Author Archives: Erik Nord

[5SD033] Plane AI, States and Behaviour
Above; flowchart describing briefly how the AI moves between states according to conditions.
This week has been dedicated to the planning and structuring of a simple AI and the various behaviours necessary to facilitate a basic enemy plane.
The underlying structure is a finite state machine, a set of coded behaviours that are switched when specified conditions are met.
The desired behaviour of the plane is based on the stealth elements of the game, requiring it to patrol certain routes until it finds […]

[5SD033] Plane AI, States and Behaviour
Above; flowchart describing briefly how the AI moves between states according to conditions.
This week has been dedicated to the planning and structuring of a simple AI and the various behaviours necessary to facilitate a basic enemy plane.
The underlying structure is a finite state machine, a set of coded behaviours that are switched when specified conditions are met.
The desired behaviour of the plane is based on the stealth elements of the game, requiring it to patrol certain routes until it finds […]