Author Archives: Erik Lindgren

This marks the end of my fist week with programming. Previous to this week I’ve programmed a bit in my spare time, but that was some years ago, and two years ago I took a class in Web development. This helped me get through this week without much problems, even though it took some time to get back into it, especially since I programmed in Visual basic then as opposed to C++ now.
This week we had introduction to programming, and […]

This marks the end of my fist week with programming. Previous to this week I’ve programmed a bit in my spare time, but that was some years ago, and two years ago I took a class in Web development. This helped me get through this week without much problems, even though it took some time to get back into it, especially since I programmed in Visual basic then as opposed to C++ now.
This week we had introduction to programming, and […]

This marks the end of my fist week with programming. Previous to this week I’ve programmed a bit in my spare time, but that was some years ago, and two years ago I took a class in Web development. This helped me get through this week without much problems, even though it took some time to get back into it, especially since I programmed in Visual basic then as opposed to C++ now.
This week we had introduction to programming, and […]

This marks the end of my fist week with programming. Previous to this week I’ve programmed a bit in my spare time, but that was some years ago, and two years ago I took a class in Web development. This helped me get through this week without much problems, even though it took some time to get back into it, especially since I programmed in Visual basic then as opposed to C++ now.
This week we had introduction to programming, and […]

Start of Concept Design Project!
We have revieved a task where we were divided up in groups of 6 and tasked with making a game concept from two key words given out at random. Our group recieved the words Jungle and Sponge.
Today was our first official meeting with the group. We had previously decided that for this meeting we were supposed to have thought out ideas for this game concept. I had the concept From Sponge thought out. It took initial inspiration from From Dust but ended […]

Start of Concept Design Project!
We have revieved a task where we were divided up in groups of 6 and tasked with making a game concept from two key words given out at random. Our group recieved the words Jungle and Sponge.
Today was our first official meeting with the group. We had previously decided that for this meeting we were supposed to have thought out ideas for this game concept. I had the concept From Sponge thought out. It took initial inspiration from From Dust but ended […]

Start of Concept Design Project!
We have revieved a task where we were divided up in groups of 6 and tasked with making a game concept from two key words given out at random. Our group recieved the words Jungle and Sponge.
Today was our first official meeting with the group. We had previously decided that for this meeting we were supposed to have thought out ideas for this game concept. I had the concept From Sponge thought out. It took initial inspiration from From Dust but ended […]

Start of Concept Design Project!
We have revieved a task where we were divided up in groups of 6 and tasked with making a game concept from two key words given out at random. Our group recieved the words Jungle and Sponge.
Today was our first official meeting with the group. We had previously decided that for this meeting we were supposed to have thought out ideas for this game concept. I had the concept From Sponge thought out. It took initial inspiration from From Dust but ended […]

Hello World!
This is the official start of my new blog!
My Name is Erik Lindgren, and right now I’m living in Visby studying Game Design and programming.
It’s the first time I’ve ever touched blogging, but I hope you readers have a nice time reading about some of the projects that I have comming in my education!

Hello World!
This is the official start of my new blog!
My Name is Erik Lindgren, and right now I’m living in Visby studying Game Design and programming.
It’s the first time I’ve ever touched blogging, but I hope you readers have a nice time reading about some of the projects that I have comming in my education!

Hello World!
This is the official start of my new blog!
My Name is Erik Lindgren, and right now I’m living in Visby studying Game Design and programming.
It’s the first time I’ve ever touched blogging, but I hope you readers have a nice time reading about some of the projects that I have comming in my education!

Hello World!
This is the official start of my new blog!
My Name is Erik Lindgren, and right now I’m living in Visby studying Game Design and programming.
It’s the first time I’ve ever touched blogging, but I hope you readers have a nice time reading about some of the projects that I have comming in my education!