Author Archives: Evelina Venngren

Last Night on Earth the board game
Last Night on Earth the board game
Analysis Introduction
Me and my group chose to play and analyze the game Last Night on Earth, which is a zombie themed board game for two to six players. When playing this game there should be at least four human champions on the field against of the players who must play as the Zombie team and controlling several zombies. There are event cards that is drawn at the beginning of the game, deciding the goal […]

Last Night on Earth the board game
Last Night on Earth the board game
Analysis Introduction
Me and my group chose to play and analyze the game Last Night on Earth, which is a zombie themed board game for two to six players. When playing this game there should be at least four human champions on the field against of the players who must play as the Zombie team and controlling several zombies. There are event cards that is drawn at the beginning of the game, deciding the goal […]

Last Night on Earth the board game
Last Night on Earth the board game
Analysis Introduction
Me and my group chose to play and analyze the game Last Night on Earth, which is a zombie themed board game for two to six players. When playing this game there should be at least four human champions on the field against of the players who must play as the Zombie team and controlling several zombies. There are event cards that is drawn at the beginning of the game, deciding the goal […]

Last Night on Earth the board game
Last Night on Earth the board game
Analysis Introduction
Me and my group chose to play and analyze the game Last Night on Earth, which is a zombie themed board game for two to six players. When playing this game there should be at least four human champions on the field against of the players who must play as the Zombie team and controlling several zombies. There are event cards that is drawn at the beginning of the game, deciding the goal […]

Board Game Analysis – Game of Thrones
My group chose to play and analyze Game of Thrones: The board Game. It is a resource based strategy game for three to six players. You play as one of the six available houses and the goal is to conquer seven castles or to have conquered the most amounts of castles after ten rounds. You do this by managing resources, moving your units to new zones or attacking your enemy player’s zones. The game is about risk and reward since […]

Board Game Analysis – Game of Thrones
My group chose to play and analyze Game of Thrones: The board Game. It is a resource based strategy game for three to six players. You play as one of the six available houses and the goal is to conquer seven castles or to have conquered the most amounts of castles after ten rounds. You do this by managing resources, moving your units to new zones or attacking your enemy player’s zones. The game is about risk and reward since […]

Board Game Analysis – Game of Thrones
My group chose to play and analyze Game of Thrones: The board Game. It is a resource based strategy game for three to six players. You play as one of the six available houses and the goal is to conquer seven castles or to have conquered the most amounts of castles after ten rounds. You do this by managing resources, moving your units to new zones or attacking your enemy player’s zones. The game is about risk and reward since […]

Board Game Analysis – Game of Thrones
My group chose to play and analyze Game of Thrones: The board Game. It is a resource based strategy game for three to six players. You play as one of the six available houses and the goal is to conquer seven castles or to have conquered the most amounts of castles after ten rounds. You do this by managing resources, moving your units to new zones or attacking your enemy player’s zones. The game is about risk and reward since […]

2014-03-20 Sixth artifact
This week I have been continuing my work with the menues both graphically and codewise.
Our start menu that I drew all the sprites for, except the moon a bit to the left.
When it comes to the code I focused on the function that would switch from the Start menu to the How to play screen. In theory it would be really simple – when choosing How to play it would only replace the Startmenu-options sprite to the How to […]

2014-03-20 Sixth artifact
This week I have been continuing my work with the menues both graphically and codewise.
Our start menu that I drew all the sprites for, except the moon a bit to the left.
When it comes to the code I focused on the function that would switch from the Start menu to the How to play screen. In theory it would be really simple – when choosing How to play it would only replace the Startmenu-options sprite to the How to […]

2014-03-20 Sixth artifact
This week I have been continuing my work with the menues both graphically and codewise.
Our start menu that I drew all the sprites for, except the moon a bit to the left.
When it comes to the code I focused on the function that would switch from the Start menu to the How to play screen. In theory it would be really simple – when choosing How to play it would only replace the Startmenu-options sprite to the How to […]

2014-03-20 Sixth artifact
This week I have been continuing my work with the menues both graphically and codewise.
Our start menu that I drew all the sprites for, except the moon a bit to the left.
When it comes to the code I focused on the function that would switch from the Start menu to the How to play screen. In theory it would be really simple – when choosing How to play it would only replace the Startmenu-options sprite to the How to […]

2014-03-14 Fifth Artifact
Hi again
This week I have been focusing on two things, the first thing was to create the startmenu partly codewise and partly graphicwise (which have been really fun and exciting to me as a former art student), the second thing was not really planned but while working with the startmenu I noticed that it was time to re-scale everything to fullscreen. After talking with my group about it I was set on the task to do this, and it have […]

2014-03-14 Fifth Artifact
Hi again
This week I have been focusing on two things, the first thing was to create the startmenu partly codewise and partly graphicwise (which have been really fun and exciting to me as a former art student), the second thing was not really planned but while working with the startmenu I noticed that it was time to re-scale everything to fullscreen. After talking with my group about it I was set on the task to do this, and it have […]

2014-03-14 Fifth Artifact
Hi again
This week I have been focusing on two things, the first thing was to create the startmenu partly codewise and partly graphicwise (which have been really fun and exciting to me as a former art student), the second thing was not really planned but while working with the startmenu I noticed that it was time to re-scale everything to fullscreen. After talking with my group about it I was set on the task to do this, and it have […]

2014-03-14 Fifth Artifact
Hi again
This week I have been focusing on two things, the first thing was to create the startmenu partly codewise and partly graphicwise (which have been really fun and exciting to me as a former art student), the second thing was not really planned but while working with the startmenu I noticed that it was time to re-scale everything to fullscreen. After talking with my group about it I was set on the task to do this, and it have […]

2014-03-06 Fourth Artifact
This week I have been working on creating and implementing a working enemy movement pattern and a way for waves of enemies to spawn. I will try to do an explanation of how I created the enemy waves in this blog post.
I started off with creating a class called EnemyWaves. This class would keep track on the player movement distance and then alarm the enemies that they will spawn when the player had moved a certain distance. Therefore I included […]

2014-03-06 Fourth Artifact
This week I have been working on creating and implementing a working enemy movement pattern and a way for waves of enemies to spawn. I will try to do an explanation of how I created the enemy waves in this blog post.
I started off with creating a class called EnemyWaves. This class would keep track on the player movement distance and then alarm the enemies that they will spawn when the player had moved a certain distance. Therefore I included […]

2014-03-06 Fourth Artifact
This week I have been working on creating and implementing a working enemy movement pattern and a way for waves of enemies to spawn. I will try to do an explanation of how I created the enemy waves in this blog post.
I started off with creating a class called EnemyWaves. This class would keep track on the player movement distance and then alarm the enemies that they will spawn when the player had moved a certain distance. Therefore I included […]

2014-03-06 Fourth Artifact
This week I have been working on creating and implementing a working enemy movement pattern and a way for waves of enemies to spawn. I will try to do an explanation of how I created the enemy waves in this blog post.
I started off with creating a class called EnemyWaves. This class would keep track on the player movement distance and then alarm the enemies that they will spawn when the player had moved a certain distance. Therefore I included […]

2014-02-20 Second Artifact
Hello world!
These last days I’ve been working on creating enemies with movement patterns into the game. So far they have sprites and movement patterns in relationship to the player each one with similar codes except from the specific numbers which will be adjusted later in the main project (the actual game project).
This is what my code looks like “in-game” with the enemies standing on different range depending on what kind they are.
What function would the enemies contribute with to […]

2014-02-20 Second Artifact
Hello world!
These last days I’ve been working on creating enemies with movement patterns into the game. So far they have sprites and movement patterns in relationship to the player each one with similar codes except from the specific numbers which will be adjusted later in the main project (the actual game project).
This is what my code looks like “in-game” with the enemies standing on different range depending on what kind they are.
What function would the enemies contribute with to […]

2014-02-20 Second Artifact
Hello world!
These last days I’ve been working on creating enemies with movement patterns into the game. So far they have sprites and movement patterns in relationship to the player each one with similar codes except from the specific numbers which will be adjusted later in the main project (the actual game project).
This is what my code looks like “in-game” with the enemies standing on different range depending on what kind they are.
What function would the enemies contribute with to […]

2014-02-20 Second Artifact
Hello world!
These last days I’ve been working on creating enemies with movement patterns into the game. So far they have sprites and movement patterns in relationship to the player each one with similar codes except from the specific numbers which will be adjusted later in the main project (the actual game project).
This is what my code looks like “in-game” with the enemies standing on different range depending on what kind they are.
What function would the enemies contribute with to […]