that beta testing session. There has been a lot to fix as this was the first time other people got to test the game and we noticed a lot of bugs we hadn’t noticed before. Besides a lot of bug fixing, I have also started working on a rulebook for the table top version, […]
Cards – Big Game Project
For the majority of my time this week, I have been working on implementing a lot of different cards for the game and I made twelve cards in total. These are the cards people can buy for resources and then use to play them when they draw the cards. There are different cards in different categories. Some help you gain resources or cards; some help you manage your deck and some are used to sabotage your opponent in some way. […]
Cards – Big Game Project
For the majority of my time this week, I have been working on implementing a lot of different cards for the game and I made twelve cards in total. These are the cards people can buy for resources and then use to play them when they draw the cards. There are different cards in different categories. Some help you gain resources or cards; some help you manage your deck and some are used to sabotage your opponent in some way. […]
Cards – Big Game Project
For the majority of my time this week, I have been working on implementing a lot of different cards for the game and I made twelve cards in total. These are the cards people can buy for resources and then use to play them when they draw the cards. There are different cards in different categories. Some help you gain resources or cards; some help you manage your deck and some are used to sabotage your opponent in some way. […]
Cards – Big Game Project
For the majority of my time this week, I have been working on implementing a lot of different cards for the game and I made twelve cards in total. These are the cards people can buy for resources and then use to play them when they draw the cards. There are different cards in different categories. Some help you gain resources or cards; some help you manage your deck and some are used to sabotage your opponent in some way. […]
More Networking! – Big Game Project
So this week, I got a lot of work done. I had trouble with the networking part of our game last week, but after getting some tips on how I should go about solving it, I fixed what I worked on for half a week in just one day instead. There is now a Game object called controller which has a controller script attached to it that handles all the RPCs that are sent to the other players. Instead of […]
More Networking! – Big Game Project
So this week, I got a lot of work done. I had trouble with the networking part of our game last week, but after getting some tips on how I should go about solving it, I fixed what I worked on for half a week in just one day instead. There is now a Game object called controller which has a controller script attached to it that handles all the RPCs that are sent to the other players. Instead of […]
More Networking! – Big Game Project
So this week, I got a lot of work done. I had trouble with the networking part of our game last week, but after getting some tips on how I should go about solving it, I fixed what I worked on for half a week in just one day instead. There is now a Game object called controller which has a controller script attached to it that handles all the RPCs that are sent to the other players. Instead of […]
More Networking! – Big Game Project
So this week, I got a lot of work done. I had trouble with the networking part of our game last week, but after getting some tips on how I should go about solving it, I fixed what I worked on for half a week in just one day instead. There is now a Game object called controller which has a controller script attached to it that handles all the RPCs that are sent to the other players. Instead of […]
Multiplayer Gameplay – Big Game Project
I have been working on fixing basic multiplayer gameplay this week. What this means is that I wanted to make so two players can join a server, take turns to do actions, update each others hands and what they play. I had a lot of trouble getting the hand to update properly at first and the cards were stacking on top of one another and you had to drag them to fix it instead of it automatically sorting themselves. At […]
Multiplayer Gameplay – Big Game Project
I have been working on fixing basic multiplayer gameplay this week. What this means is that I wanted to make so two players can join a server, take turns to do actions, update each others hands and what they play. I had a lot of trouble getting the hand to update properly at first and the cards were stacking on top of one another and you had to drag them to fix it instead of it automatically sorting themselves. At […]
Multiplayer Gameplay – Big Game Project
I have been working on fixing basic multiplayer gameplay this week. What this means is that I wanted to make so two players can join a server, take turns to do actions, update each others hands and what they play. I had a lot of trouble getting the hand to update properly at first and the cards were stacking on top of one another and you had to drag them to fix it instead of it automatically sorting themselves. At […]
Multiplayer Gameplay – Big Game Project
I have been working on fixing basic multiplayer gameplay this week. What this means is that I wanted to make so two players can join a server, take turns to do actions, update each others hands and what they play. I had a lot of trouble getting the hand to update properly at first and the cards were stacking on top of one another and you had to drag them to fix it instead of it automatically sorting themselves. At […]
NGUI – Big Game Project
This week, I have spent some time cleaning up a lot of code to make it more readable for others and fixing a lot of bugs. In our card game there are three main piles where cards go trough each turn. The main deck, the hand and the discard pile. Players draw cards and put them in to their hands and then discards them by playing them and when the deck has no cards, the discard pile is shuffled in to the deck again. We had […]
NGUI – Big Game Project
This week, I have spent some time cleaning up a lot of code to make it more readable for others and fixing a lot of bugs. In our card game there are three main piles where cards go trough each turn. The main deck, the hand and the discard pile. Players draw cards and put them in to their hands and then discards them by playing them and when the deck has no cards, the discard pile is shuffled in to the deck again. We had […]
NGUI – Big Game Project
This week, I have spent some time cleaning up a lot of code to make it more readable for others and fixing a lot of bugs. In our card game there are three main piles where cards go trough each turn. The main deck, the hand and the discard pile. Players draw cards and put them in to their hands and then discards them by playing them and when the deck has no cards, the discard pile is shuffled in to the deck again. We had […]
NGUI – Big Game Project
This week, I have spent some time cleaning up a lot of code to make it more readable for others and fixing a lot of bugs. In our card game there are three main piles where cards go trough each turn. The main deck, the hand and the discard pile. Players draw cards and put them in to their hands and then discards them by playing them and when the deck has no cards, the discard pile is shuffled in to the deck again. We had […]